Shat happened to "Show quoted box" in MeshLab? - box

I was trying to use Youtube tutorial
There is a place where "Show quoted box" is invoked but I don't see it in the 2016 version of MeshLab.
Is there a substitute?

Closest thing that I've found is
Render > Show Box Corners, it gives you some info, however can't seem to get the same measurements to show up as shown in the tutorial.


Is there a way to improve linting errors highlight in Visual Studio Code?

Currently eslint/tslint highlighting for issues/errors is super invisible (comparing, for example, to Atom). Its almost impossible to catch the issue - find the small green highlight zone (see screenshot)
Question is not relevant since June 2018 (VSCode now has awesome highlights)
Simple. I use 2 extensions for that:
Error Lens (usernamehw.errorlens) for highlight the entire line and show on real time the error diagnostic
Error Gutters (igorsbitnev.error-gutters) for put error icons next of line number
Both look like this:
For those who would like a partial solution for this you can actually open up the console in vscode on the PROBLEMS tab to display all errors on across your application grouped by file.
I would prefer the inline visualised approach, but this does resolve this problem more or less.
To open the PROBLEMS tab, click CMD+Shift+M on Mac.
Not sure about windows.

Drag selected text to move it?

Is it possible to drag selected text to move it? This is in almost every other editor (not to mention text input fields in browsers.) I was surprised not to find it in VS Code.
Here is a gif example.
This is now supported as of Feb 2017 release (1.10.1) but it is disabled by default.
To enable it: Go to File > Preferences > Settings and add this line "editor.dragAndDrop": true
Looks like it's not yet implemented, but there's an open issue about it.
If you want to help without diving into the internals, go 👍 the issue to add to its social signal.
I don't believe so. Their site says that it is keyboard-optimized and keyboard-centric, so their idea might be that you should highlight some text, cut it, and past it where you want it rather than dragging it.
I talk about this problem on Github Microsoft page and Microsoft engineers see this. I hope to solve it. (Please support by 👍 on this page.)

Where did psuedo elements in Chrome Inspector go?

I cannot seem to find the little dotted box in my Chrome properties inspector that let me see psuedo elements like :hover, :active, :focus, :visited
Here is a link to what I see:
Instead there is a new little animations icon there. Yay for that, it sounds handy, but I would like the dotted box back, please.
I can right click on an element and "Force element state" to change the psuedo class, but this method is slower. I like the old way.
I've been looking all over the place, for example this link shows the old way: See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools
I even looked in Chrome's change log and at their developer site instructions ( but no love!
Thanks guys,
for anyone else it appears that the middle icon in the image above, the pushpin icon, now replaces the dotted box. Pressing on the pushpin brings up the same controls as before.

Where's the Edit Points Bar?! [LibreOffice Calc]

I am trying to edit a curve. LibreOffice Calc help says I need the Edit Points Bar. It also says it will come up when I click "edit control points". It's a big fat lie. Where's my Edit Points Bar?!
unfortunately in Calc, the edit points bar is not functioning. It would be perfect, if you could put a comment in the related bug entry:
This would show that there are people who need that feature. Maybe this directs developers on that issue.

What is the correct terminology for this type of HTML vertical tag-pairing?

What is the correct terminology for this type of HTML vertical tag-pairing?
Also wondering whether it can be enabled in Aptana Studio 3?
Actually figured this one out myself, by accident - was researching another code editor called "Sublime Text" and read this article, which if you scroll down to the 6th section explains that the terminology for these vertical linkages is "Indent Guides." And also, it appears that this feature is not available for Aptana - too bad.