What is the correct terminology for this type of HTML vertical tag-pairing? - tags

What is the correct terminology for this type of HTML vertical tag-pairing?
Also wondering whether it can be enabled in Aptana Studio 3?

Actually figured this one out myself, by accident - was researching another code editor called "Sublime Text" and read this article, which if you scroll down to the 6th section explains that the terminology for these vertical linkages is "Indent Guides." And also, it appears that this feature is not available for Aptana - too bad.


Code overlay in Eclipse like in Sublime text editor [duplicate]

I wonder, if there is an Eclipse plugin for code birdview (preview, visualization, minimap, however it may be called)? I mean, when you see your code in a small preview window and may scroll using this window. Wait, I'll show you...
Like this. (See the column, where the white rectangle is).
Here is "Overview" plugin from a deleted by a mod answer that provides a minimap view.
(I don't see a reason for deletion, it's exactly what OP asked for).
I saw this question again today, and found someone working on such a plugin on github. I have no idea how far progressed this project is, but it may be worth checking out:
Hope this helps!
Minimap is now present in Eclipse starting version 4.9
Official link to the feature

Editing the font and style of the text in the instructions box in MIT Scratch project page

The problem: How do I change the font in the instruction text box in an MIT Scratch project page. For example: make a line of text standout in bold. I believe it maybe done through editing the html code that is behind the box as I found a read only editor button that displays the code for the box. Unlike say a cell in Ipython you cannot simply surround text with tags. It seems such a simple problem but I have not found the solution yet.
Sorry, you can't do it.
The only thing you can do is to search for special font-characters and paste them in the Instruction text-box
For a day or two fairly recently this was allowed from a bug, but that bug was fixed and it's now impossible.
It's possible to change the HTML code, but that changes would only seen by you, and nobody else. There isn't a way to do it.

Why does the Eclipse IDE horizontal scrollbar keep resetting back to the absolute left column

I have Eclipse 3.7.1 classic, with added Android plugin and HTML editor plugin.
If I have a long line of text in the HTML editor and scroll the horizontal scrollbar to where I want to be, when I place the cursor there and start to type, after a short pause it keeps resets the horizontal scrollbar to the far left. It doesn't do it all the time, but it is frequent enough to be annoying.
Why is Eclipse doing this, and how can I stop it?
Not really an answer but I have the same Problem since yesterday. I don't know the cause or any solution but ende up splitting all my lengthy strings using either "\" or "+". That "fixed" the problem and resulted and better readability of the code.
Good Day
In my case this started happening after installing the Coffee Bytes Java Folding extension/plugin, and eventually it just annoyed me so much I turned it off...and the scroll jumping stopped.
It was a shame because I wanted folding of 'Regions' like in .Net and that extension gave me that ability. I've not looked for an alternative yet, but anyway I'm rambling - see if you have this extension enabled under Preferences > Java > Editor > Folding.
When this happens to me, the problem is that I'm not steady enough in my line selection. So I'll briefly be selecting two lines of input. And when the other line of input is shorter or even empty, it resets to the rightmost edge of that line (which if empty is the far left). Being very careful when moving horizontally can work but is difficult to maintain. Perhaps turning down the mouse sensitivity would help.
Searching for "eclipse line wrap" found that Alt Shift Y turns line wrap on and off. There also seems to be a button on the toolbar. See Does Eclipse have line-wrap for more details.
As others have noted, changing so that the lines aren't wider than the window also fixes this. But when you're in a situation where someone else sets the line length, toggling line wrap can be a quick and easy solution to this problem.
This of course assumes that you are having the same problem as me and not something caused by a plugin or other issue.

Gigantic Tabs in Eclipse on Ubuntu

EDIT: For anyone coming to this question through searching, you can install a Gnome Theme called Clearlooks Compact to shorten your tabs in Eclipse. This will free up a lot of screen space. You can also check out the answer below to learn how to make the tabs more horizontally compact.
Short version: How do I make a short version of Eclipse's tabs & toolbars in Ubuntu?
I've been looking around for a fix to this on Google, but to no avail. With any GTK theme, I still have this same issue and it's very, very annoying--to the point where I've stopped using Eclipse in favor of gEdit. However, after running pylint from a terminal too. many. times. I've decided I need to find a solution to this issues with Eclipse so I can have PyDev back. Here's what the tabs look like:
alt text http://c0496682.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/big-tabs.png
As you can see, not only are the tabs exaggerated, but the toolbar is, too: so is the toolbar on the bottom; so are the tabs in the bottom pane. Overall, it's eating up a lot of screen space, which is a hard item to come by on a 17" screen. Any suggestions/fixes?
This can be solved changing your GTK settings;
gedit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Then add this;
style "gtkcompact" {
class "GtkWidget" style "gtkcompact"
borrowed from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1465712
In addition to #Varun Mehta answer, I recommend the following tips for Eclipse 4 (Juno), whose interface is partially dictated and configurable by CSS rules:
In YourEclipseDir/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.x.y.v2012zzzzzzzz/css, edit:
... and adjust those files. I use the following set of tweaks:
set all the margin-* and padding to 0
set swt-shadow-visible: false everywhere you find it, to get rid of those huge shadows
set .MPartStack {font-size} to something smaller than 12
Finally, remember you can disable the toolbar. In 4.0, its state wasn't remembered across sessions, but it seems like the issue is solved in 4.2.1
Bonus resources: Eclipse4/CSS will get you started on Eclipse4 CSS, E4/CSS/SWT Mapping lists other interesting CSS attributes, and CSS Spy will help you inspect the UI.
Screenshot of what I end up with:
EDIT: see also How to remove the close (×) button from Eclipse Juno tabs?
In Addition to Ronans answer, it is possible to change the height of the tabs directly in Eclipse Juno.
edit the css file of your current style (e.g. e4_default_gtk.css) and add
CTabFolder {
tab-height: 16px;
Note: CTabFolder ... not add this to CTabFolder Canvas!
I too have suffered from this quite a bit, before I found the solution by changing the general appearance of my IDE.
You can try and customize the look-and-feel or you Eclipse Environment from,
Go to : Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance.
try setting,
Current Presentation to " Default ".
Enable " Traditional Style Tabs " (for rectangular tabs.)
Disable Animation ( if you don't like swoosh effect.)
Note: the Default Eclipse 4 just got a bit better with bug 420238 closed:
[CSS] Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes
See Lars Vogel's article about it:
If you fire up the next Eclipse 4.4 milestone build, Eclipse uses much less whitespace and leaves more space for the important content.
(That would be 4.4 M5)
While this is on a technical level a trivial change, I hope that this will improve the initial perception people have in using Eclipse.
A big thanks to Daniel Rolka, Robin Stocker and Dani Megert for doing the majority of the work and a big thanks all involved parties in the Bug report to get this change accepted.
If you really want to make the tabs nice an' short, take a gander at Clearlooks Compact.
I preferred to just hit the whole IDE with a splash of "meh," so here's what I ended up with.

Eclipse (3.5) how to compare files horizontally?

Normally Eclipse 'File Compare' compares files in vertical panels like:
Is there a way I can compare them horizontally like:
Compare using Horizontal Panel http://www.sqlservertool.com/images/ad_hex_diff_small.gif
Its too tiring to scroll everytime to see what was changed!!
Looking at the code of org.eclipse.comparator.internal.CompareEditor (which is the name of the class of the editor illustrated in your question), I do not see any indication of a different "orientation" (horizontal layout vs. vertical layout)
So, no. I do not think the current implementation allows you to compare files with a different layout.
I'm afraid VonC is right that the current implementation doesn't support changing the layout, but there is a bug open for it so you can either provide a patch or ping guys from Eclipse Workspace Team (including me :) and ask them to fix it for you ;)
I guess Robert was referring to Select Next/Previous Change/Difference buttons (see section Toolbar in Eclipse Help).
If your problem is scrolling, use the toolbar buttons to navigate between changes.
One way to overcome your problem is to Maximize editor window during file compare, and then Restore it after compares are done. I wish Eclipse did it by default.
As to the question of orientation. I think it's more readable when you compare revisions side-by-side. That's probably why Eclipse authors did not give us an option of horizontal layout. What they could have given us were a line diff at the current cursor position.