Where did psuedo elements in Chrome Inspector go? - google-chrome-devtools

I cannot seem to find the little dotted box in my Chrome properties inspector that let me see psuedo elements like :hover, :active, :focus, :visited
Here is a link to what I see:
Instead there is a new little animations icon there. Yay for that, it sounds handy, but I would like the dotted box back, please.
I can right click on an element and "Force element state" to change the psuedo class, but this method is slower. I like the old way.
I've been looking all over the place, for example this link shows the old way: See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools
I even looked in Chrome's change log and at their developer site instructions (https://developer.chrome.com/devtools) but no love!
Thanks guys,

for anyone else it appears that the middle icon in the image above, the pushpin icon, now replaces the dotted box. Pressing on the pushpin brings up the same controls as before.


Object Browser / Class Browser for Visual Studio Code

I am just getting started with Visual Studio Code. I am really liking it better than the full Visual Studio, but I was wondering how to show the object browser?
Along the left icon bar where I would expect it to be, all I see is Explorer, Search, Source Control, Run, and Extensions. Then at the bottom are Accounts and Settings.
How do I show the object browser? Is there a setting somewhere, or do I need to install an extension, or what?
I found it.
Just in case anyone is as blind as I am and stumbles across this question:
Under the "Explorer" button on the left. Way down at the bottom there is an "OUTLINE" section. Twirl that open and there it is!
Because I could not find it using the explanation above, I found the Object Browser under the View menu, somewhere at the middle of the list.
Or...you can press CTRL+ALT+J
enter image description here

Guidelines / indentation lines in Google Chrome Dev Tools

Is it possible to have guidelines / indentation lines inside Google Chrome dev tools? Check attached photo.
I was looking for it for quite a long time and it's nothing there.
It would be very helpful in web development process.
I don't know of any way to display all the guidelines, but DevTools already does what you want to some extent:
Select the Elements tab.
Select and expand any element with a triangle and a vertical guideline will be displayed.
Hover over any subordinate element and a second fainter guideline will be displayed.
Here's a screen shot:
The guidelines aren't too obvious in that screen shot so I added two large red arrows to point to them, but they are easier to see on the actual screen.
I am not using any theme, so perhaps you can't see those two guidelines because of the dark theme you are using? If so, try using a different theme, or no theme at all.

How do i add an icon to my Unity Game

So I made a game on unity and i would like to add an icon to the game, so that a desktop icon in custom made. I tried looking it up in google, but i can't seem to find the answer, as all the answers that are given are for something else.
On player settings, check the inspector, one of those tabs says "Icon" check the " override for Standalone" and simply select the icon you want.
I'm kinda late but oh well. Found a helpful video on YouTube: Import the icon you want into the assets as a picture format (.jpg .png whatever etc) and when you go to build your game, click and drag the icon you imported over the box next to "Default icon". I did that with mine and it worked, no need to check "Override for standalone" (I don't even know what that does) Note: I did this on Unity 2020.1.0f1 Personal.
Sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcwxWWRPwLA

UE4 - How can I DOF-Blur the screen on pause?

That's what I'd like to know.
I don't understand the unreal engine scripting at all..
I know how to enable the blur manually, but how do I enable it on pause?
I have a Widget Blueprint with RESUME and EXIT buttons..
And when I open the menu, the background should be blurry.. now the menu is openable by pressing Tab(because in the editor ESC quits testing mode...)
So how do I make it blur on pause?
So I found the solution more than a week ago(I wasn't home) and I forgot to tell the answer to this question to all of you guys.
I made a few pictures telling you exactly what to do :).
Click the white arrow in the 'Make PostProcessSettings' to see all this options and check the 'Override Depth Of Field Method' checkbox.
Now find the 'Method' option and change it to Gaussian.
And you're done. You can see the results below this text.
In Menu[By pressing ESC(you need to connect it to a Key Event). Btw you can make that blue shade in the widget blueprint(it's an image component with a transparent color)]:
I hope I helped :).
Feel free to ask if you got any problems.

Using chrome for web development - how to dock the inspector?

I know Firebug is the standard, but I find myself using Chrome a lot (screen space, speed, etc.) Anyway, I think their inspector is pretty good, too. Certainly good enough that I don't want to fire up FF and navigate thru a site every time that I want to take a peak at the DOM.
However, probably the most annoying part is that I can't dock the Chrome inspector to the bottom of Chrome. I see that there's a dock button, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Any tips? suggestions? Is it supposed to do something else? Thanks.
There is now a button on chrome that allows you to dock the element inspector to the main browser window, just like firebug. It is located in the bottom left of the window and looks like a little rectangle with a smaller offset rectangle in it.
Seems to be something they're working on as we speak. So for now, I guess you'll just have to change the window size, to place the inspector underneath it, or whatever your preference is (except docking, of course)...
Ah .. found my answer here. Seems like it is dockable in Safari and not in Chrome, both based on webkit.
Seems like the proposed to solution is to remove the docking button! That's unfortunate. I won't use it if I have to constantly tab back and forth.