LinkedIn Jobs APIs details - linkedin-api

I represent an organization. we are building mobile app for students and would like to know if there is a way to integrate linked-in job postings to our APP. If any REST APIs exposed around that feature then would like to get more details about those APIs.
We are looking for following feature:
- Get the job posting from linked-in API.
- Search or Filter them.
- Provide an option to the user to apply for such posting.

LinkedIn has updated its API and I couldn't find any information related to getting LinkedIn Jobs in LinkedIn's new API. According to this Zapier post, Zapier is removing triggers related to New Jobs because of the API changes. In addition, Zapier removed all integrations related to creating, getting, or updating LinkedIn Jobs.
In other words, LinkedIn has removed the ability to get job postings from the LinkedIn Rest API.
I just finished up customizing a WordPress Plugin that currently gets LinkedIn Company Updates to now get LinkedIn Company job postings from the LinkedIn REST API.
The key API call for you to make would be the following:
IMPORTANT: Make sure to set the event-type parameter to job-posting when making your GET request.
There is more information on all of the parameters for this endpoint at


Connect App Flutter with API instagrame Publish comment

I have a question about connecting my app, made with Flutter, with the Instagram API.
I want the user to register with their account, store the access token and then send a post to the API to publish a comment or add a like.
Can I do this with Flutter or do I need to use a different language like Python?
I checked the API documentation that Instagram provides and it seems that you can only do read-only requests (liking a post might not be possible).
The API you mentioned in your tags will not work with personal accounts, as Instagram states:
The API cannot access Instagram consumer accounts (i.e., non-Business or non-Creator Instagram accounts). If you are building an app for consumer users, use the Instagram Basic Display API instead.
You can try to use the mentioned Basic Display API instead, but mind you won't be able to author any posts or do actions in behalf of the user. To circumvent this, you might have to reverse-engineer the frontend facing portion of Instagram but I won't go into that.
To come back to your question, Flutter is well able to send network requests as mentioned here, but you still have a long way until you have functioning access to Instagram (check the Getting Started).

Why does Twitter's API provide a way to programmatically create "Likes," if it goes against their Automation rules?

I was looking into using Twitter's official REST API for automatically liking specific posts that fit certain conditions.
I looked into the API reference to see if this was possible—and in fact, there is and endpoint for doing this:
"POST favorites/create" - API reference
However, looking at Twitter's policies—specifically "Automation rules", it would seem that automating this behavior is explicitly prohibited:
D. Automated actions you take on Tweets or accounts
Automated likes: You may not like Tweets in an automated manner.
This leads to my question: If automating likes in Twitter goes explicitly against the rules, why do they provide an endpoint for this behavior in their official API for developers?
I have written custom Twitter apps. If I want users of my app to be able to "Like" a tweet, I call the Twitter API function that allows me to do so.

How to get user data now with restrictions on instagram platform api?

There have been lots of changes to the facebook api recently, which now includes the instagram api as well.
They have shutdown a lot of endpoints way ahead of schedule and has created a huge problem for my application which integrates instagram user data. They have the instagram graph api now, but looks like it can be used only for business accounts (looked like that prima facie). Reading through the news past couple of days, I am really confused about what is available and what is not. My application used to get user data (number of followers, recent posts, reach, likes, etc) using the instagram handle provided by users. Since this is totally restricted on the platform api now, is there a way I can have the same functionality using the new graph api? Or should I look into 3rd party APIs? I am open to asking users for authentication (I already have the facility). Can the user information be fetched after they authenticate my app to do so?
You can use the following Graph API to get all the details for any IG business account.

How to make a Graph API post (Facebook check-in) using Ionic or Angular

I have successfully added Facebook login functionality to my Ionic 3 application following the Ionic docs and I can receive needed user profile data from Graph API.
Now I can't figure out how to add the check-in option.
Facebook Graph API docs say check-in is now only possible by POSTING the data with the user that has 'publish_actions' rights.
So something like this should work:
this.facebook.api("me/feed?place=123123123123", ["publish_actions"])
(where place is the Place ID of the page I want to check-in)
But it does not work because the api method only creates GET requests and there is no way to set the request method to POST
Also the cordova's Facebook plugin also doesn't seem like it supports posting to Graph API.
I can't find any examples of Ionic check-in code examples or any way of doing this.
Anyone have any experience with this?
I have all the data needed to make this Graph API request - User Id, required permissions and place Id.
Please ask if additional info is required.

How do I publish an activity on facebook using the Graph API

The old Facebook Legacy REST API had a function dashboard.publishActivity, however the new Graph API only allows messages to be posted on /me/feed.
Is there a way to send activities using the Graph API?
As mentioned in Facebook "have removed the section which displayed the News that developers published via the Dashboard APIs in the Games Dashboard". Therefore the dashboard.publishActivity function no longer provides any useful functionality. My recommendation is to switch to either using stream posts or to Requests 2.0, as these will provide the same sort of distribution that you're looking for.