Why does Twitter's API provide a way to programmatically create "Likes," if it goes against their Automation rules? - rest

I was looking into using Twitter's official REST API for automatically liking specific posts that fit certain conditions.
I looked into the API reference to see if this was possible—and in fact, there is and endpoint for doing this:
"POST favorites/create" - API reference
However, looking at Twitter's policies—specifically "Automation rules", it would seem that automating this behavior is explicitly prohibited:
D. Automated actions you take on Tweets or accounts
Automated likes: You may not like Tweets in an automated manner.
This leads to my question: If automating likes in Twitter goes explicitly against the rules, why do they provide an endpoint for this behavior in their official API for developers?

I have written custom Twitter apps. If I want users of my app to be able to "Like" a tweet, I call the Twitter API function that allows me to do so.


Instagram API deprecation 2020

I'm building an app that has the user log in through instagram, it then reads their feed and uses that information for the app. Instagram has a page that says their API's will be deprecated in 2020 but some things will still work. It's not straightforward as to what is being deprecated and what isn't, and I have not found any way to contact them directly. Does anyone know if the following URL will continue working, and if not if this type of app will even be viable in the future? Why is IG and Facebook becoming much more closed platforms to 3rd party integrations?
Deprecation notice:
The legacy Instagram API - https://www.instagram.com/developer/ will be deprecated in favor of Instagram Graph API provided by Facebook - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api
In order to use https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/self/media/recent/ this endpoint you need Basic permission. As documentation says, it will be deprecated in early 2020, which means that the legacy API will be most probably shut down, since there will be no more capabilities to request for.
You should most definitely start building your app with Graph API. Please keep in mind that it takes some time before you can go live with your app. It requires couple of things like Business Verification, review of requested permissions in App review and it can take some time to be able to go live.
Please keep in mind that the Graph API works only for Instagram Business type of accounts. You can't use it for regular accounts at the moment. It is not clear yet if it will be available for all accounts, but most probably it will be in the future. It was the same as with deprecating Public Content permission on Instagram legacy API. They added similar functionality in Graph API.
If you plan to support all users, you will also have to apply for Basic capability in legacy API. In other words, you need to support both Instagram API and Instagram Graph API if you plan to target all Instagram users, both regulars and Business profiles.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you can't really report bugs or get any help from legacy Instagram API. If you will find the bug you can't report it as they do not accept it due to deprecation.
So start building with Instagram Graph API, once you will be good to go, try to add Instagram legacy API support. If everything will be fine and Facebook will add support for legacy accounts, your Graph API should easily take over Instagram legacy API functionality.
Most probably the reason why they are tightening the integrations and makes it harder for the developers is user privacy. They do not want to have yet another incident like Cambridge Analytica for instance.
It does not make sense to build something with the old API, that old API URL will definitely stop working (with all the old api.instagram.com endpoints). There is a new API though: https://developers.facebook.com/products/instagram/

What choose Instagram Graph API or old API

I wonder if it is possible to use a new Instagram Graph API only for hobby purpose(small java application). The main aim is to process only user's data that is currently log in on instagram(not other's user data). Generally I'm a beginner on this field and I try to determine my chances for writing this kind of application, because I've read that sometimes it is hard to get permission to API from facebook, so maybe somebody know how it works in practice?
From what I can tell on the docs site, the Graph API is only used if you're making something for Business Accounts. The docs say that if making something for non-business users, to use the old API.
Reference here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api
I personaly suggest you to use new graph API, because older API support may be disabled in future and might be deprecated in future.
Moreover, Facebook does not give permission easily but you give proper & exact content if allows you and provide great support.

LinkedIn Jobs APIs details

I represent an organization. we are building mobile app for students and would like to know if there is a way to integrate linked-in job postings to our APP. If any REST APIs exposed around that feature then would like to get more details about those APIs.
We are looking for following feature:
- Get the job posting from linked-in API.
- Search or Filter them.
- Provide an option to the user to apply for such posting.
LinkedIn has updated its API and I couldn't find any information related to getting LinkedIn Jobs in LinkedIn's new API. According to this Zapier post, Zapier is removing triggers related to New Jobs because of the API changes. In addition, Zapier removed all integrations related to creating, getting, or updating LinkedIn Jobs.
In other words, LinkedIn has removed the ability to get job postings from the LinkedIn Rest API.
I just finished up customizing a WordPress Plugin that currently gets LinkedIn Company Updates to now get LinkedIn Company job postings from the LinkedIn REST API.
The key API call for you to make would be the following:
GET: https://api.linkedin.com/v1/companies/{id}/updates?format=json
IMPORTANT: Make sure to set the event-type parameter to job-posting when making your GET request.
There is more information on all of the parameters for this endpoint at https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/company-pages#company_profile.

Facebook public feed API

i'm working on project which mostly is a data-mining from social networks, so far, i've done twitter and it have really nice API, which allows me to pick an endpoint and recieve alredy filltered twits as streaming data. Now i'm working on a facebook, and there comes the question: with Graph API i would be able to get public feed of some definite page, but what if i would like to recieve posts from as many people as possible? Does Facebook Public Feed API works as Twitter's, and gives me data from as many sources as possible, or i missunderstood something?
Facebook has restricted public feed api usage and its now available only to handful no of teams: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/public_feed
Access to the Public Feed API is restricted to a limited set of media publishers and usage requires prior approval by Facebook. You cannot apply to use the API at this time.
You're look for the Facebook Search API. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/search/
You'll need an app with a token to access these. Some might need higher permissions though, but the generic one will work to search commons actions types (post, places, etc) who're publicly available on the platform.
You won't be able to search for private publications. Unless you search user who gave you direct permissions to read their timeline (one by one).

How do I publish an activity on facebook using the Graph API

The old Facebook Legacy REST API had a function dashboard.publishActivity, however the new Graph API only allows messages to be posted on /me/feed.
Is there a way to send activities using the Graph API?
As mentioned in http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/552/ Facebook "have removed the section which displayed the News that developers published via the Dashboard APIs in the Games Dashboard". Therefore the dashboard.publishActivity function no longer provides any useful functionality. My recommendation is to switch to either using stream posts or to Requests 2.0, as these will provide the same sort of distribution that you're looking for.