JSSOR - exporting code - jssor

I am using website builder for a site this week and you cant ftp anything when using that. I am doing a logo slider from JSSOR and I do not know which code export to use. I cant upload the images folder, I have to use a direct code link. Anybody know what option I need to use for exporting code?
Thank you!


Live manipulation to a Localhost Webpage or a Local Html File in Flutter

How can I show a HTML+CSS file in a Flutter widget, while being able to manipulate the HTML or CSS (in file) and viewing the changes live?
Manipulating HTML:
I could use JavaScript to manipulate the HTML DOM of a loaded webpage, probably through localhost? Is there a better way to do it instead?
Manipulating CSS:
Searching around the internet I find JavaScript like "dom.getElementById('something').style.color = color.red". Though, how could I go for loading css on every change of the css file, if possible?
I hope my question is not vague. Please let me know of any issues or suggestions on this question.
The app is meant for desktop installs, though I wouldn't mind switching to working with flutter-web if need be.
Kind regards.

Plone: TinyMCE upload files

I'm trying to find a solution for files uploading directly with TinyMCE. Imagine creating a list of pdf files by uploading them using a custom button.
Is there something already done I can use? collective.clipboardupload seems to be a solution only for images.
collective.quickupload serves us well for such purposes and has a very good UI.
You can add that gadget as a portlet and make it only visible in edit-mode via CSS.
In our case we assigned the portlet to a certain content-type ('Gallery') instead to a location.
MoxieManager may be what you're looking for. It's a premium plugin made by the same developers as TinyMCE itself.
Try to use reponsive file manager :

Creating a tutorial on a form or report

I want to create a tutorial inside a form showing how to use my database. I created it in PowerPoint and saved it as a PDF. I was wondering if it was possible to attach this PDF in my form. I also saved these slides as images on my computer, tried to attached them to a form and it exceeded 22 inches in lenght. is there any way around this any suggestions perhaps?
You could use javascript and other tools to show the pdf as a slideshow, I recommend that you use this tool its free and you can integrate your slides in a very easy way with javascript.

Upload images with tinyMce

I have this plugin advImage which I use in tinyMce. I want the user to be able to upload images from his own computer. However, the plugin only allows images which are on the server to be uploaded. How can I change this? If I choose an image from my desktop for uploading, the path is Content/documents/editorImages/myImage.jpg. How to change this?
This might be what you are looking for. Give it a try.
There exists a plugin named MCImageManager from the developers of tinymce, but this is not free.

Zend Image upload and generating thumbnails on fly

I am a php programmer, but new to zend framework.
I want to upload image, create medium and small(thubmnail) image on fly, I passed a couple of hours searching for a php library [ compatible with zend ] that can make my tasks easy. I dont want to write the code that already exists. thanks for any help.
I want also to know wether Zend_GData can be used to upload files to my server and not on google's. If tried that hack, please tell me how you did it.
any link, or suggestion is welcome. thanks and have a great day.
To upload I use:
To manipulate images (resize, crop, lots of stuff) I use GD wich is often installed with php.
I also use http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net/ and its real easy to use.
With all that you should be set.