Yahoo YQL returning empty results - yahoo-api

I have developed and tested with the this API last week. Today I am noticing I am not receiving any results even from the sample query.*
Anyone else experiencing this?

Unfortunately Yahoo! decided to discontinue their historical data API :-(
Taken from the yahoo finance forum:
Nixon (Official 'Hoo staff) posted:
Hi All - This feature was discontinued by the Finance team and they will not be reintroducing that functionality.


Facebook graph api doesn't return currency

I have problem getting user local currency and usd-exchange rate from facebook, so this one:
I'm trying to show my shop prices in local currency, just like fb shows prices in local currency in its own purchase dialog after facebook-purchase is launched.
I'm trying to get currency like this:,name,currency&access_token=...
(Actually using Unity and Facebook's Unity SDK to do this, but exactly same thing happens when using url above.)
That have definitely worked before. I've also tried api version 3.2. It returns id and name, but no currency info of any kind. But it doesn't give any error message either, as it does with invalid fields.
I really can't find any useful info or help to this. Does getting currency require special permissions these days? But I can't find anything currency related from FB dev console App Review / Permissions and Features either.
Answering to my own question. It just seems that currency info is no longer available.
Starting from January 8th (2019) that field is no longer available for any apps:
There's discussion about this issue here, without any solution so far (may require having FB developer account to access):
There are some workarounds to get user currency like:
New way to detect Facebook API user currency
But that doesn't give you exchange rate to USD, so that isn't too helpful showing prices in local currency before Facebook's own purchase dialog is displayed.
Very unfortunate. Still, if someone knows way to get local currency and exchange rate that will surely match exchange rates used by FB, please let me know.

Live API fails intermittently

I've been using the API to retreive user information for many months now. Today it is intermittently timing out. Who do I contact for support on this?[TOKEN]
it's part of the microsoft office 365 api, so the vendor is microsoft.
microsoft links to the tag for this api, so you should also add this tag to the question.
maybe you find help in the microsoft blog

How Do You Access Bank Deposits in the QuickBooks Online API?

I'm getting started with the QuickBooks Online API, and between the documentation and Intuit's API Explorer, I can't seem to figure out how to query for bank deposits. I thought it would be in journal entries, but it's not there. I'm looking for simple deposits that are categorized to an income account.
Deposits are not supported in QBO V3. I see you have already raised the query on our community.
While I can't pull down the link in Keith Palmer — Consolibyt's response to this related question (as I'm asked to login to something), it appears that v2 of the API didn't support them either, so it's not obvious that this feature is actually on the roadmap.
It's hard to believe there's really no way to access every type of transaction that can touch the GL, but I haven't seen any information to the contrary.

Foursquare Realtime API when someone checks into a venue

I multiple venues and I'd like to receive a push notification for when user(s) check-in. For example, the web site will display a message: "4 people checked-in to the LA Fitness". I'd like the results to be in realtime so the site will constantly be updating. I've looked at the Foursquare API and couldn't find anything realtime and updating.
Can this be done in PHP or nodeJS?
Yes, this is definitely possible. Foursquare released a Push API at their last hackathon (Edit: March, 2011). You may have to email the support team to get access, but they're very accommodating people and I'm sure they would love to hep you out.
Also, here is a link to an example consumer written in Python:
P.S. For anyone interested, here is the article on the hackathon and the Push API

Yahoo! Travel API

Is anyone using the Yahoo! Travel API? I'm trying to look through their documentation, however everything is leading to dead links ("Trip Search" and "Get Trip" links).
For those that are using it, do you happen to have examples or know where I could find documentation?
Yahoo! recently added a message to their site:
The Yahoo! Travel Trip Planner web
service is no longer supported.