Foursquare Realtime API when someone checks into a venue - real-time

I multiple venues and I'd like to receive a push notification for when user(s) check-in. For example, the web site will display a message: "4 people checked-in to the LA Fitness". I'd like the results to be in realtime so the site will constantly be updating. I've looked at the Foursquare API and couldn't find anything realtime and updating.
Can this be done in PHP or nodeJS?

Yes, this is definitely possible. Foursquare released a Push API at their last hackathon (Edit: March, 2011). You may have to email the support team to get access, but they're very accommodating people and I'm sure they would love to hep you out.
Also, here is a link to an example consumer written in Python:
P.S. For anyone interested, here is the article on the hackathon and the Push API


Finishing Whatsapp Business API Setup

I came from a similar state in this question.
My objective is to reply to interested customers via whatsapp messages. I'll use a very special setup, so I'll be using the API.
With not to pay anyone other than container hosts
Solution with custom API
Customer doesn't like any extra costs
Just like user noboundaries, I see the numbers, but I cant get the certificate
User Navjot Singh has explained I need to create a "business api account"
I tried just that, put out all my contacts and stuff, in this site.
They did respond yes, but only with pointless instructions, since I wish not to contract any messaging providers. I had taken a look at it, but they charge a very expensive price beyond the $0.005 whatsapp will charge. Also, the solution I'm creating requires messages to be sent programatically, and the partners don't seem to provide the correct solution.
So, I wish to skip into using the api. I followed the appropriate guides:
Getting started
Phone Number
I already got some things done:
two phone numbers (one of them for testing) with whatsapp business;
company has been verified, with domain
have business management account
local environment with docker
I can access the local environment and I have set an user account and the admin acount. I can log into those via the API, since postman can ignore certificates, but in order to proceed I really feel like I need that certificate.
So to sim up I guess I need help creating the whatsapp business account for my customer. Any advice?
Also i'd appreciate any other helpful insight or feedback. I really feel lost and I don't see a place where I can talk to people trying to do the same thing, or doing this is much of a madness after all?
thanks for getting to read until here, and I apologize for my non natural, almost broken English.
Hi I wanted to start big in stackOverflow but I fell flat.
About the subject at hand, westerday I dwelt deep into the rabbit hole.
For most companies, you actually are forced to work with a provider, such as twllio or messagebird. They act as intermediary between the facebook business and the whatsapp business api.
Some of they offer messaging separated from whatsapp api setup I still need to take a look into it, but for those who are trying to set up whatsapp business api on their one, it seems as of november 2020 it's not possible.
please check out:'s guide
blog post from PT-BR (google translate didn't like me trying to translate this to English)

How to get whole tems unreded notifications ( activity + chat, etc)

I'have search inside Microsoft documentation Graph API some method to get any kind of unread notifications from Teams product but I didn't see anything relevant that could I use through a REST API.
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
This badges numbers is what I want
Thanks in advance
IS really possible to get the unreaded notifications?
Of course, the answer is yes. Currently, there are not existing Team API for this, you need to do it by yourself, meanwhile submit an feature request in the UserVoice. A workaround for you: get the message/activity list first, and store the lastModifiedDateTime in your app cache, then use corresponding API to regular interaction with the server to see if any update is available.
The feed aggregates important content from the following:
Apps such as Files, Planner, and your Teams apps
This is on the roadmap but we don't have and dates to share publicly.

Automatic invites to your github organisation

At the moment for a Github organisation of mine, potential members have to be manually searched for an added. Is there way a to make your Github Organization public, so people can easily and automagically join your cause?
I am a beginner with Github, but have searched a lot and they don't seem to have this feature. Is it a plugin anywhere?
I see 2 problems, either of which would be nice to fix.
Why can't users request an invite to your organisation, even if you have to manually approve?
Why can't I send out bulk invites to say an email list? Or can I do this?
Thanks Stack Overflow
I don't know why Github doesn't offer anything like this functionality. Github Organisations seem still kind of underdone, and I look forward to them making them more useful. For the moment I have something which can help you with one of your problems.
Second Problem: Bulk Invites
After needing bulk invite students for a university club I am a part of, I created thundergolfer/automated-github-organisation-invites. It's a Heroku deploy-able web app that allows anyone with access to the URL to get themselves an organisation invite automatically.
It uses the Github API to do basically what you need. You can send out a bulk email with a link to the web app. Job Done.
First Problem: Users requesting invites
The problem with the above solution is that you don't get a chance to review who requests an invite. They are automatically added. Perhaps when I get time in the future I can extend the project above to allow you to capture requests and then review them before sending out the email.
I am not sure about the first point. But the second point should be no problem. You can use the GitHub API to invite members to your organisation. You can read more about it here:
If using GitHub classroom then you can solve both problems. In the classroom you can add multiple email invites at the same time (or link with a LMS to get the list of people to invite automatically, both are explained here). You can also create an assignment and end up with a link that can be sent to people to join. Within an assignment there can be auto Team and Repo creation.
With your second problem another option is a python script that can bulk invite users to a GitHub organisation:

How to get item sold notification using Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)

I want to get item sold notification for items listed on amazon marketplace programmatically. Is there a way to do this using MWS APIs? I looked through the documentation and didn't quite find anything close.
Hi I know that this is old and the user that asked the question is probably inactive.
Though just in case someone lands here I would to say that at the moment of writing this MWS does not support item sold notifications (the might do in the future) for now the only notification supported is "AnyOfferChanged".
more info
The way to get the orders will be by making a call to the ListOrders service, more info
Hope this helps anyone
You have to use MWS service from Amazon.
You will find all docs, api and information on this website :
You have to code the call to their webservice and treat response.
There is an "order" call than you can load, using a cron for example, to get any new orders. This is the order api call.
I hope this help.
Have a look at the description of FulfillmentOrderStatus notification type

Questions on webhooks

Jeff Lindsay, who coined the term 'webhook', said that the difference between webhook and http callback is that webhooks are user-defined. I think I understand what he meant, but I was thinking about it and I asked myself, can webhooks be effectively used by regular users (I mean: non-developers)?
Usually people don't have a clue how the internet works, they don't know what http is, terms like URL, callback, or request-response don't say anything to them. I've heard that many people do not know the difference between a web browser and a web site, they think that internet really starts at and they type in all urls in the google search box... I mean, what's the use of webhooks when you're not a developer?
Do you think services like AlertGrid make sense? It's a webhook consumer that you can configure to dispatch alerts (SMS, phone, email) either when the callback is NOT received in x amount of time, or when the received data meets user-defined condition, plus it does some data visualization. We wanted it to make webhooks usable for non-developers. But still it requires an initial integration by someone who at least knows how to configure the source to send the webhook events. In many cases it only takes pasting an url to a textbox, but it seems to be beyond the skills of a typical user.
So, are the webhook doomed to be used by software developers only, or is there a chance that millions of Facebook or Twitter users will start making use of them somehow?
I think that something implemented using Webhooks can be made very user friendly.
Suppose Stack Exchange allowed users to define a webhook that would be notified whenever you earned a badge. You could supply a custom URL, or there could be simple buttons to click that would set it up for your Facebook or Twitter account. It could be as simple as the Facebook Like button.
YES I think this is a great idea. It's actually something I designed in my head a couple months ago and didn't think the product existed.
Webhooks are extremely powerful and having a 'service bus' aggregate/manage/dispatch these callbacks is extremely compelling to me.
I think that we are a long way from the general public consuming webhooks in any sort of meaningful way but I don't see why not. I remember when RSS was a 'developer' only technology.
Thanks for the link. I'll be digging in more this weekend.