How Do You Access Bank Deposits in the QuickBooks Online API? - intuit-partner-platform

I'm getting started with the QuickBooks Online API, and between the documentation and Intuit's API Explorer, I can't seem to figure out how to query for bank deposits. I thought it would be in journal entries, but it's not there. I'm looking for simple deposits that are categorized to an income account.

Deposits are not supported in QBO V3. I see you have already raised the query on our community.

While I can't pull down the link in Keith Palmer — Consolibyt's response to this related question (as I'm asked to login to something), it appears that v2 of the API didn't support them either, so it's not obvious that this feature is actually on the roadmap.
It's hard to believe there's really no way to access every type of transaction that can touch the GL, but I haven't seen any information to the contrary.


Is it somehow possible to get transaction details from any paypal user using my service?

Assume the following situation:
I have a 3rd party service offering some kind of analytics/report/whatever... on a paypal user's transaction history.
Is it possible to fetch payments (only amount - in case that matters) of private paypal accounts (ofc assuming they somehow granted access by registering to my service), even though they didn't buy anything of me directly?
I hope the situation is somewhat clear, unfortunately I coulnd't find any matching questions on the web.
Thanks in advande!
It's easier to download activity and import a CSV than to query transactions via API, but there is a Transaction Search API that can be used.

Finishing Whatsapp Business API Setup

I came from a similar state in this question.
My objective is to reply to interested customers via whatsapp messages. I'll use a very special setup, so I'll be using the API.
With not to pay anyone other than container hosts
Solution with custom API
Customer doesn't like any extra costs
Just like user noboundaries, I see the numbers, but I cant get the certificate
User Navjot Singh has explained I need to create a "business api account"
I tried just that, put out all my contacts and stuff, in this site.
They did respond yes, but only with pointless instructions, since I wish not to contract any messaging providers. I had taken a look at it, but they charge a very expensive price beyond the $0.005 whatsapp will charge. Also, the solution I'm creating requires messages to be sent programatically, and the partners don't seem to provide the correct solution.
So, I wish to skip into using the api. I followed the appropriate guides:
Getting started
Phone Number
I already got some things done:
two phone numbers (one of them for testing) with whatsapp business;
company has been verified, with domain
have business management account
local environment with docker
I can access the local environment and I have set an user account and the admin acount. I can log into those via the API, since postman can ignore certificates, but in order to proceed I really feel like I need that certificate.
So to sim up I guess I need help creating the whatsapp business account for my customer. Any advice?
Also i'd appreciate any other helpful insight or feedback. I really feel lost and I don't see a place where I can talk to people trying to do the same thing, or doing this is much of a madness after all?
thanks for getting to read until here, and I apologize for my non natural, almost broken English.
Hi I wanted to start big in stackOverflow but I fell flat.
About the subject at hand, westerday I dwelt deep into the rabbit hole.
For most companies, you actually are forced to work with a provider, such as twllio or messagebird. They act as intermediary between the facebook business and the whatsapp business api.
Some of they offer messaging separated from whatsapp api setup I still need to take a look into it, but for those who are trying to set up whatsapp business api on their one, it seems as of november 2020 it's not possible.
please check out:'s guide
blog post from PT-BR (google translate didn't like me trying to translate this to English)

how does the store request for delivery using (UberRush)

I am looking to integrate UberRush API to our website, once the order has been placed online and the store has made the item ready to be shipped , how does the store request for delivery(I mean from Uber website or retailers website/app?) and when they request for delivery how do we know which order they want the delivery for, is there any interconnecting link between the delivery requested and the order placed by customer?
Thank you..!!
Documentation for UberRUSH API is here:
It looks like you have general questions which should be answered by going through that documentation. Stack Overflow is better for specific technical programming questions. If you have more general non-technical questions about Uber API, I suggest posting on the community forum:!forum/uber-developers

New PayPal API - how to set up live application? Not Sandbox

It has been some time since I last set up PayPal payments on a website.
After I opened the new PayPal API and honestly, I am a little bit confused. At the moment, there is each new website considered by PayPal support?
On the following page,, I found Test credentials, but I want to set up Live credentials.
In the block with Live credentials, it is written:
Live credentials (currently for U.S. businesses)
We'll email you when your live credentials are ready.
How much it usually takes? And also, what everything is needed for being approved? Is there any way to make it faster or the only thing I can do is to wait?
The first part of your question about new websites is unclear. But I would guess that the Classic APIs might be a better choice for your use-case, as the new RESTful API is still in a beta stage with limited features.
I see this is tagged as paypal-adaptive-payments. Adaptive Payments is its own separate API and you can read information on going live with it here:
For the second part of your question, I am not sure how long it takes but my best guess from similar processes is two business days (Monday-Friday)
Live credentials are only available for US accounts right now as we currently only support America.

How to get item sold notification using Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)

I want to get item sold notification for items listed on amazon marketplace programmatically. Is there a way to do this using MWS APIs? I looked through the documentation and didn't quite find anything close.
Hi I know that this is old and the user that asked the question is probably inactive.
Though just in case someone lands here I would to say that at the moment of writing this MWS does not support item sold notifications (the might do in the future) for now the only notification supported is "AnyOfferChanged".
more info
The way to get the orders will be by making a call to the ListOrders service, more info
Hope this helps anyone
You have to use MWS service from Amazon.
You will find all docs, api and information on this website :
You have to code the call to their webservice and treat response.
There is an "order" call than you can load, using a cron for example, to get any new orders. This is the order api call.
I hope this help.
Have a look at the description of FulfillmentOrderStatus notification type