How to use html mode in codemirror? - codemirror

How to use html mode in codemirror? I tried but it did not work. Please write full code to demonstrate how to use html mode in codemirror and how to highlight the code. Thanks...


How do you configure emmet to show hints with tags in backticks?

I'm using a VS Code. I have a HTML file with section and I tried to add function where I'm returning a HTML code in backticks. Emmet doesn't work I have to type all html tags myself. Hint is missing.

VS Code - HTML tag wrapping issue

Is there a way to make VS Code stop breaking HTML tags before > on a new line? As you can see on the picture the tag is breaking/wrapping on a next line just after the > . I'm Using Prettier - Code formatter.
You could try adding this line to your settings.json file
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-aligned"
I know this is old, but for those who have the same problem, have you checked to ensure that your document is being treated as HTML rather than something else? I've seen this happen when I format my HTML code in a Javascript document.
On the bottom-right of the VS Code window, after Tab Size, UTF-8, and CRLF (your options may be different) you should see HTML. If you see Javascript, CSS, or some other code language, you'll need to click it and change it to HTML.

Why full screen control does not work with Inline tinymce editor?

I am working with inline Tinymce editor and i want to use 'fullscreen' control. But , it is not working with inline editor. How to achieve 'fullscreen' feature in Inline mode?
The fullscreen plugin does not work with the Inline or Inlite modes. From looking at the code it decorates an iFrame and that only makes sense in the context of the classic mode of instantiating TinyMCE.

TinyMCE strips own codesample

I'm using TinyMCE's codesample plugin. It works the first time and saves correctly into the database, but when opening the editor again, it either strips the code sample content (if it's "illegal") or places it outside of the codesample tags.
Saved Code:
<pre class="language-markup"><code><!DOCTYPE html></code></pre>
When loading the editor again:
<pre class="language-markup"><code></code></pre>
Should the content somehow be filtered before returning it to the editor? I assume it's because the editor is converting the escaped HTML back to normal tags first...seems a bit silly really.
Anyone know a workaround for this or encountered this before?
Thanks in advance
See this TinyMCE Fiddle:
It seems to load your example code back into the editor just fine. What are you doing differently?

How to mimic Sublime Text's HTML dom completion in Emacs?

Currently in Sublime Text 2 I can do the following while editing a .html file:
hr.margin-none <TAB>
and it will expand automatically to
<hr class="margin-none"></hr>
Is there a similar function in Emacs? I found something on Flexible Expand but it doesn't seem to do what I was hoping (or maybe I'm just using it wrong.)
You can do the same thing in Emacs. Just install the emmet-mode and enable it. Reading the following page would help you.