Why full screen control does not work with Inline tinymce editor? - tinymce

I am working with inline Tinymce editor and i want to use 'fullscreen' control. But , it is not working with inline editor. How to achieve 'fullscreen' feature in Inline mode?

The fullscreen plugin does not work with the Inline or Inlite modes. From looking at the code it decorates an iFrame and that only makes sense in the context of the classic mode of instantiating TinyMCE.


I'm having trouble while customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX (Devstack). How can I fix?

I'm having trouble customizing the TinyMCE in OpenedX Devstack. Normally I didn't have any problems in front-end-course-authoring TinyMCE editor, but when I installed the 'front-end-lib-content-components' app for customization, the data didn't show up in the editor. I did not change the props, they are the same as the default ones.
(click for larger images)

Disable preview for vscode custom text editor extension

Is there a way to disable the preview mode for my custom text editor without changing the user settings (workbench.editor.enablePreview: false)?
Like it can be done with vscode.window.showTextDocument() and vscode.workspace.TextDocumentShowOptions were you can set preview: false.
I didn't see anything helpful in the extension api. So here is a possible workaround. I assume you can listen for when your custom editor is being opened - and then run this code:
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.keepEditor');
after it is opened. That should take it out of preview mode. It may be the best you can do.

Is it possible to create an extension to vscode that changes the CSS of the editor?

I wish to develop an open-source WYSIWYG editor for markdown in vscode.
See the image below. I want an extension that can do something like that.
Change font-sizes for lines for titles.
Change lines indentation for subtitles.
I'm looking at the extension reference: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/vscode-api and don't see something that can help.
Do you have an idea how to change the CSS of the editor based on rules? in addition, If you have a link to extension that did it may help.
In other words: How a vscode extension can change css style of the editor window?
You can't change arbitrary css in the editor. See the extension guide for info about the VS Code extension philosophy and how you can extend VS Code
Two options:
Use the decorations api to change rendering of tokens in the editor.
Use a webview to implement a custom view (but don't try re-implementing a text-editor because it will be a pain and will not work like VS Code's normal editors do)

-webkit-text-stroke equivalent in VSCode

My text rendering in VSCode is blurry and I want to make it like my Atom text editor. In atom, the text rendering can be improved by controling -webkit-text-stroke and -webkit-font-smoothing property.
I wanted to know how to change these properties in VSCode.
VS Code does not expose direct css styling like Atom does
Support for configuring text-stroke is tracked here
You can also try the workbench.fontAliasing setting.

How to use html mode in codemirror?

How to use html mode in codemirror? I tried but it did not work. Please write full code to demonstrate how to use html mode in codemirror and how to highlight the code. Thanks...