How do you configure emmet to show hints with tags in backticks? - visual-studio-code

I'm using a VS Code. I have a HTML file with section and I tried to add function where I'm returning a HTML code in backticks. Emmet doesn't work I have to type all html tags myself. Hint is missing.


How can I get custom tags to be recognized as script-like tags in the Freemarker Extension for VS Code?

I have the Freemarker extension for VS Code. This recognizes the script tag and treats all code inside of it as JavaScript which is great. However, the platform I am developing for has its own Freemarker directive that adds a script which I would like VS Code to recognize and treat the same way as a script tag, so I can have the correct syntax highlighting etc. Is there any way to do this?
Here's a screenshot showing that right now, there's no syntax highlighting for the custom tag:
Here's a screenshot showing that I currently have to add an unwanted script tag to get the effect I want for the custom tag:

Disable onsave formating for .ejs files in visual studio code

I'm working with ejs files, but in order to reuse some code, I'm using the includes feature. Given that some opening/closing html tags are placed in other files, after I save my changes, something (I don't know if prettier extension or VS code editor) is including the closing tags into my code, causing several problems when I running it.
An other solution is to use a .prettierignore file and put in :
in your settings.json you should add these settings.
just instead of "[css]" type what you want. (the format of the file)
and just please ignore line 2 :) that's not related to this answer.
as #aegatlin said use this: "[html]".(if "[ejs]" didn't work for you)
I don't use EJS myself, but after playing around with it in VSCode, I noticed that my .ejs files were being treated as HTML files. You can see how your VSCode is interpreting the file by looking in the bottom right corner of the editor. You could search for EJS extensions as well.
You likely have the "Editor: format on save" option enabled. To disable that setting, go to Preferences, and in the search bar type "format on save". Find the setting. Uncheck the box. That should fix the problem.
If, as you mentioned, your closing HTML tags are in other files, then you have invalid HTML and the formatter (both Prettier's and the default one) will autocomplete the closing tag. (I would wager EJS also wouldn't like the lack of closing tags, but since I don't use it I'm not so sure, maybe it's fine.)
Zulhilmi Zainudin has the solution
In vscode setting file, associate ejs extentions files to a « language ». Then you can specify different rules for this that language :
.vscode/settings.json file content :
"files.associations": {
"*.ejs": "ejs" // this create the language « ejs » which refers to any .ejs file
"[ejs]": { // custom settings for the language « ejs »
"editor.formatOnSave": false

VS Code - HTML tag wrapping issue

Is there a way to make VS Code stop breaking HTML tags before > on a new line? As you can see on the picture the tag is breaking/wrapping on a next line just after the > . I'm Using Prettier - Code formatter.
You could try adding this line to your settings.json file
"html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-aligned"
I know this is old, but for those who have the same problem, have you checked to ensure that your document is being treated as HTML rather than something else? I've seen this happen when I format my HTML code in a Javascript document.
On the bottom-right of the VS Code window, after Tab Size, UTF-8, and CRLF (your options may be different) you should see HTML. If you see Javascript, CSS, or some other code language, you'll need to click it and change it to HTML.

TinyMCE strips own codesample

I'm using TinyMCE's codesample plugin. It works the first time and saves correctly into the database, but when opening the editor again, it either strips the code sample content (if it's "illegal") or places it outside of the codesample tags.
Saved Code:
<pre class="language-markup"><code><!DOCTYPE html></code></pre>
When loading the editor again:
<pre class="language-markup"><code></code></pre>
Should the content somehow be filtered before returning it to the editor? I assume it's because the editor is converting the escaped HTML back to normal tags first...seems a bit silly really.
Anyone know a workaround for this or encountered this before?
Thanks in advance
See this TinyMCE Fiddle:
It seems to load your example code back into the editor just fine. What are you doing differently?

Autocomplete of custom JavaScript functions in Sublime Text

I am using Sublime Text to code my website where I have a JavaScript file with a lot of functions. I use those functions quite frequently and every time I do, I have to type the whole function out.
I noticed that for each function, I could create a Sublime Text snippet with a shortcut. However there is a huge list of functions and they keep changing.
Is there a way where in I could just import this JavaScript file and this snippet file is created, such that I have my autocompletes ready to use?
A simple snippet that creates three opening and closing p tags:
Save it as html-p3.sublime-snippet in (Mac OS X) /Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User and you can enter p3+tab to create three <p> tags. The $1, $2, $3 are where your cursor will jump after you press tab. This allows you to easily add content without having to select manually.
This great blog post explains everything you need to know about Sublime Text snippets:
You can use snippets for CSS as well as HTML (actually, you can use snippets with any language or text that works inside Sublime Text).
To summarize, you can put all of your function snippets in between the <snippet><content><![CDATA[ *content here*]]></content></snippet> and save it as a .snippet file in the default preferences folder of Sublime Text.
Sublime Text should automatically autocomplete the function names (not the parameters) if everything is in one big file. The only possible issue I can think of is that Sublime Text doesn’t recognize the file type. Check if View → Syntax is set to JavaScript.
If you want full autocompletion with parameters, try Tern for Sublime.
You can try javascript plugin for sublime which will help in auto completion while writing code in js.
Here is the list of javascript plugin:
Here is the way to setup plugin in sublime:
How to install plugins to Sublime Text 2 editor?