Google Analytics API: tiny differences in results between GA API and Google Analytics UI - rest

I'm querying GA Report API v4 to get some metrics for AdWords Keywords.
As dimension I use:
As metrics I use:
When I compare results pulled from API with results that I'm getting by Google Analytics UI, I found out that certain metrics in some Keywords has tiny differences.
Also when I tried GA API v3 I had same result.
What is the reason?
Why some returned metrics for Keywords are fully identical to results in UI, but certain not?
I tried various date ranges: 1 day, week, month but in all cases I got some tiny differences in some metrics of certain Keywords.
Here is screenshot with example of differences in metrics how it looks like:
In red color means the difference, green color - means that values are identical

Problem: The reason for the discrepancy is that you are calling two different reports.
Report 1) UI Report.
As you have seen, this report is made up of two parts the first being Clicks, Cost, and CPC which are from the Google AdWords API, and the other metrics (sessions, bounce, etc.) which is from Google Analytics.
Because you are going into AdWords > Keywords, you are actually setting a filter to select only AdWords traffic.
Report 2) Custom Report.
This report is pulling the keywords dimension without any filters. This means that the report will also have data for organic keywords, and any UTM_term parameters set.
Because sessions from organic keywords have no AdWords data, the first three columns will be the same, however the Google Analytics specific columns will show variation in the metrics.
To get your reports the same, you need to add a filter to your API request, such as ga:adwordsCustomerID or ga:source=google & ga:medium=cpc.


Group by field and bin for CloudWatch Logs Insights line chart

I want to create a line chart with two lines in AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights. One line representing mobile users and the other desktop users, showing a success rate for each group of users.
This this is the code I am working with:
| fields
properties.device as device,
properties.success as success
| stats avg(success) by device, bin(1hour)
The results of this query look promising. As you can see, the results include the device type, a timestamp, and the floating-point number to be plotted on the line chart:
# device bin(1hour) avg(success)
1 desktop 2023-02-01T10:00:00.000 0.6129
2 mobile 2023-02-01T10:00:00.000 0.7453
3 desktop 2023-02-01T09:00:00.000 0.5578
4 mobile 2023-02-01T09:00:00.000 0.6082
However, the Visualization tab shows me this error:
The data is not suitable for a line chart.
Try a bar chart, or group your result by bin function.
I think Logs Insights is getting confused by my overlapping timestamps. It does not know that I intend one time series of mobile data and another of desktop data. To group by a field and bin by time, I seem to be doing the standard thing using a single by operation with two arguments. But it's not good enough to create a line chart.
Is there a better way to structure my query to convince CloudWatch of what I am trying to do?

How to display the value that are caculated from two other metrics in GA4 in an explore report?

I can see the count of users with the explore report like this:
However, if I want to check out how much % of users are on mobile or desktop. There is no way to show that.
The current report might have very small and huge values because the visitor of the website is very unstable. But the % of the visitors should be a stable value.
Is it possible to create a metric, that the values in it equals mobile/total?

Google Analytics Core Reporting API query for exits and entrances metrics - entrance values incorrectly exactly the same as exits

I'm using GA's Core Reporting API to create a report that shows the top exit pages alongside some behavioural metrics for each page. The dimension is ga:exitPagePath, and the metrics I want are:
I'm sorting by -ga:exits. I'm not using any filters or segments.
The query appears to work fine, it doesn't return an error - however the entrances values it returns are incorrect and exactly match the exit values for each page. Other queries for ga:entrances without ga:exits give the correct entrance values.
I may have overlooked it but I can't find anywhere in the documentation indicating that these metrics can't be used together. I also tested creating a custom report within the GA interface with these two metrics and found the same result - no error or indication that I can't create a report with both metrics, but entrances incorrectly reported and exactly matching the exit values. I also get the same result in GA's Query Explorer.
Would love to work this out - it seems perfectly logical to me to want to view entrances alongside exits for exit pages :)
A better late than never response.
It makes sense, because all users that have visited your site (entrances) have left (exits).
It gets meaningful when using it along with the pages (ga:pagePath for example).

github search limit results

I need to do a very large search on Github for a statistic in my thesis.
For example, I need to explore a large number of Android projects on GitHub, but the site limits the search result to 1000 (ex. Also using the Java GitHub API I tried the library org.eclipse.egit.github.core.client.GitHubClient using the method GitHubClient.searchRepositories() but even there the number of results is limited.
Does anyone know how to get all results?
The Search API will return up to 1000 results per query (including pagination), as documented here:
However, there's a neat trick you could use to fetch more than 1000 results when executing a repository search. You could split up your search into segments, by the date when the repositories were created. For example, you could first search for repositories that were created in the first week of October 2013, then second week, then September, and so on.
Because you would be restricting search to a narrow period, you will probably get less than 1000 results, and would therefore be able to get all of them. In case you notice that more than 1000 results are returned for a period, you would have to narrow the period even more, so that you can collect all results.
You should be able to automate this via the API.
If you are searching for all files in Github with filename:your-file-name, you could also slice it with a query attribute : size.
For example, you are looking for all files named test.rb in Github, Github API may return more than 11M results, but you could only get 1000 of them because the GitHub Search API provides up to 1,000 results for each search. An url like : would be able to slice your search by changing size range.

Crystal Reports: ? Possible to show Full Set in one chart, and subsets in separate charts?

In Crystal Reports, is there a way to get both full set charting and subset charting, in the report headers?
I'm working on a report from an erstwhile co-worker and I'm still trying to make things "better".
While I haven't found the solution to accruing time
( see Accruing over time (non-overlapping) - technique? )
I'll press on with how to use the resulting data once I retrieve it.
The report is a Global Availability report for network technologies, and part of the report is graphic:
Chart availability for different
network types for last "n" months'
Charts availability for each region
(for each network type for "n"
months' time).
She (co-worker) had a global chart, but for each region, she did a separate sub-report containing just the chart for that region. The query isn't optimal, and using the sub-reports, the query is repeated each time.
If there a way to use a single data-set in one report for all five charts, forcing the four regional charts to display only that region's data?
Additional info:
The charts are all Bar charts, design is
y-axis: calculated availability
x-axis: Group by network type (Switches, Trunks, "Network)
sub group by month
Bad Example:
Let me see if I understand this. In your Report Header, you have 5 Subreports for the 4 regional graphs and the global graph. And you want to collapse this all into 1 Subreport if possible?
Yes, but you can't do it like in your image where United States & Europe are side-by-side. They would have to be 1 per row. Also, the datasource also has to be formatted correctly. To do this,
Make a new subreport. Group it by the Region.
In this subreport, make your regional graph in the Group Header section.
In this subreport, also make your global graph in the Report Header section.
Insert this subreport into your main report and you should be done.
Sometimes, the only way out of the fire is through it.
After lots of un-satisfactory refactoring, I spoke with the original (years ago) requestor and got some good information. I have yet to speak to the most recent requestor again (who didn't have any knowledge of the technical requirements the last several times).
Spoke w/ the guy who is tending a related db, and I get permission to add come functions, views, store procedures, etc. to THAT db... Within reason and after code/perf review -- something that isn't normally conducted, so I welcome it. I WILL have the ability to do the procedural stuff through... a procedure. Written as a stand-alone, I should be able to re-use it for any of the queries against future needs.
And... Yes, I am pretty much going to have to (read "get to") re-design, and hopefully get rid of most of the sub-reports. Yeay, me.
Thanks for coming along for the ride.