PayPal API credentials for sandbox - paypal

I'm trying to implement recurring payments with PayPal in PHP. I found this example, which I'm looking into, but I need some API credentials. I created a PayPal sandbox account, and from there I created a merchant account. I'm trying to get the API credentials for that sandbox merchant account to replace the values in the example, but I can't find where. All the guides I find point to non-existant parts of the sandbox user interface. Does anyone know where I can find the API credential details for sandbox merchant accounts?

I'm beginning to I loathe PayPal. Spent an hour on their site looking for this, only to find it here on SO (works as of Oct-2014):

To get API credentials in sandbox you must use the API Credentials menu in sandbox itself, instead of logging into the sandboxed account.


Paypal Adaptive Payment sandbox account and unilateral receiver not allowed

I have some trouble understanding what's wrong with my sandbox accounts when I try to use Paypal Adaptive Payments. After hours of fighting, I guess it's time for me to ask for some help.
The problem is quite simple. When I use the credentials I generated in the Sandbox Test Accounts page of my account, our system is returning an error "Account not found. Unilateral receiver not allowed in chained payment is restricted". When I'm using the test credentials provided by the company that developed the escrow module we are using, it's working. As we did this test for exactly the same request (just API credentials are changing), my guess at this point is that there is something wrong with my credentials.
My Paypal account is verified and is a business account (not sure if relevant as I'm using the sandbox right now). The sandbox account I'm using is also verified and a business account. Do I maybe have to do something for Sandbox API accounts to work with the adaptive payments?

PayPal account credentials for developer

I am trying to find out how to give a developer the least amount of access they need to my business PayPal account for my app. How should I set this up so I protect my private account information from the developer while allowing them enough access to develop?
They need access to test and develop with the PayPal APIs. I created a sandbox account for the app, I gave the developer the Sandbox ID and API Credentials along with the sandbox test accounts I created.
The developer asked if I could give them the login for my PayPal developer account so they can see the Dashboard for testing and see can transactions. I don't think this is the right way or they could access my bank, and company information.
I have read the PayPal documentation for information about this but can't find much. This guide has the most information I've found but not exactly what I am looking for.
In your account, go to your profile settings and find Manage Users. There you can add a user and select the amount of access they can have. Give them the username and password you make for them, NEVER give your email and password.
To get started using adding users to your account and managing their levels of access, log in to your PayPal account, go to your Profile, and click Manage Users under Account Information.
Your developer does not need access to your account at all, regular or
They would simply login to with their own PayPal account and create their own test accounts for use in the sandbox. They can build your app using their own test accounts, and then hand it over to you so that you can simply update the API credentials with your live values and ensure the code is running live instead of against the sandbox at that point.
developer from India can create Paypal sandbox account as i am also from India and created sandbox account.
Use this,
go to paypal, all tools, you can see manage API, press update, then you'll see that screen. Im doing it right now, i don't know if it will work.

Paypal configuration into new account

I am facing security header error while integrating paypal, the paypal integration works fine with sandbox environment and credentials but it is not working with live.
Is there any specific configuration i need to make in paypal as i am using paypal apis for integration.
Any help will be appreciated.
That error message would typically only show when the credentials are incorrect.
Could you please double check that there's no extra space characters in the credentials and that you're using the credentials for the correct mode you're using (Live vs. Sandbox)?
If it is set to Sandbox mode, you must use your Paypal sandbox credentials. The live ones will not work in Sandbox mode.
That error message indicates that your API credentials aren't being accepted by PayPal.
Common causes:
1. You have your PayPal module configured to "Sandbox" but have not used Sandbox API credentials.
2. You have your PayPal module configured to "Live" but have not used Live API credentials.
3. You have mis-typed one or more API credentials entries, including but not limited to leaving trailing spaces.
4. You have deleted and/or recreated new API credentials in your PayPal account but have not copied those new credentials back to your store.
This link help you more ..
We are using different credential for paypal and sandbox.Please Review these links

How to test Enhanced Recurring Payments Standard on the new Paypal Sandbox?

I have a test environment for my website that I normally use the Paypal Sandbox on to test transactions before going live. I would like to test the Enhanced Recurring Payments feature, but I can't find the option to do so (the links to add more features direct me to the live site), and nothing I've found on Google has given an answer on how to test Enhanced Recurring Payments on Paypal Sandbox since it's been changed.
Is ERP supported on Paypal Sandbox, or do I just not know how to access this option? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sign up in the sandbox here:
(for the curious, I got this URL by going to and then adding "sandbox." in front of the resulting URL's
Log in with your test account email/password (something like )
If it says "Please login to use the PayPal Sandbox features.", that's an issue with the new sandbox that's being worked on--for now, clear all your cookies , log in to again, and then visit the above URL again

What username/password/signature should I be using for the PayPal Sandbox?

I'm trying to refund transactions using the Paypal NVP API. I've got some payments in a sandbox account, but when I try to issue a refund though the API I get You do not have permissions to make this API call. But I'm not sure what credentials I should be using.
According to the documentation, it says:
To access the PayPal API, you need API credentials, either an API
signature or API certificate, that identify you. Use the following
sample API signature and password in your sample programs that run in
the PayPal Sandbox test environment.
API username
API signature A‑IzJhZZjhg29XQ2qnhapuwxIDzyAZQ92FRP5dqBzVesOkzbdUONzmOU
I tried generating API credentials for the sandbox merchant account that's issuing the refunds, but the Paypal website crashes every time I try. Are these the correct credentials? What do I need to do to test this?
Your test accounts do not have credentials.
To get started with Payment Card in Sandbox, you must first create a buyer test account and enable in-store checkout.
After login sandbox you will find that option in menu API and Payment Card Credentials
and then click it you will get option Create Test Account and after create account you will get API Username, API Password and Signature.
Use those API Username, API Password and Signature in your application.
I found these details in my account after logging in:
go to the sandbox tab
below this you will find Accounts. Click on Accounts.
All your email lists will be shown.
Click on the email id that belongs to the Business account.
You will see two options: profile and notifications below the email id's.
After clicking on profile one window will pop up with name Account details.
In that you will see the tab API Credentials. In this you will find your username, password and signature. Please note : You will find these details only in your Business type account, not for buyer type.