How can I use AMD modules with Sails JS - sails.js

Please, i need to work with ArcGIS API for Javascript but i don't know how about use AMD modules with Sails JS.
I love sails js, and I do not want to throw my project in the trash, help please.

ArcGIS API for JS have two modes: legacy code or AMD.If not familiar with AMD,you can integrate your code with legacy code of the API.
I am not familiar with sails.js,if you have to integrate with AMD,you can refer to Using jQuery in ArcGIS API for JS which might enlighten you on how to use sails.js in ArcGIS API.
Hope it could you.


Import from node_modules into Svelte

Let me preface this by saying my knowledge of node apps and javascript is very limited, all my programming knowledge comes from a python data analyst background.
So, I am trying to learn frontend and build an app in Svelte. I will serve this app with another backend so I will not be using SvelteKit. I am also using Ionic for my UI framework. I will probably use Routify for routing but this is beyond the scope of this question. Also, I know svelte isn't officially supported by Ionic but i'm not interested in using another framework.
The simple method would be to include the Ionic CDN in the svelte index.html. However, I would like to keep my files in one place when I build the final app and not require a CDN or even possibly a network connection if I decide to use Capacitor to build for mobile devices. So, I'm not sure how to proceed. I would like to bundle Ionic (Ionic/Core - IonicIcons) with the default JS and CSS bundles that svelte builds using Rollup. Googling around a bit iv'e discovered I apparently need to use something called "rollup-plugin-css-only" to bundle the CSS and somehow include the JS files in commonjs in the "rollup.config.js". I tried adding the path to the JS files to commonjs but I couldn't see any changes to the bundled JS the svelte outputs. I also have no idea how to use add the css or use "rollup-plugin-css-only". Instructions and explanations iv'e found haven't been very helpful.
So, in summary... I'm trying to bundle Ionic into my svelte project without using a CDN and haven't figured out how too do it yet. I also may not be understanding this workflow correctly so let me know if I got something wrong. I just need an explanation or example of Ionic bundled in a svelte app. I would also like to mention that the workflow I am looking to accomplish will also allow custom themes in Ionic with the CSS processing.

How to make angular and PHP project with Scorm 1.2?

I need to create a project on javascript and PHP. In this I need to use Scorm 1.2. I am very new to Scrom, how can I use these technologies together?
I have read about Scorm but unable to understand how to use these 3 things together.
Please let me know how I can use angular, PHP & Scorm 1.2 together along with the basic environment creation and coding.
Thanks in advance.

Meteor Accounts-facebook etc for React instead of BlazeJS

Does anyone know if there is a way to create facebook login/sign up flow using the meteor accounts library, for ReactJS instead of BlazeJS?
All the versions I've seen on the web are based on BlazeJS. They all require some HTML file. Which breaks the current convention for ReactJS. Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
The usual way forward is to write your own React UI and use methods like Accounts.createUser etc. to do the auth and other stuff.
A straightforward way is to use studiointeracts's package - accounts-ui

MapQuest Android API and Mapnik

I have implemented MapQuest's Android API. In the documentation for the general API it says when using the OpenStreetMap data it is possible to use "Custom map tiles via the Mapnik style files". I was wondering if that meant that you could host your own tile server running Mapnik and get the API to use those tiles or something else. There is no more mention of this in any of the documentation that I can find. Can someone help me clear this up please?
The reference to using Mapnik style files has to do with the fact that MapQuest offers the style files to developers who want to tweak them and then generate their own tiles based on OpenStreetMap data. This isn't specific to the Android API, however, and the Android API does not support custom map tiles. I apologize for the confusion (I work at MapQuest).
As I know, you are right and you can't use custom tile styles but custom UI styles (UI styles guide)

Gwt prolem with loading map!

I'm new in GWT and I made some simple projects and in the last one I use google maps api.
The problem is that there is no result when I wrote the code and the script and add the libraries and I have problems to locate the source of the nocache.js file. Can somebody tell me how to do a simple web site with google maps api (gwt - maps).
Try starting with a tutorial they provide.