Meteor Accounts-facebook etc for React instead of BlazeJS - facebook

Does anyone know if there is a way to create facebook login/sign up flow using the meteor accounts library, for ReactJS instead of BlazeJS?
All the versions I've seen on the web are based on BlazeJS. They all require some HTML file. Which breaks the current convention for ReactJS. Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

The usual way forward is to write your own React UI and use methods like Accounts.createUser etc. to do the auth and other stuff.
A straightforward way is to use studiointeracts's package - accounts-ui


How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?

sorry for my English.
How to use GPGS in a web-libgdx game?
If I understand correctly, I need to use RestAPI and javascript(I do not have enough skills in JS) with GWT in libgdx. But I don`t know how to relate everything.
I have not find examples or articles on this topic so I will be grateful for any help.
REST API is an option for this though, but there are various other options to choose from. One of the easiest way is to use the platform specific code via interfacing
Everything that doesn't get integrated directly with libGDX won't work the "write once, run anywhere" way - this applies for achievements, leaderboards.
So what you do is to add the library dependencies to the projects you generate. Then implement a generic interface, AchievementHandler with methods like unlockAchievement(String achievementId). You can then implement this via AndroidAchievementHandler which in-turn uses GPGS.
A sample application demonstrating how this can be achieved is available on github here.
Hope this helps!

Default layout for Sails.js

I made an API in Sails.js for a user. I'm in the prototyping phase for a portion of the project and looking to see if there is a way to get a Create/Read/Update/Destroy UI quickly? Is there a way to generate an EJS file that will do this? Or do I do it by hand?
This is just for the prototype phase and I'll later clean it all up. But for testing the functionality of the app it would be very helpful.
You can use ng-admin.

Zend 2 login application

This is my first time using Zend Studio and I am trying to create Zend2 Login Application.
I need help with creating simple login form where I can able to submit my form. Since this is my first time on zend2 so it is hard for me to create simple application with following rule of zend2.
Any help will work.
I suggest you to have a look at ZfcUser, a Zend Framework 2 module for managing user registration and authentication. It comes already with working routes and forms. Then, if you want, you could customize the look and feel and also how the module works overriding some components or better using the events that the module is exposing

How to implement typeahead using ionic without bootstrap

I'm new to Ionic and would like to implement a typeahead for displaying the users list without using Bootstrap and would love if provided with an example .
I was looking for something similar for an ionic app I was building. I can provide a few links that you can look at and choose the most appropriate for your case.
The last link is written is great tutorial written in pure angular. The first two links are projects you need to include in your app and then use them as directives to achieve your goal. Cheers!

Advice on how to simplify things for user

I'm making a very simple cms for a client. I am working on adding/editing articles and i wanted advice on how to make it as simple as possible for him to add images to an article. I was thinking of using some sort of bbcode [img] [/img] Any suggestions ?
*I'm using codeigniter as a framework
what are you coding in? I have used and it has a built in image manager that is quite simple to use.