TYPO3 Backend Website-Panel is looking strange and is not usable - typo3

our BE-website-panel is looking kind of strange.
And we can't use the filter or add-new-element functions which are shown.
(We are clicking through to the sites themselves)
I didn't find anything regarding this bug so here's a screenshot:
Also here's a list of the extensions:

I fixed the problem, altough i can't tell you where the error originated.
I downloaded the typo3_src-8.7.2 source files and overrode all my files via ftp, because i compared the whole folder with phpstorm beforehand and some files were empty on my side.


The greyed-out file might have an impact on the program

For a while, I have noticed that my config.js file is grey, compared to most other files in the editor. I also have an issue where, other than text/html and image/x-icon, the MIME type of static assets cannot be established. I am wondering whether the two issues are related.
Aside from setting up the server, the config file serves a base Url along with NodeJS global variables to be interpolated into placeholders in the HTML document. While I don't see any reason for there to be an associated problem, I am perplexed why the file is grey and not the same colour as the other .js files.
I have tried to find information on the problem, but I cannot describe the problem well enough to find answers to the issue browser searching. I have tried to find a VSCode forum, but there isn't one where I could make enquiry, even if I were able to articulate my problem.
If anyone has answer to why the file is greyed-out I would appreciate it.

TYPO3 - Error 500 in right panel of Filelist

Friend gave me access to TYPO3 CMS of his page to make some changes and I can not open Filelist.
The left panel with directories is displaying but on the right, a have error 500 message in IE or in Chrome just empty frame.
I did some modifications to that page some time ago and everything was working fine then.
Can anyone help me with that ?
If a folder contains to much files you might get problems opening it in the file list module, as the gathering of all information and maybe creating of preview thumbnails may take longer than is granted to any php process.
If it's only the preview images you might be able to load the folder after some attempts, as sometime all preview images are generated, but as it also can be other delays because of too much files you need to enhace the runtimelimit
or/and you might need to restructure the files and folders.
Be aware that a moving of files with FTP/SSH might break content in the FE as you might invalidate some FAL (sys_file) records so that used files are not found any more. Better: enhance the timeout (temporarily) and move the files in the backend.
in general: if you only got a blank page you disabled all error-messages (which is ok for FE, but will leave you without hint about errors).
As a first start you could take a look in the webserver-error-log.
If you got no clues: enable errormessages in TYPO3 Install Tool (enable debug mode in "Configuration presets")
I solved that.
I disabled that extension and then when I looked at maintenance tab on this extension i saw something like "delete LOCAL installation of this ext".
After deleting local installation and enabling system FileList instance, everything is working just fine :)
Thank You for help.

Accidentally published CompositeC1 with precompile on

I accidentally published Composite C1 from Visual Studio with "Precompile during publishing" when I first set it up and have now come to realize that several plugins do not work with precompile turned on. Unfortunately I have no idea how to reverse this. I've tried several things to no avail. I usually end up with a 500.0 error. If I go to the admin interface everything is working properly, and I can even preview the pages, but from the customer side all I get is a 500.0 error.
Of course I could republish from the Visual Studio project I have, but that project has the default template on it. I've tried copying what appears to be changed on the server to the original project but I end up with a 500 error. I've tried removing all the precompiled stuff on the server but I end up with a 500 error. I'm pretty lost.
At this point I'm willing to do anything. Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy, kind of like an upgrade doc but "side-grading"? I am using the most current version at the time of writing this 4.2 Update 1
Thank you
Solved use the PackageCreator suggested by wysocki's answer. It was not exactly straight forward to create the package. The errors can very cryptic at times. So here are some of the issues I encountered and how I got past them:
wysocki was correct to suggesting starting with a bare bones installation even though my original project was started with the Venus theme. I tried both ways.
I encountered issues with the MasterLayout and the Page Template Features which are currently not supported by the PackageCreator, although they may be supported in future versions. The solution was to add the missing elements to the fresh C1 project from the original C1 installation in the App_Data/PageTemplates and App_Data/PageTemplateFeatures folders.
A few times I ran into an issue where I added the same page or function twice to the PackageCreator. This was obviously my fault, but it should be mentioned that you can add the same site element twice which throws and error on import. Make sure you are careful to only getting one of each when creating the package to be exported.
If you are getting and error and it uses and Id like "4061397b-ee9e-4512-984d-f2b2d41eb654" I've found that it was very helpful to extract the zip file you are trying to import and then search the extracted folders for that Id. The lines with the Id usually have more information on them that will help you to identify exactly what content page or whatever the error is being generated from.
If you are using installed packages in your project like SimpleSearch for example, make sure you don't add it's functions to the PackageCreator. Install them separately.
I had an issue where I somehow had an element in the Data section that didn't have a "type". The error simply "The type cannot be empty". This was obviously tough to find so I suppose the lesson is, less is more. If you think your project might have a few elements that are unnecessary, don't add them at first and see if the project you import them into complains about missing them. It's much easier to troubleshoot missing elements than it is to figure out which element is causing the issue that you really didn't need.
Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy
You can try and export content / templates / anything else related to a "package" via Composite.Tools.PackageCreator.
Its latest version gives you quite a lot of flexibility in what you can export ("package") - please its user manual.
Once the package is made and downloaded, you can go on and install it on a new website. If you export / import a lot of content / templates etc, it makes sense to have a "Bare Bones" site as the new one.
All the starter sites like "Neptune", "Venus" are installed as a bunch of packages in specific order during Composite C1's initial setup.

Thunderbird removes any attempt to make an extension

I might be a complete idiot, so please bear with me if I am.
I've been attempting to create an extension for Thunderbird.
I quickly googled for an official documentation and followed it as closely as I could. This way, I ended up with a simple result to test, which would, according to the documentation, work.
So I opened up Thunderbird, nothing.
I closed it again and went to see what I did wrong. However, Thunderbird had completely removed the folder I had.
I did this a few times more with the same result.
This is what my folder setup looked like:
%APPDATA%/Thunderbird/Profiles/[profile name]/extensions/
The contents of these files were, at my last attempt, literally copy/pasted from the documentation, only with altered filenames(both in code and in actual files), extension ID(both in code and the folder name), and maximum version tag.
What exactly am I missing here?
I absolutely agree with using proxy files for addon development. But if you followed the guide mentioned by Jonathan Protzenko, your structure would look more like this:
%APPDATA%\Thunderbird\profiles\[profile name]\extensions\
i.e, the development directory is not located inside your profile. Instead, consider the proxy file
%APPDATA%\Thunderbird\profiles\[profile name]\extensions\foobar#foo.bar
You must only enter the second line, and never forget the trailing \ as mentioned here (3, Note).
Also you should uninstall the addon (if you had one with the same id created and installed before). When you start tb the first time thereafter, you will be asked to allow exernal addons to be installed or something similar.
I got things working this way, hope this helps.
A second guess might be the following: you're obviously working on windows. Are you viewing files always with extension in windows explorer? If not or not sure, check the following:
In Windows Explorer under Organize \ Folder Options \ View deactivate Hide extensions for known file types.
Further, try using a proxy file named differently, especially without the top-level domain. I suspect this could be misinterpreted by windows as an extension. You should call your proxy file thus foobar#foobar.

NetBeans: should nbactions.xml, nb-configuration.xml and catalog.xml go into source control?

This thread is very useful for finding out which files in Netbeans should go into source countrol, but it doesn't cover all files.
In particular I'm wondering whether the following files should go into source control. Here are my assumptions/guesses:
nb-configuration.xml - easiest - the file itself in the comment says it should go into source control.
nbactions.xml - from what I see this file stores information typical to running the application. I.e. JVM arguments etc. So I suppose it is a question of taste - if you want other developers to have a "suggested" Run configuration - include it. Otherwise - don't. Correct?
catalog.xml - not sure what this does (I GUESS it's used by the editor to find out xml schemas and such to enable syntax coloring, but it's just a guess). Anyway - I see that this file has system-specific information (path) - so it shouldn't go into source control.
Can anyone confirm the above?
I never put my IDE configuration files in the repository, for several reasons:
other colleagues may want to use theirs;
other colleagues may want to use other IDEs (such as Eclipse) and seeing those files (or even have to exclude them from the checkout) could be annoying for them;
some of these files are generally not related to a single project, others automatically generated, so no need to store them in the source code of every project.
In order to exclude them, our first solution was the .svnignore, but it was still logically wrong to modify some shared content for the specific needs of a single user, so we decided to be more strict:
in my ~/.subversion/config I have:
global-ignores = nbactions.xml nbproject
Hope this helps,
In my Maven based projects I put nbactions.xml into source control. Just make sure to change absolute paths to relative ones.
I put nbactions.xml into source control BUT there is a caveat: it's internal format can change so if your developers, for any reason, use different versions of NetBeans you could have to remove it because sharing it becomes nasty.
Recently I upgraded from NetBeans 7.3.1 to 7.4 and the "Run" action was giving a strange error message. I solved the problem by deleting and regenerating nbactions.xml: the old one had a custom Maven goal for the "Run" and "Debug" actions; it was org.codehaus.mevenide:netbeans-deploy-plugin:1.2.4:deploy it was not visible in the IDE v7.3.1 (perhaps it has been generated by an even older version for internal usage) and was generating a class not found for org.openide.util.Lookup in v7.4. I'm documenting the problem here because I found the solution by myself after an unsuccessful search on the Net. I hope this can help someone else.