GitHub Managing Multiple Repository - github

I am managing a project and the scenario is that I need to first check the code written by my team and then after correcting it I need to push the code on the client repository.
So I think there should be two repository one is for us and another one is client repository which will have the final clean code.
Now when I am pushing the code on client repository It is showing all commits what we have on our repository that I do not want.
How can in one project folder manage both the repository individually ?


Pushing to multiple github repo at once

Is there any easy method to push\upload a file to multiple github repositories at once?
without need to first clone them to local machine. kinda script or cli\gui tool?
I searched across Google, but seems nobody asked\wanted the same thing..
What i trying to achieve is to upload a new renovate.json config to all my repositories under one github account (some of them public, some private, more than 60 repos at all)
What you request is an error prone method. For example, How do you expect the tooling to resolve merge conflicts when they occur in multiple repositories?.
If this file is indeed a shared component. I would recommend to use submodules.

Github: Repository > Projects vs Organization/User > Projects

My case is that I'm a member of an organization and I'm assigned to lead a project.
In my Github org, I created a Project corresponding to the project's name and my member initiated a Repository.
Inside the Repository is this:
I'm just a bit confused right now. How do you guys go about this? You have an Org>'Project' where you initially plan to organize your issues etc., and what do you do with this one?
Your organisation can have “projects” just like users, and any repository can also have “projects”. Your organisation project might list the TODOs for your organisation, but for your repository you might have a board to track issues/PRs etc specific to the repository.
Read more:
About Repository Projects
managing organisation projects

what is the difference between github project and project inside repository?

I know this question sounds dumb, but I am unable to understand the difference between the main project and project option provided inside each repository.
Are they same? (But the URL differs)
I looked at
but it doesn't help.
I basically understand that for larger projects management, project inside repository is helpful.
on what uses cases, they provided the another project outside of repository and linking those repositories to it?
Is that for structuring?
There is a repository on github (sometimes called a "project") where you store your code. You change the code, make a git commit, and push those code changes to the github repository.
GitHub also has a feature called "projects" which provides you a method for managing the work that needs to be done on the code. GitHub also has "issues", an issue tracker. You can use the GitHub Project Board to organize your GitHub issues, giving you a way to see see where things are at in your effort on the code.
You can turn off the "projects" and "issues" features in the repository settings, you don't have to use them. The center of work is the code in the repository, which might be referred to as a project -- the Projects feature lets you manage your issues in GitHub in a more visual format.
The difference is in the scope. The "main project" (user-owned project board) can have issues and pull requests from multiple repositories whereas the "project in repository" (repository project board) can contain only the issues and pull requests belonging to that repository.
From the Project boards docs:
Types of project boards:
User-owned project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any personal repository.
Organization-wide project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any repository that belongs to an organization. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board...
Repository project boards are scoped to issues and pull requests within a single repository. They can also include notes that reference issues and pull requests in other repositories.

is it possible to commit all selected projects from Eclipse to one github repository

how is it possible to commit all selected projects from Eclipse to one github repository(as imaged below)?
Currently when I commit my new project to github, a new repository will be created.And I'd like to avoid creating massive number of new repositories.
Thank you in advance!
p.s.I found other related topics for this question, but don't know what I should do exactly.
need your help please.
There shall be an Eclipse plugin that'll do your git job but I'll tell you a generic solution in case that plugin is not helpful. Well, all these selected projects are directories basically and if they're residing inside the same directory, let say <dir-1>, then you can add the remote repo path to <dir-1> using git remote add origin <git-path> and then add all your directories i.e. projects which will be part of the git repo. Best case would be to create separate branches for each of these projects and then merge those branches to master when they reach a logical state without any breaking changes. Now, in case, if all these directories are not residing inside <dir-1> then create a symbolic link inside <dir-1> to all those projects (possibly with same names) so that whenever the original directories are updated these directories are also changed respectively. Check more about symbolic links.

GitHub, composer, autoupdate of standalone repositories

I have a main repository which is core router for mine system modules.
So every module is a standalone repository also.
How can I make that pushing to main repository will fire event to push the updated code to standalone repository?
Just as like - they have main repository (this link) in which they collect pull-requests and standalone repositories like which exists in src/Sylius/Bundle/TaxonomyBundle
Don't they manually push the updates to standalone repos? Or some kind of github hooks? git subtree?
And why they do have the "replace" section in composer.json? How does this works? I didn't get an idea from official documentation :((
Sylius (and Symfony) create separate repositories for their components and bundle so that they can be used independently with composer. They only work in a single repository and use subtree to split the components and bundle into read only repositories.
I don't believe they are technically read-only, this is just an easier workflow than having to pull changes from the subrepo's in every time.
They probably use something like Git Subsplit GitHub WebHook to automatically update the subrepo's.
Using they replace key means that Sylius/Sylius contains Sylius/SyliusCartBundle in its self.
So when using a project which uses Sylius/Sylius and Sylius/SyliusCartBundle, Composer knows not to download Sylius/SyliusCartBundle because it is already provided by Sylius/Sylius.