what is the difference between github project and project inside repository? - github

I know this question sounds dumb, but I am unable to understand the difference between the main project and project option provided inside each repository.
Are they same? (But the URL differs)
I looked at help.github.com
but it doesn't help.
I basically understand that for larger projects management, project inside repository is helpful.
on what uses cases, they provided the another project outside of repository and linking those repositories to it?
Is that for structuring?

There is a repository on github (sometimes called a "project") where you store your code. You change the code, make a git commit, and push those code changes to the github repository.
GitHub also has a feature called "projects" which provides you a method for managing the work that needs to be done on the code. GitHub also has "issues", an issue tracker. You can use the GitHub Project Board to organize your GitHub issues, giving you a way to see see where things are at in your effort on the code.
You can turn off the "projects" and "issues" features in the repository settings, you don't have to use them. The center of work is the code in the repository, which might be referred to as a project -- the Projects feature lets you manage your issues in GitHub in a more visual format.

The difference is in the scope. The "main project" (user-owned project board) can have issues and pull requests from multiple repositories whereas the "project in repository" (repository project board) can contain only the issues and pull requests belonging to that repository.
From the Project boards docs:
Types of project boards:
User-owned project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any personal repository.
Organization-wide project boards can contain issues and pull requests from any repository that belongs to an organization. You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board...
Repository project boards are scoped to issues and pull requests within a single repository. They can also include notes that reference issues and pull requests in other repositories.


Adding GitHub Team and Repo Admins to Repos Created From Template

I have a couple questions related to GitHub template repositories. My team regularly creates repositories from a GitHub template repository. We also have a GitHub team and like to add all of our repositories to our team.
My questions are:
Anytime a new repository is created from our template repository, how can it be automatically added to our GitHub team's list of repositories?
Anytime a new repository is created from our template repository, how can myself (and someone else) automatically be made admins of this new repository (even if we didn't create the repository)?
I've searched all over documentation and Stack Overflow for possible solutions but came up empty handed. I've looked into using CODEOWNER files which might be useful, but don't look like they're designed for this use case. I've also looked into creating new repositories from the GitHub CLI using the template repository and maybe a shell script to add it to our GitHub team, but was hoping for a simpler solution.
Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!

Github: Repository > Projects vs Organization/User > Projects

My case is that I'm a member of an organization and I'm assigned to lead a project.
In my Github org, I created a Project corresponding to the project's name and my member initiated a Repository.
Inside the Repository is this:
I'm just a bit confused right now. How do you guys go about this? You have an Org>'Project' where you initially plan to organize your issues etc., and what do you do with this one?
Your organisation can have “projects” just like users, and any repository can also have “projects”. Your organisation project might list the TODOs for your organisation, but for your repository you might have a board to track issues/PRs etc specific to the repository.
Read more:
About Repository Projects
managing organisation projects

GitHub project board not copying with repo; is this possible?

I've set up a public GH project board that I wanted to share with some people, but when they fork it, only the code transfers over and their project tab remains empty. How can I share this so people can use it? I tried setting it up as a template but that didn't help.
I never seen the notion of "fork" for a project board. Only link.
See "Linking a repository to a project board"
Anyone with write permissions to a project board can link repositories owned by that organization or user account to the project board.
You can link up to twenty-five repositories to your organization or user-owned project board.
Linking repositories makes it easier to add issues and pull requests from those repositories to your project board using Add cards or from the issue or pull requests sidebar
I don't believe GH can do this. Gitlab can.

Using GitHub for issue tracking for a local Git repository

My company has a Git repository hosted on our servers. We use TortoiseGit. I would like to integrate it with GitHub Issues.
Is this possible? Note that we do not host our repository on GitHub.
I have tried using the bugtraq settings on TortoiseGit but it doesn't interact with the repository I've set up on GitHub.
I would like to integrate it with GitHub Issues. Is this possible?
Integrate in this context is a very open concept. Which integrations are you looking for? If you're not hosting the code on the repository itself, any kind of integration will be hard, but it really depends on your specific goal with GitHub Issues and which kind of triggers and links you want from your code to your issues.
From experience if I assume that by integration you mean linking Git commits in your local repository to GitHub Issues the clear answer is no.
So if you really want to use GitHub Issues without pushing the Git code upstream, have you considered creating an empty project to just use GitHub Issues and GitHub Projects. You won't be able to reference issues from the commit message, i.e., Fixed issue found in #4 but you can use it as a standalone project management tool.
Trello offers a free tier for project management that you might also want to check out.

How to find which repos a repo depends on at Github?

I want to find out which repos a repo depends on at Github.
Now I can only find the dependent repos of a repo, that is, which repos depends on a repo.
Can I find the repos in the reversed way at Github?
Since May 23rd, 2019 (two years later), you now have "Dependent repositories"
Dependent repositories surface data from the GitHub dependency graph, showcasing which public repositories depend on the packages in that repository.
See more at "Listing the projects that depend on a repository"
It depends on your notion of "dependencies".
In term of Git repositories, one clear dependency is the notion of submodules
On GitHub, simply check for the presence of a .gitmodules file, you you would get in it the list of the url of dependent repository.
But the reverse wouldn't be easy to get: for a given repo, is is harder to find the list of repositories using it.
Maybe try a GitHub code search, limiting its search to files with extension .gitmodules.
Example: vysheng/tg extension:gitmodules: you see the list of repos using vysheng/tg as a submodule that way.