Pushing to multiple github repo at once - github

Is there any easy method to push\upload a file to multiple github repositories at once?
without need to first clone them to local machine. kinda script or cli\gui tool?
I searched across Google, but seems nobody asked\wanted the same thing..
What i trying to achieve is to upload a new renovate.json config to all my repositories under one github account (some of them public, some private, more than 60 repos at all)

What you request is an error prone method. For example, How do you expect the tooling to resolve merge conflicts when they occur in multiple repositories?.
If this file is indeed a shared component. I would recommend to use submodules.


Copy all repos of an organisation to another account

I'm part of an organisation on github and would like to copy all the repos of that organisation to another regular github account at once.
I thought there would be a tool to help me to do this easily but haven't found one yet. What would be the easiest way to approach this? Thank you
I have tried looking into gh but I'm not sure it's the right tool for it. All I'm trying to do is basically cloning all the repos of the organisation I am a part of to another github account in one go
I have tried looking into gh but I'm not sure it's the right tool for it.
Considering there does not seem to be a native feature allowing for a bulk copy you want, gh is actually a good option.
Depending on the fork policy of your organization and the nature of said repositories (public or private), you should be able to write a script, using the GitHub CLI gh, which would:
list the repositories of an organization (gh repo list)
fork it (gh repo fork)
Note that will not copy issues or pull-requests.

Github: how to only grant visibility to a single branch?

We build a project for a client. This project is hosted on a private repo where each branch is assigned to a different client.
We would like to grant a given client the right to see what's on his branch, without seing everything on the repo.
Is that possible ? Other possible solution ?
I don't believe there is a "clean" method for what you're looking to do.
Depending on how you want to communicate things you could make use of the Slack integration and the branch by branch filtering concept that has been raised.
I question why your projects are a branch per client and not repo, (maybe the private repo cost?). In any case, if there are subtle differences between client projects can the main source code be parameterized so if multiple clients see the same files they don't actually know anything about your other clients?

How can I create a complete offline archive of a GitHub repository?

We have some repos that we no longer need to keep on GitHub. If we use GitHub's archiving feature, the repos actually stay online. What we'd like instead is a way to download an archive of all the content (including issue reports) for a given repository, put that repository archive in a long-term preservation system, and delete the repo from GitHub. This is more than simply backing up a repository in the sense of other similar questions on Stack Overflow, and is more like what BackHub can do. Is there a tool or set of procedures (beyond git clone) that will allow me to do this?
python-github-backup can back up a single repository in an organizational account, as well as all repositories in an account. I have tried it on individual repositories, and it worked as hoped: using its --all option, it captures issues, labels, milestones, pull requests, and wiki pages, as well as the repo itself.
Googling "github-backup" leads to other similar tools, but most of the others seem to have fewer features than python-github-backup or haven't been updated for many years. However, I must admit I haven't explored the other options very carefully.
Tip: the essential ingredient in using Google to find a suitable tool seems to be to search for the words "github" and "backup" specifically, and not include "archive" as I was doing in my original search, or even use more elaborate search strings such as "how make backup github repository".
If is preferable to use git clone --mirror, to get the full repo history and then
git bundle --all to get only one file (easier to store than a collection of files)
a long term storage system (example AWS S3)
you might want to clone the associated GitHub wiki as well, if you have one.
that won't preserve your issues/Pull Requests
Use a folder on your local machine, google drive, or dropbox. No need to use github on non-active projects.

How to set up GIT as version control tool for a small team

We are using Eclipse with a SVN client plug-in. This client needs a server running; what about Git? We need to work in a LAN environment without internet access. I have read some basic tutorials about using Git with Eclipse. If I got a Java project in my Git repository, how can I share it with my teammate?
Even though you can share your local repositories, I would suggest setting up a server. There many free alternatives like:
gitlab (http://gitlab.org)
gitorious (http://gitorious.org)
gitolite (https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite)
gitblit (http://gitblit.com/)
But IMO the best one is Atlassian Stash which for small team will cost you only $10.
if you need to share it, you need some way to access it from each other. Bitbucket is great for small teams who need private code.
If you are always using it from inside a LAN one of you should set up a shared section which you can all push your git changes too (a shared folder or shared drive is good enough) but i would recommend using github / bitbucket if possible
from a command line (can probably use it within eclipse too)
git clone file:////
and then you can psuh and pull from assuming you have write permissions there
if you're coming from subversion to git, you will be faced with the concept of local repository vs shared repository. You will be able to have a local repository on your computer where you can do as many commits as you want and then only push relevant changes to the shared repository (the one that your teammates will be able to see).
Here's an useful link on the possibilities to share a repository: http://www.jedi.be/blog/2009/05/06/8-ways-to-share-your-git-repository/ (ignore the last one, GITHUB, which will require internet access).
In your particular situation I would recommend sharing via SSH or via GIT daemon.
I also really recommend you to take a look on Eric Sink's book here. He's even offering hardcopies for free!
as suggested you can run your own instance of gitolite or gitlab, but for a rudimentary solution i suggest you just check the following answer:
basically you can use any folder as a shared repository as long as all users can access the files either locally or via ssh. that link discribes how to tell git to create its file with rights that are appropriate for usage by all users of one unix group (instead of only the single user owning the files).

GitHub-2-GitHub issues import

As you know GitHub has introduced a Repo Transfer feature. https://github.com/blog/876-repo-transfers
This allows you to change ownership of your root repos, not forking them with your organization. However, if you have already forked a repo and want to dump all its open issues to newly created one, what should you do?
Is there any solution on GitHub-2-GitHub issues import?
Though Tekkub answer makes sense, I still implemented a short script to transfer issues:
You should delete the newly created one and transfer the repo instead. Transferring repo ownership takes the issues with it.
Tekkub wrote a not-so-well-received answer (-2 as of this writing): "You should delete the newly created one and transfer the repo instead. Transferring repo ownership takes the issues with it." He isn't wrong; he just didn't walk through any of the considerations and gotchas. I'll enumerate a few of those below ...
Only Works if you have "admin" access to the parent repo:
In my case, I couldn't use repo-migration because I don't "own" the parent repo so I can't authorize the transfer (parent repo in the hands of a team-member who left). So it doesn't work for me. HOWEVER ... if you do in fact have admin privileges to the parent repo you are migrating, then using the "transfer repo" function is distinctly better and nowhere near as hard as it sounds.
Git history - trivial to keep
One of the commenters expressed concern over the new repo having its own history they don't want to lose. Well, that's the magic of git as a distributed VCS. You simply pull down all branches and tags and everything else to your local repo and then push that history up to the repo you are going to migrate.
git remote add origin1 https://github.com/blah/blah
git remote add origin2 https://github.com/blah/blah
git pull origin1
git push origin2
If you've created issues in both repos ... well that's screwed
Decide which repo has more important content, use that as the base, and port everything else into there. It's a "merge". good luck. The gh-issues-import.py script script posted by ibo.ezhe helps, but it doesn't restore comments on the issues. Feel free to improve it and send him a PullRequest (I did).
There's a Chrome Extension called Kamino that my colleague wrote. It's open source, and works extraordinarily well. It's more for copying issues individually, but he's looking at doing bulk copies as well.
Available here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kamino/ffdebockfdjileaojbbccofhgncmioaf
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