Switching from NGUI to UGUI? - unity3d

I’ve been using NGUI for years and I’m thinking of switching to UGUI.
Does anyone know well-known games that have been developed using UGUI? I know a lot that have used NGUI but not sure about UGUI. I’d like to see if the games are good.
I would appreciate any input.

Well, I don't know any well known games made using uGUI but u can check some of the games which i helped develop and they are using uGUI.
Jump and Rush
I also switched from NGUI to uGUI back when Unity 4.6 was released. At the time i felt NGUI was still better and uGUI just lacked many of the features that NGUI had. Now i feel uGUI is better. Still some tools i extracted from NGUI which uGUI lacked and edited it to support unity UI. Those were tween library and some editor tools. Of course we have iTween, leantween, etc. but interface which NGUI provided through inspector was better.
I suggest you to switch to uGUI. Everything possible with NGUI is possible with uGUI also and it is much more efficient performance wise also. It is open source
like NGUI .
Check this link for source : bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui


How can i add full modding support to my Unity game?

I've played a bit around with Unity-Lua and decidet to add full modding support for my unity game. But it dosn't really work that well... Unity-Lua has some major things missing that i need to add full modding support.
Is there a good and easy to understand alternative?
I want the player to fully mod the game, and be able to change everything like ui, items, enemies.
The concept of the game is just, there is nothing in the actual but you can change that with mods to make whatever game you want.
Thanks :)

Reality Composer – How to change shadow opacity?

I'm a visual artist and I was using Adobe Aero to bring my VR drawings into AR. Recently I found out about Reality Composer and will definitely switch now because of the people occlusion. The only problem I have is, that I want my shadows to appear darker, similar to Aero (right now they are very weak).
I tried to do all kinds of stuff but couldn't find a solution. I heard that it could maybe be possible with coding but I unfortunately can't code. Does anyone know how I could achieve that?

Unity 5.0 TouchScript Pan with Oculus Plugin

Hey guys I'm new to stackoverflow and was hoping anyone out there can help me with this problem :(
I'm using unity 5.1.1f personal and I'm trying to move 3d objects with the touchscript plugin. I'm also using the oculus and leapmotion plugins. For some reason the blue tag that's suppose to detect touch only appears behind the oculus lens views when I run the game as if they're not even in the game world to begin with. I suspect it might be a hierarchy issue but am at lost on how to solve it. I'm also confused about the touchscript plugin's synchronicity with the fiducial markers i plan to use to track the virtual objects positioning. If anyone out there can give me some help i'd greatly appreciate it! I'm not very good with unity so i'm in a pickle of what I can do.... ;_;

Simple Cocos2d Iphone Game. Just some basic questions

I'm making an app, where the sprite has to run across the screen pressing buttons and jumping and ducking. Kind of like line runner. Anyways, I'm using cocos2d. Is this what i should be using. If it is, how would i make it. Im not asking for all the code, just the basic objectives and what i should do! thanks so much!
Cocos2d is one of the best platform to make game i think what you want to do can be done by cocos2d and you need to know how to move object(sprite) across the scene and how to detect the collation.
there is lots of way to move the sprite across the screen you can also move then by the cocos2d built in methods.
search for move method which will help you.
I would definitely advise you to use Cocos2d for this purpose and also Box2d if you need real physics simulation in your game.
Regarding of writing your game have a look here : It contains very useful cocos2d tutorials and even have a tutorial of how to write a full functioning game (Look for the monkey game)
Note : It seems that the link does not work right now but I am sure it will be fixed soon..

Iphone GUI physics code

When you drag an iphone GUI element like a list, it scrolls in a physics correct way, and also has a nice bounce effect at the end.
I would like to write a GUI element in my game, without using UIKit. I wonder where is the code implementing this, and if I can use it instead of trying to write something similar.
Any ideas?
I think that a physics engine would be overkill for just animating a gui element (unless you already have a physics engine in your game).
You could try using animations but I've no experience of doing this without UIKit but I suppose you would start here?
If you didn't want to use Core Animation, I would take a look at Robert Penner's easing equations - they're in actionscript but are pretty simple to port to C and would be a good start to get your own animation code started.
Hope this helps,
You can perhaps use animations to achieve this, you can define animation paths for bouncing or doing whatever it is you need and activate them when needed. I think the example project MoveMe can help you out
I can recommend the O'Reilly book "Physics for Game Developers" by David Bourg, which has great coverage of algorithms and code for all sorts of simulations. You probably want to start with motion affected by drag for the flick and gradual slowing, then look at a spring model to simulate the damping at the end.
box2d is an open source project that provides a great 2d physics engine.
this library is used by Intel clutter, which is a nice physics oriented UI library that is capable of running on mobile devices. that means that box2d is already optimized for mobile platforms like the iphone.