Iphone GUI physics code - iphone

When you drag an iphone GUI element like a list, it scrolls in a physics correct way, and also has a nice bounce effect at the end.
I would like to write a GUI element in my game, without using UIKit. I wonder where is the code implementing this, and if I can use it instead of trying to write something similar.
Any ideas?

I think that a physics engine would be overkill for just animating a gui element (unless you already have a physics engine in your game).
You could try using animations but I've no experience of doing this without UIKit but I suppose you would start here?
If you didn't want to use Core Animation, I would take a look at Robert Penner's easing equations - they're in actionscript but are pretty simple to port to C and would be a good start to get your own animation code started.
Hope this helps,

You can perhaps use animations to achieve this, you can define animation paths for bouncing or doing whatever it is you need and activate them when needed. I think the example project MoveMe can help you out

I can recommend the O'Reilly book "Physics for Game Developers" by David Bourg, which has great coverage of algorithms and code for all sorts of simulations. You probably want to start with motion affected by drag for the flick and gradual slowing, then look at a spring model to simulate the damping at the end.

box2d is an open source project that provides a great 2d physics engine.
this library is used by Intel clutter, which is a nice physics oriented UI library that is capable of running on mobile devices. that means that box2d is already optimized for mobile platforms like the iphone.


Simple Cocos2d Iphone Game. Just some basic questions

I'm making an app, where the sprite has to run across the screen pressing buttons and jumping and ducking. Kind of like line runner. Anyways, I'm using cocos2d. Is this what i should be using. If it is, how would i make it. Im not asking for all the code, just the basic objectives and what i should do! thanks so much!
Cocos2d is one of the best platform to make game i think what you want to do can be done by cocos2d and you need to know how to move object(sprite) across the scene and how to detect the collation.
there is lots of way to move the sprite across the screen you can also move then by the cocos2d built in methods.
search for move method which will help you.
I would definitely advise you to use Cocos2d for this purpose and also Box2d if you need real physics simulation in your game.
Regarding of writing your game have a look here : It contains very useful cocos2d tutorials and even have a tutorial of how to write a full functioning game (Look for the monkey game)
Note : It seems that the link does not work right now but I am sure it will be fixed soon..

Tool to construct 3D maze for the iPhone?

I want to construct a 3D Maze tha will appear on the iPhone screen but not in the typical above-the maze view but in a Wolfenstein walking inside-around the maze fashion.. Excuse my terminology but I'm quite new to this :)
My questions are the following:
What tools should I use to build my 3d maze? XCode's OpenGl or Quartz Composer?
Given that I want a fairly simple design is there some even simpler tool I can use to design the maze and then import it in my Objective-C project to integrate user/iphone interaction to this?
More importantly though: Regarding the user's movement around the maze, it will involve some elaborate motion event handling and not your typical click left/front/back/right arrow to move around.. Does that affect in any way the tool I will be using to construct my maze or is this irrelevant?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You could (and probably should) do it with Unity 3D. In fact, somebody already has.

Iphone game cocos2d and box2d

I have image named "platform.png" that represents one brick for platform of a IPhone game. I have a cartoon character that will jump on this platform.
A series of platform.png will form one complete platform. These series will be generated by swiping finger across Iphone screen. When character will jump on this platform it should go down like elastic and bounce back up. Can anyone tell me how to do this ?
Thanks in advance.
What yo want is Collision Detection. I don't think using Cocos2d will be a great idea to use in this case because you want to show elastic and bounce effects which should seem real. For this, what I suggest, is using Box2d which clearly help in showing the effects in a natural way. Here Collision Detection can be handled in a separate class known as ContactListener. You can study Box2d and ContactListener here. In ContactListener you can generate these effects and this class is very easy to handle. Two or three months back I used the same to create my game Pogo Jump and believe me I was very easy to work on Box2d.
Good luck..!!
heye ,
you have two options for this , either use box-2d/chipmunk or dont.
If you have prior experience with Physics then i would say box-2d/chipmunk would look more realistic.

iPhone game loop hybrid

I had an idea for an app that would require me to implement these little sprites that would require basic physics features like gravity, acceleration, etc... so naturally I looked into a game loop for the iPhone, there were plenty of threads on this, but what I am trying to understand is that I want to be able to create these sprites and have them behave naturally using a game loop, but still have full "standard" iPhone interaction, i.e. touches, pinching, swiping, core animation, core data, etc...
Is this just as simple as implementing a game loop on a background thread and updating sprites on that thread then doing the standard operations on the main UI thread (except of course for obvious background tasks)?
I would like some general overview of this type of thing if thats possible.
I wanted the same thing, but the iPhone SDK is all about async and callbacks and it's better to roll with the framework rather than fight it. If Cocos2d does not satisfy you, you could look into hooking into NSRunLoop.
With regards to CADisplayLink: I noticed a drop in performance (decreased triangle throughput) when using CADisplayLink with OpenGL ES (which you have stated you are not using so I will not elaborate further).
In Xcode try creating a iPhone OpenGL ES project. Just build and run with the default code. You should see a box moving up and down. This simple example should give you an insight into animating objects and how the OS version of the device matters. The OpenGL view is based off a normal view that you can attach gesture watchers to.
Check out one of the available game physics engines. Cocos2D is a good place to start: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/ -- free and lots of resouRces to get started with.

iPhone - What is the best way to create the physics for a game?

1- let's say there is a box on the screen and as soon as it gets hit by another box it suppose to move. How can i detect (getting hit) on my box object? Is it a good idea to use an nstimer which runs every 0.1 seconds and looking for the location of other objects around itself?
2- What is the best way to display simple 2d animations?
Install the Cocos2d templates and then instead of using the standard Cocos2d template use either the Chipmunk or Box2d template. Box2d has the benefit of C++ where Chipmunk is C based. Both still use Objective-C though for a lot of stuff. Heres where Cocos2d is. Note: All three templates have animation abilities.