Kafka topics beyond retention period - apache-kafka

What happens to topics that are beyond their retention period? The messages will get wiped out but will the topic still exist and if so, will it write to offset 0 if there is only one partition on a topic?

Each offset within a partition is always assigned to a single message, and it won't be reassigned. From Log Compaction Basics documentation:
Note that the messages in the tail of the log retain the original offset assigned when they were first written—that never changes. Note also that all offsets remain valid positions in the log, even if the message with that offset has been compacted away ...

The brokers will hold no data for those topics, but the offsets will be set at their "high water mark" until new messages are produced.
The topic metadata will still exist, and the offsets always increase, never reset.


Kafka retention policy on active consumer group

Does the Kafka clean up the logs only when no consumer is active on a consumer group?
When there is a lag in a partition with an active consumer, I expected the current offset (lag) to also adjust once the time set on the retention policy has passed, but it looks like the lags are still consumable after the retention period had passed as long as the consumer is attached to the group.
I tested with the log.retention.check.interval.ms set to 1ms and log.cleanup.policy to 'delete', along with the topic's retentions.ms set to 1000ms, but the lags were still consumable way past the 1000ms.
When I remove the consumer and add a consumer again to the existing group, the offset gets adjusted as expected.
Does Kafka only adjust the offset when there is no active consumer?
If so, is there a way to update the current offset according to the retention policy other than removing and recreating the consumer?
Thanks in advance.
If there's an active consumer that's committing offsets back to Kafka __consumer_offsets topic, then no, offset information wouldn't ever be removed, despite the original topic segments being removed to where those offsets may no longer exist. As the docs indicate, the group needs to first be inactive, but also need to remain inactive for several minutes.
After a consumer group loses all its consumers (i.e. becomes empty) its offsets will be kept for this retention period before getting discarded
(emphasis added)
You can call seekToEarliest / seekToEnd function if you want to always guarantee your group position rather than rely on stored offsets

Kafka consumer-group liveness empty topic partitions

Following up on this question - I would like to know semantics between consumer-groups and offset expiry. In general I'm curious to know, how kafka protocol determines some specific offset (for consumer-group, topic, partition combination) to be expired ? Is it basing on periodic commits from consumer that are part of the group-protocol or does the offset-tick gets applied after all consumers are deemed dead/closed ? Im thinking this could have repercussions when dealing with topic-partitions to which data isn't produced frequently. In my case, we have a consumer-group reading from a fairly idle topic (not much data produced). Since, the consumer-group doesnt periodically commit any offsets, can we ever be in danger of loosing previously committed offsets. For example, when some unforeseen rebalance happens, the topic-partitions could get re-assigned with lost offset-commits and this could cause the consumer to read data from the earliest (configured auto.offset.reset) point ?
For user-topics, offset expiry / topic retention is completely decoupled from consumer-group offsets. Segments do not "reopen" when a consumer accesses them.
At a minimum, segment.bytes, retention.ms(or minutes/hours), retention.bytes all determine when log segments get deleted.
For the internal __consumer_offsets topic, offsets.retention.minutes controls when it is deleted (also in coordination with its segment.bytes).
The LogCleaner thread actively removes closed segments on a periodic basis, not the consumers. If a consumer is lagging considerably, and upon requesting offsets from a segment that had been deleted, then the auto.offset.reset gets applied.

What consumer offset will be set if auto.offset.reset=earliest but topic has no messages

I have Kafka server version 2.4 and set log.retention.hours=168(so that messages in the topic will get deleted after 7 days) and auto.offset.reset=earliest(so that if the consumer doesn't get the last committed offset then it should be processed from the beginning). And since I am using Kafka 2.4 version so by default value offsets.retention.minutes=10080 (since I am not setting this property in my application).
My Topic data is : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
current consumer offset before shutting down consumer: 10
End offset:10
last committed offset by consumer: 10
So let's say my consumer is not running for the past 7 days and I have started the consumer on the 8th day. So my last committed offset by the consumer will get expired(due to offsets.retention.minutes=10080 property) and topic messages also will get deleted(due to log.retention.hours=168 property).
So wanted to know what consumer offset will be set by auto.offset.reset=earliest property now?
Although no data is available in the Kafka topic, your brokers still know the "next" offset within that partition. In your case the first and last offset of this topic is 10 whereas it does not contain any data.
Therefore, your consumer which already has committed offset 10 will try to read 11 when started again, independent of the consumer configuration auto.offset.reset.
Your example will get even more interesting when your topic has had offsets, say, until 15 while the consumer was shut down after committing offset 10. Now, imagine all offsets were removed from the topic due to the retention policy. If you then start your consumer only then the consumer configuration auto.offset.reset comes into effect as stated in the documentation:
"What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that data has been deleted)"
As long as the Kafka topic is empty there is no offset "set" for the consumer. The consumer just tries to find the next available offset, either based on
the last committed offset or,
in case the last committed offset does not exist anymore, the configuration given through auto.offset.reset.
Just as an additional note: Even though the messages seem to get cleaned by the retention policy you may still see some data in the topic due to Data still remains in Kafka topic even after retention time/size
Once the consumer group gets deleted from log, auto.offset.reset will take the precedence and consumers will start consuming data from beginning.
My Topic data is : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
If the topic has the above data, the consumer will start from beginning, and all 1 to 10 records will be consumed
My Topic data is : 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
In this case if old data is purged due to retention, the consumer will reset the offset to earliest (earliest offset available at that time) and start consuming from there, for example in this scenario it will consume all from 11 to 20 (since 1 to 10 are purged)

Where is offset of consumer stored in Kafka [duplicate]

From what I understand a consumer reads messages off a particular topic, and the consumer client will periodically commit the offset.
So if for some reason the consumer fails a particular message, that offset won't be committed and you can then go back and reprocess he message.
Is there anything that tracks the offset you just consumed and the offset you then commit?
Does kafka distinguish between consumed offset and commited offset?
Yes, there is a big difference. The consumed offset is managed by the consumer in such a way that the consumer will fetch subsequent messages out of a topic partition.
The consumer can (but it is not a must) commit a message either automatically or by calling the commit API. The information is stored in a Kafka internal topic called __consumer_offsets and stores the committed offset based on ConsumerGroup, Topic and Partition. It will be used if the client is getting restartet or a new consumer joins/leaves the ConsumerGroup.
Just keep in mind that if your client does not committ offset n but later committs offset n+1, for Kafka it won't make a different to the case when you commit both offsets.
Edit: More details on consumed and committed offsets can be found in the JavaDocs of KafkaConsumer on Offsets and Consumer Position:
Kafka maintains a numerical offset for each record in a partition. This offset acts as a unique identifier of a record within that partition, and also denotes the position of the consumer in the partition. For example, a consumer which is at position 5 has consumed records with offsets 0 through 4 and will next receive the record with offset 5. There are actually two notions of position relevant to the user of the consumer:
The position of the consumer gives the offset of the next record that will be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the consumer has seen in that partition. It automatically advances every time the consumer receives messages in a call to poll(Duration).
The committed position is the last offset that has been stored securely. Should the process fail and restart, this is the offset that the consumer will recover to. The consumer can either automatically commit offsets periodically; or it can choose to control this committed position manually by calling one of the commit APIs (e.g. commitSync and commitAsync).
This distinction gives the consumer control over when a record is considered consumed. It is discussed in further detail below.

Apache Kafka Cleanup while consuming messages

Playing around with Apache Kafka and its retention mechanism I'm thinking about following situation:
A consumer fetches first batch of messages with offsets 1-5
The cleaner deletes the first 10 messages, so the topic now has offsets 11-15
In the next poll, the consumer fetches the next batch with offsets 11-15
As you can see the consumer lost the offsets 6-10.
Question, is such a situation possible at all? With other words, will the cleaner execute while there is an active consumer? If yes, is the consumer able to somehow recognize that gap?
Yes such a scenario can happen. The exact steps will be a bit different:
Consumer fetches message 1-5
Messages 1-10 are deleted
Consumer tries to fetch message 6 but this offset is out of range
Consumer uses its offset reset policy auto.offset.reset to find a new valid offset.
If set to latest, the consumer moves to the end of the partition
If set to earliest the consumer moves to offset 11
If none or unset, the consumer throws an exception
To avoid such scenarios, you should monitor the lead of your consumer group. It's similar to the lag, but the lead indicates how far from the start of the partition the consumer is. Being near the start has the risk of messages being deleted before they are consumed.
If consumers are near the limits, you can dynamically add more consumers or increase the topic retention size/time if needed.
Setting auto.offset.reset to none will throw an exception if this happens, the other values only log it.
Question, is such a situation possible at all? will the cleaner execute while there is an active consumer
Yes, if the messages have crossed TTL (Time to live) period before they are consumed, this situation is possible.
Is the consumer able to somehow recognize that gap?
In case where you suspect your configuration (high consumer lag, low TTL) might lead to this, the consumer should track offsets. kafka-consumer-groups.sh command gives you the information position of all consumers in a consumer group as well as how far behind the end of the log they are.