Kafka consumer-group liveness empty topic partitions - apache-kafka

Following up on this question - I would like to know semantics between consumer-groups and offset expiry. In general I'm curious to know, how kafka protocol determines some specific offset (for consumer-group, topic, partition combination) to be expired ? Is it basing on periodic commits from consumer that are part of the group-protocol or does the offset-tick gets applied after all consumers are deemed dead/closed ? Im thinking this could have repercussions when dealing with topic-partitions to which data isn't produced frequently. In my case, we have a consumer-group reading from a fairly idle topic (not much data produced). Since, the consumer-group doesnt periodically commit any offsets, can we ever be in danger of loosing previously committed offsets. For example, when some unforeseen rebalance happens, the topic-partitions could get re-assigned with lost offset-commits and this could cause the consumer to read data from the earliest (configured auto.offset.reset) point ?

For user-topics, offset expiry / topic retention is completely decoupled from consumer-group offsets. Segments do not "reopen" when a consumer accesses them.
At a minimum, segment.bytes, retention.ms(or minutes/hours), retention.bytes all determine when log segments get deleted.
For the internal __consumer_offsets topic, offsets.retention.minutes controls when it is deleted (also in coordination with its segment.bytes).
The LogCleaner thread actively removes closed segments on a periodic basis, not the consumers. If a consumer is lagging considerably, and upon requesting offsets from a segment that had been deleted, then the auto.offset.reset gets applied.


Missing events on previously empty partition when restarting kafka streams app

I have a strange issue that I cannot understand how I can resolve. I have a kafka streams app (2.1.0) that reads from a topic with around 40 partitions. The partitions are using a range partition policy so at the moment some of them can be completely empty.
My issue is that during the downtime of the app one of those empty partitions was activated and a number of events were written to it. When the app was restored though, it read all the events from other partitions but it ignored the events already stored to the previous empty partition (the app has OffsetResetPolicy LATEST for the specific topic). On top of that when newer messages arrived to the specific partition it did consume them and somehow bypassed the previous ones.
My assumption is that __consumer_offsets does not have any entry for the specified partition when restoring but how can I avoid this situation without losing events. I mean the topic already exists
with the specified number of partitions.
Does this sound familiar to anybody ? Am I missing something, do I need to set some parameter to kafka because I cannot figure out why this is happening ?
This is expected behaviour.
Your empty partition does not have committed offset in __consumer_offsets. If there are no committed offsets for a partition, the offset policy specified in auto.offset.rest is used to decide at which offset to start consuming the events.
If auto.offset.reset is set to LATEST, your Streams app will only start consuming at the latest offset in the partition, i.e., after the events that were added during downtime and it will only consume events that were written to the partition after downtime.
If auto.offset.reset is set to EARLIEST, your Streams app will start from the earliest offset in the partition and read also the events written to the partition during downtime.
As #mazaneica mentioned in a comment to your question, auto.offset.reset only affects partitions without a committed offset. So your non-empty partitions will be fine, i.e., the Streams app will consume events from where it stopped before the downtime.

Apache Kafka Cleanup while consuming messages

Playing around with Apache Kafka and its retention mechanism I'm thinking about following situation:
A consumer fetches first batch of messages with offsets 1-5
The cleaner deletes the first 10 messages, so the topic now has offsets 11-15
In the next poll, the consumer fetches the next batch with offsets 11-15
As you can see the consumer lost the offsets 6-10.
Question, is such a situation possible at all? With other words, will the cleaner execute while there is an active consumer? If yes, is the consumer able to somehow recognize that gap?
Yes such a scenario can happen. The exact steps will be a bit different:
Consumer fetches message 1-5
Messages 1-10 are deleted
Consumer tries to fetch message 6 but this offset is out of range
Consumer uses its offset reset policy auto.offset.reset to find a new valid offset.
If set to latest, the consumer moves to the end of the partition
If set to earliest the consumer moves to offset 11
If none or unset, the consumer throws an exception
To avoid such scenarios, you should monitor the lead of your consumer group. It's similar to the lag, but the lead indicates how far from the start of the partition the consumer is. Being near the start has the risk of messages being deleted before they are consumed.
If consumers are near the limits, you can dynamically add more consumers or increase the topic retention size/time if needed.
Setting auto.offset.reset to none will throw an exception if this happens, the other values only log it.
Question, is such a situation possible at all? will the cleaner execute while there is an active consumer
Yes, if the messages have crossed TTL (Time to live) period before they are consumed, this situation is possible.
Is the consumer able to somehow recognize that gap?
In case where you suspect your configuration (high consumer lag, low TTL) might lead to this, the consumer should track offsets. kafka-consumer-groups.sh command gives you the information position of all consumers in a consumer group as well as how far behind the end of the log they are.

Stream reprocessing on system time change

I have a kafka streams application (Kafka v1.1.0) with multiple(24) topics. Four of these topics are source topics and the remaining are destination topics. They seem to have reprocessed data on changing the system time to a previous date. I have the default broker configs i.e. :
auto.offset.reset = latest
offsets.retention.minutes = 1440 #1 day
log.retention.hours = 168 #7 days
I have looked into the following links in details and the sub-links posted in the answers:
1) Kafka Stream reprocessing old messages on rebalancing
2) How does an offset expire for an Apache Kafka consumer group?
3) https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-186%3A+Increase+offsets+retention+default+to+7+days
The following JIRA discussion also states this issue:
After reading up on this I have established an understanding of the cases in which stream consumers might reprocess data.
However, with the default configs mentioned above (the ones being used for my setup), if offsets are lost i.e. offsets.retention.minutes has expired then the consumer would rebalance and start from latest committed offset (which wouldn't be anything) and any new incoming data would be processed as is. In this scenario there shouldn't be any data reprocessing and hence no duplicates.
In the case of a system time change however, there might be a possibility of offsets being inconsistent i.e. it is possible for offsets of source topic to have a CommitTime of an earlier date after a CommitTime of a later date. In this case if a topic has a low traffic and there is no data received on it for more than offsets.retention.minutes then its offset would be no longer available and another topic with high traffic would have its offset in __consumer_offsets topic.
How would the stream consumer behave in this scenario? Is there a chance of duplication in this scenario. I am really confused about it. Any help will be really appreciated.

Can we have retention period of zero in Kafka broker?

Does retention period of zero makes sense in kafka borker?
We want to quickly forward message from producer to consumer via kafka broker. From buffercache/pagecache on broker machine without flushing to disk. We do not need replication and assume our broker will never crash.
When a message is produced to a Kafka topic it is written to the disk. Once the message has been consumed, the offset of this message is committed by the consumer (if you are using the high-level consumer API) however, there is no functionality that deletes only the messages that have been consumed (many consumers may subscribe to the same topic and some of them might have consumed that message while some others might have not).
What I would suggest in your case is to set a short retention period (which by default is set to 7 days) but allow a reasonable amount of time in order to allow your consumer to consume the messages. To do this, you simply need to configure the following parameter in server.properties:
Note that there is no guarantee that the deleted message(s) have been successfully consumed by your consumer(s). For example, if you set the retention period to 2 seconds (i.e. log.retention.ms=2000) and your consumer crashes, then every message which is sent to the topic while the consumer is down will be lost.

Kafka manual offset managment issue

While implementing manual offset management, I encountered the following issue: (using 0.9)
In order to manage the offsets manually, for each consumed record, I retrieve the current offset of the record and commit the new offset (currentOffset + 1, since the offset reset strategy is "latest").
When a new consumer group is created, it has no explicit offsets (offset is "unknown"), therefore, if it didn't consume messages from all existing partitions before it is stopped, it will have committed offsets for only part of the partitions (the ones the consumer got messages from), while the offset for the rest of the partitions will still be "unknown".
When the consumer is started again, it gets only some of the messages that were produced while it was down (only the ones from the partitions that had a committed offset), the messages from partitions with "unknown" offset are lost and will never be consumed due to the offset reset strategy.
Since it's unacceptable in my case to miss any messages once a consumer group is created, I'd like to explicitly commit an offset for each partition before starting consumption.
To do that I found two options:
Use low level consumer to send an offset request.
Use high level consumer, call consumer.poll(0) (to trigger the assignment), then call consumer.assignment(), and for each TopicPartition call consumer.committed(topicPartition); consumer.seekToEnd(topicPartition); consumer.position(topicPartition) and eventually commit all offsets.
Both are more complex and noisy than I'd expect (I'd expect a simpler API I could use to get the log end position for all partitions assigned to a consumer).
Any thoughts or ideas for a better implementation would be appreciated.
Using consumer API totally depends upon where are you committing offsets.
If your offsets are getting stored in Kafka broker then definitely
you should use high-level consumer API it will provide you with more control
over offsets.
If you are keeping offsets in zookeeper than you can use any old consumer API like
List< KafkaStream < byte[], byte[] > > streams
=consumer.createMessageStreamsByFilter(new Whitelist(topicRegex),1)