Difference Between JBOSS EAP and JBOSS Application Server - jboss

Can somebody please explain the difference between JBOSS EAP and JBOSS Application Server in a simple way. I tried to find the diff in multiple sites but I can't, so please help me on this.


Wildfly and JBoss EAP equivalent versions

I recently started working on the wildfly migration and this is completely new for me.
I have searched on the web but did not find relevant data,
Here I need the list of the wildfly and their equivalent JBoss versions. so, I can choose the dependencies accordingly.
If you've got a Red Hat account there is a listing in the knowledge base. For a list of components in JBoss EAP there is a public listing.

Fuse Project in JBoss Developer Studio

I'm new in JBoss Developer Studio.
Where I can find example, how I can make fuse integration project and RUN it on server? I cann't run my test project on server, I see a lot of errors, but my project consist only LOG component. And Why I cann't run this project on EAP 7.1 or Fuse 6.3?
i have JBoss EAP 7.1 and JBoss Fuse 6.3.
Thank you in advance, and sorry for my English)
When I use Mule, I can make and run my first project for 10-15 minutes. But in Developer Studio it's very... difficult. I wasted 2 days without result
I am sorry that you are facing problems.
I would suggest you try to read the documentation at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_fuse/6.3/pdf/tooling_tutorials/Red_Hat_JBoss_Fuse-6.3-Tooling_Tutorials-en-US.pdf . It is a good starting point for writing camel routes with the JBoss Fuse Tooling. I would also recommend you learn more about Apache Camel at http://camel.apache.org as the tooling is for Camel.
Hope that helps,

BPM suite installation on Jboss FUSE (instead of EAP)

I am looking to install Jboss BPM suite on Jboss fuse instead of usual EAP servers. Please help!!!
can you provide more details on what you already tried and what are your errors?
Have you read/try the documentation?

Which JBoss application server's version is stable and latest?

I am new to JBoss application server. when I go for download the application server in the website. I am seeing the below servers list in the top
EAP built from AS 7.3.
EAP 6.2 Maven Repository.
EAP 6.2 Quickstarts.
kindly help me. Which is the best one. otherwise, shall I go for any other open source application server.
I don't want to make any comment about these things you mentioned. But I can share my experience with you.
Jboss 5.1: It was good.
Jboss 7.1: I faced a problem with log4j issue. Its very complicated.
EAP 6.2: Its much stable than 7.1. my log4j problem is solved with this version.
So, it totally depends upon how deep you want to use jboss.

How to find a new JBoss Application Server 7 server in eclipse?

I want to launch my application with JBoss AS7. Normally I'll go to Window->Preferences->Server->RuntimeEnvironments and Add JBoss 7.0 Runtime. But I can't find JBoss AS 7.0 Runtime. I have installed the JBOSS Community with JBoss AS 3.2, ... 6.0 but where is 7? Thanks for your help
You can indeed run JBoss Application Server 7 with Eclipse, but you will find it easiest to do so with JBoss Tools. There's a helpful guide posted to the JBoss community per the following: Starting JBoss AS from Eclipse with JBoss Tools
There's another useful guide on the JBoss Tools site: How to use JBoss AS 7 Beta 2 with JBoss Tools & Developer Studio
I don't think that Eclipse supports JBoss AS 7... You may need to run it manually for now.