Which JBoss application server's version is stable and latest? - jboss

I am new to JBoss application server. when I go for download the application server in the website. I am seeing the below servers list in the top
EAP built from AS 7.3.
EAP 6.2 Maven Repository.
EAP 6.2 Quickstarts.
kindly help me. Which is the best one. otherwise, shall I go for any other open source application server.

I don't want to make any comment about these things you mentioned. But I can share my experience with you.
Jboss 5.1: It was good.
Jboss 7.1: I faced a problem with log4j issue. Its very complicated.
EAP 6.2: Its much stable than 7.1. my log4j problem is solved with this version.
So, it totally depends upon how deep you want to use jboss.


Wildfly and JBoss EAP equivalent versions

I recently started working on the wildfly migration and this is completely new for me.
I have searched on the web but did not find relevant data,
Here I need the list of the wildfly and their equivalent JBoss versions. so, I can choose the dependencies accordingly.
If you've got a Red Hat account there is a listing in the knowledge base. For a list of components in JBoss EAP there is a public listing.

WildFly: missing org.jboss.security-module in version 26.0.0

I am trying to get singe sign-on to work with WildFly-prevew 26.0.1. I found a tutorial WildFly Elytron - Add Kerberos Authentication To Existing Web Application by Darran Lofthouse.
After it did not work I searched for further resources and found How to Set Up SSO for JBoss EAP with Kerberos. There is a JBoss Negotiation Toolkit mentioned. It is said that yout should use the same version of the toolkit as the JBoss Negotiation included in JBoss EAP (EAP_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/security/negotiation/main/module.xml).
Sadly I did not find the folder EAP_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/security/negotiation in the Wildfly 26.0.1-preview. At first I thought that it may be an JBoss EAP feature not included in WildFly. But actually the folder is included in WildFly 24.0.1. Starting with version 25.0.0, the folder is missing. And starting with version 26.0.0.Beta, the whole EAP_HOME/modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/security folder is missing.
So my question is weather this is a bug or a feature (maybe it migrated to another module). And if it is a bug, may it be a reason my single sign-on is not working?
In a WildFly 25 release post (https://www.wildfly.org/news/2021/10/05/WildFly25-Final-Released/) it is said that
We deprecated the use of legacy security long ago and in the WildFly 25 release we have removed support for it.
Most probably that is the reason these packages are missing.

Fuse Project in JBoss Developer Studio

I'm new in JBoss Developer Studio.
Where I can find example, how I can make fuse integration project and RUN it on server? I cann't run my test project on server, I see a lot of errors, but my project consist only LOG component. And Why I cann't run this project on EAP 7.1 or Fuse 6.3?
i have JBoss EAP 7.1 and JBoss Fuse 6.3.
Thank you in advance, and sorry for my English)
When I use Mule, I can make and run my first project for 10-15 minutes. But in Developer Studio it's very... difficult. I wasted 2 days without result
I am sorry that you are facing problems.
I would suggest you try to read the documentation at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_fuse/6.3/pdf/tooling_tutorials/Red_Hat_JBoss_Fuse-6.3-Tooling_Tutorials-en-US.pdf . It is a good starting point for writing camel routes with the JBoss Fuse Tooling. I would also recommend you learn more about Apache Camel at http://camel.apache.org as the tooling is for Camel.
Hope that helps,

Jboss Wildfly resteasy upgrade

I've googled to find detailed working tutorial for update Jboss Wildfly resteasy to latest version (3.0.17) but seems without solutions.
I'm testing on wildfly 10.0.0.Final release-version: "2.0.10.Final"
with resteasy core version. First question how to list (from shell or from Gui) all core modules version in use?
From official documentation i'm using jboss-jaxrs-api_2.0_spec-1.0.0.Final version but i want use for my project resteasy 3.0.17
I can accept globally upgrade and/or instruction to use resteasy 3.0.17 only in my war project "bypassing" core wildfly resteasy implementation.
I read official Jboss Resteasy upgrade but without success.
Is there some guide or complete tutorial about manage modules on jboss wildfly ?
Or someone has already had these headaches and can share suggestions ?
Have a look at this post from JBoss forum:
Basically from Wildfly 11 it will be possible to see the module versions on console and in regards to the upgrade, it's manual work.

What community version of Jboss is recommended for jdk 1.7 and why

I need to migrate from Jboss 5.1.0 GA to any other that supports jdk 1.7.
I'm currently using jboss 5.1 with seam 2, jdk 1.6 and sqlserver 2008 r2.
What community version of Jboss is recommended for jdk 1.7 and why?
Thanks in advance!
You can actually get JBoss AS 5.1.0 GA to run on JDK 7, see JBAS-6981. All of the following options will work with JDK 7:
JBoss AS 5.1.0 (plus the fix for JBAS-6981)
JBoss AS 6.1.0
JBoss AS 7.1.1
JBoss EAP 6.2
WildFly AS 8 CR 1
The right solution depends on your situation:
The simplest solution with the least risk is to stay with JBoss AS 5.1.0 and fix JBAS-6981 yourself. We did that and ran with it for over a year and it worked fine. Note however that JBoss AS 5.1.0 is end of life, eg. there aren't any security patches available.
If you don't want to fix JBAS-6981 yourself you can go with JBoss AS 6.1.0. This should be quite a simple migration because it builds on the same architecture and has the same disk layout. Note however that it is Java EE 6 which means among other things standardized JNDI names. Depending on your application this can have quite a bit impact — or none at all. Note however that JBoss AS 6.1.0 is end of life, eg. there aren't any security patches available.
The next "stable" community version is JBoss AS 7.1.1 with brings a whole new architecture. Depending on your application that can be quite a large migration — or a really simple one. However I would recommend against JBoss AS 7.1.1 as it's buggy as hell. Note there won't be any future releases for JBoss AS 7.1.1 as well.
JBoss EAP 6.2 builds on JBoss AS 7.1.1 (AS 7.3 actually) and contains many bug fixes (and some features). You either need to build it from source or get a license from Red Hat. There will be patches for EAP 6.2.
The current in development community version is WildFly AS 8 CR1. As you can see from the version name there isn't a stable release yet. And it contains a whole new servlet engine, which makes a whole lot of people nervous. I would only use it if you have really good integration tests.
I don't know what the situation regarding Seam is for any of them.
Note that sooner or later you'll have to migrate to a newer version of JBoss AS anyway. To judge how hard the migration will be you first need to know what dependencies on JBoss AS you have in your code.