How to find a new JBoss Application Server 7 server in eclipse? - jboss

I want to launch my application with JBoss AS7. Normally I'll go to Window->Preferences->Server->RuntimeEnvironments and Add JBoss 7.0 Runtime. But I can't find JBoss AS 7.0 Runtime. I have installed the JBOSS Community with JBoss AS 3.2, ... 6.0 but where is 7? Thanks for your help

You can indeed run JBoss Application Server 7 with Eclipse, but you will find it easiest to do so with JBoss Tools. There's a helpful guide posted to the JBoss community per the following: Starting JBoss AS from Eclipse with JBoss Tools
There's another useful guide on the JBoss Tools site: How to use JBoss AS 7 Beta 2 with JBoss Tools & Developer Studio

I don't think that Eclipse supports JBoss AS 7... You may need to run it manually for now.


JBoss Developer Studio 7.1.1 - Application Server

We are planning on installing JBoss Developer Studio 7.1.1. Can anyone confirm whether or not JBoss Application Server is bundled with this or not? Also what version of the JBoss Application Server is included?
Yes there is a second version of the universal installer that additionally contains Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform and installs both JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss EAP.
The version of JBoss EAP is 6.
Note version 9.1 of JBoss Developer Studio is available!

JBoss AS vs WildFly 8

Can anyone please give me the main difference between JBoss AS 7 and WildFly 8?
I'm going to start a very important project and I have to choose between JBoss AS 7 and WildFly 8 (for this project I'm going to use GWT, JPA/Hibernate and jBPM 6).
WildFly 8 is the next iteration of the JBoss application server after JBoss AS 7 / EAP 6.
JBoss AS 7.x = JEE6
JBoss EAP 6.x = JEE6
WildFly 8.x = JEE7
Red Hat typically backports security fixes from newer versions into older versions, Red Hat also typically releases "feature packs" that allow you to access newer features/specs.
So if it is a very important project and you do not need JEE7 specs, you may want to use JBoss EAP which is the productized version of JBoss AS 7.
Otherwise you may want to use WildFly if you need the more cutting edge specs and features.
See JBoss AS / WildFly versions history for more details.
WildFly is the new name of JBoss AS so that the company JBoss and the application server JBoss cannot induce confusion anymore.
Think of WildFly 8 as JBoss AS 8, just with a different name.
JBoss 7 is an implementation of JavaEE 6.
WildFly 8 is an implementation of JavaEE 7.
The JBoss application server is the "commercialized" version of the community Wildfly application server. Red Hat offers support contracts for JBoss and has a long term maintenance schedule for JBoss.
The versions are also different. JBoss EAP 6 corresponds to Wildfly 7.

Start WildFly server in Eclipse Juno

I read many answers like this. But in start server window (Jboss Community item) I can chose only JBoss Runtime server. There is no WildFly server item.
How can I add it?
I installed JBoss Tools 4.0.1.Final version cause I use Eclipse Juno. Should I install JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Final even without Eclipse Luna 4.4?
WildFly support in JBoss Tools 4.2.x is for Eclipse Luna only. So, it's not possible to use on Eclipse Kepler.

Enable twiddle on jboss 7.1.1

I am using windows 7 and i want to enable twiddle on jboss 7.1.1. Which are the steps to do that?
Twiddle was a tool/script included in previous versions of JBoss, up to community version 6, to access to the JMX Services of JBoss (MBeans) through command line. Since JBoss 7 is not based any more on Managed Beans, it doesn't include this tool nor the JMX Console. That said, the management operations exposed through Managed Beans in JBoss 7 can be, of course, accessed with the JConsole tool, included with the JDK.
So don't expect there will be an official twiddle command for JBoss 7, though some independent developers have created their own versions.
You have to navigate to the platform-mbean and read the memory-attributes:
You can find the full resource description by using that expression:

How to detect Jboss version during installation?

We are currently migrating from Jboss AS 4.2.3 to Jboss AS 7.1.1. When running the installation process we need to detect if the client already have Jboss installed and which version is it.
From what I can see ,in Jboss 4.2.3 there is a readme.html file, while under Jboss 7 it is called readme.txt, is there a more unified/common way to detect it?
if there is a standalone.xml file it should mean it is jboss as 7