Using the same control instance in different views or windows - charts

I have a (chart) control with huge data (x curves a ~10'000 points) inside. I need to show the control with same data in different views or windows.
Since speed and consistency matters (ca 150ms to redraw), I have tried use the same (read only) control instance in diffent views or windows.
This scheme seems to work:
void CMyview::OnInitialUpdate()
if (NULL == m_pCurveTempCtrl)
m_pCurveTempCtrl = new CCurveCtrl;
void COtherView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView)
CWnd* m_pCurveCtrl = Pointer to CMyView::m_pCurveCtrl;
if (bActivate)
CFormViewEx::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView);
But is this allowed?

No. What happens if both view needs to be displayed? Only one will have a window...
The Doc View architecture is ideal for this.
Keep the data in the Document and use different views, that use the same data pool from the document.


MRTK V2 - Enable/Disable Spatial Mapping at Runtime

I know that this question has already been asked here twice, but the answers did not fix my problem. I need to enable spatial mapping on runtime. After scanning my environment I want to disable it, or hide at least the visualization of polygons, so I can save some fps. But by disabling spatial mapping I still want to have the colliders of my environment.
What I tried:
1. This example from this post did nothing.
if (disable){
// disable
// enable
2. Trying to disable the visualization gives me every time a nullreference. I guess GetObservers is giving null back or maybe meshOserver is null:
foreach(var observer in MixedRealityToolkit.SpatialAwarenessSystem.GetObservers())
var meshObserver = observer as IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver;
if (meshObserver != null)
meshObserver.DisplayOption = SpatialAwarenessMeshDisplayOptions.None;
3. The example given by mrtk in there SpatialAwarenessMeshDemo scene, shows how to start and stop the observer. By starting everything starts fine but after suspending and clearing the observers the whole spatial map disappears, so my cursor does not align to my environment. So this is not what I need.
SpatialAwarenessSystem.ResumeObservers(); //start
What I have right now:
My Spatial Awareness Profile looks like this:
My code starts the spatial mapping with ResumeObservers, the foreach-loop gives me a nullreference and SuspendObserver is comment out, because it disables the whole spatial map thing:
if (_isObserverRunning)
foreach (var observer in SpatialAwarenessSystem.GetObservers())
var meshObserver = observer as IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver;
if (meshObserver != null)
meshObserver.DisplayOption = SpatialAwarenessMeshDisplayOptions.None;
_isObserverRunning = false;
_isObserverRunning = true;
Question: How do I start and stop spatial mapping the right way, so that I can save some performance and still have the colliders of the spatial map to interact with.
My specs:
MRTK v2.0.0
Unity 2019.2.0f1
Visual Studio 2017
1. With option #1 I was wrong. It does what its meant for, but I used it the wrong way. If you disable for example SpatialAwarenessSystem while running the spatial mapping process, it disables the whole process including the created spatial map. So after that you cant interact with the invironment.
2. What worked for me was using for the start ResumeObservers() in combination with setting display option to visible and for stopping spatial mapping the method SuspendObservers() in combination with display option none.
3. The Nullreference if fixed by rewritting and casting to IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess:
if (CoreServices.SpatialAwarenessSystem is IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess provider)
foreach (var observer in provider.GetDataProviders())
if (observer is IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver meshObs)
meshObs.DisplayOption = option;
4. Performance: To get your fps back after starting an observer, you really need to disable the system via MixedRealityToolkit.SpatialAwarenessSystem.Disable();, but this will of course disable also the spatial map, so you cant interactive with it anymore.
The recommendation is based on your option #3. Call ResumeObservers() to start and SuspendObservers() to stop. There is no need to call ClearObservations() unless you wish to have them removed from your scene.
The example calls ClearObservations() to illustrate what was, at the time, a new feature added to the Spatial Awareness system.
Please file an issue on GitHub ( for #1 (failure of Enable() and Disable() to impact the system). Those methods should behave as advertised.
Thank you!

DevExpress VerticalGrid in unbound mode with MultiRecordLayout

EDIT: As it turns out, the grid does not support unbound mode in MultiRecordView layout.
I will try to ask this question a different way since my last one was downvoted without comment, so I don't know what the downvoter was objecting to.
I've worked quite a lot with the DevExpress VerticalGrid in unbound mode in SingleRecordView. We use it in all of our desktop applications that involve lots of data-entry. All data-entry forms are consistent in look-and-feel and so user training is minimal. I think it is a great control.
However, I don't understand how to use it in unbound mode in MultiRecordView layout. I cannot even figure out how to populate the unbound grid with the data for several records. In SingleRecord layout, I use the RowsIterator to move data from my data object in memory into the corresponding row/cell in the VerticalGrid's single record.
But in MultiRecordView layout, I can't figure out how to add the second record and the third record, etc etc, and position the current record pointer so that the RowsIterator is working with the rows of the correct record.
A small code snippet, showing how to move the current record pointer when adding the second and subsequent records in MultiRecordView, would be very helpful.
I've tried AddNewRecord() and setting the FocusedRecord but without success:
for (int i = 0; i < MyTable.Rows.Count; i++)
vGridControl1.FocusedRecord = i;
vGridControl1.RowsIterator.DoOperation(new DataPuller(MyTable.Rows[i]));
and here's a relevant snippet from my DataPuller object:
public override void Execute(DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.BaseRow brow)
if (brow is DevExpress.XtraVerticalGrid.Rows.EditorRow)
string fieldname = brow.Properties.FieldName;
if (table.Columns.Contains(fieldname))
brow.Properties.Value = (table[fieldname] == DBNull.Value) ? null : table[fieldname];
The vertical grid doesn't support unbound mode when in MultiRecordView layout.

Building a data driven UI

I have searched throughout SO on this topic for iPhone and everything points to the WWDC 2010 coverage, so yes I'm aware of that. But can anyone point me to a more detailed resource from where I can learn how to build a robust system for presenting different user interfaces on an app depending on the data that I'm presenting? I am fetching the data in a JSON format and my UI needs to vary depending on what I get out of the JSON parser.
Any books or online resources that give a detailed look into this topic?
I recently had the same issue in one of my apps (navigation style) and the way I solved it is fairly simple.
I had a user_type flag in my JSON response, and depending on that flag I would push a different view controller.
For example, given my JSON response is stored in a NSMutableDictionary called "response"
if ([response objectForKey:#"account_type"] == 1) {
initialize user_type 1 viewController
[self.navigationController pushViewController:userType1ViewController animated:YES];
else if ([response objectForKey:#"account_type"] == 2) {
initialize user_type 2 viewController
[self.navigationController pushViewController:userType2ViewController animated:YES];
You can have as many different user_types as you want.
Editing after clarification in comments
You will likely be manually drawing these views.
I would subclass UIView for each of the different question types you have listed (including properties for common elements like question title, choices, etc). Assuming that questions with the same question type will have the same layout.
Then you can cycle through your JSON response (once it's in an array or dictionary) and lay it out.
If it's a multiple choice question, make a new multipleChoiceQuestion view, add its properties, then addSubview to the main feed view. Then, for your next view, you will need to set the frame to be:
nextQuestion.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0 + firstQuestion.frame.size.height, height, width);
This will ensure that your second question is drawn right below the first question.

How to use the new BufferWithTimeOrCount in Rx that returns IObservable<IObservable<T>> instead of IObservable<IList<T>>

On Windows Phone 7 there is a new version of the BufferWithTimeOrCount extension method for IObservable that returns a "stream of streams" instead of the previous "stream of lists". I'm having difficulty trying to use either the new or old methods, so maybe I just don't understand how it works, but my goal is to create a stream that only fires when an existing stream matches a specified time based pattern during the previous 2 touch events. So far I have created streams for TouchUp and TouchDown (see related question) and In pseudo code I want something like:
//BufferLast2 should contain the last 1 or 2 touch events that occurred in the last 500ms. If no touches occurred this should return an empty set
var BufferLast2 = TouchDown.Merge(TouchUp).BufferWithTimeOrCount(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), 2);
//Use BufferLast2 to detect tap (TouchDown then TouchUp occuring in less than 0.5s)
var TouchTap = from touch2 in BufferLast2
where touch2.Count == 2 && touch2.First().Action == TouchAction.Down && touch2.Last().Action == TouchAction.Up
select touch2.First(); //returns initial TouchDown event
//Use BufferLast2 to detect Hold (TouchDown with no TouchUp occuring in 0.5s)
var TouchHold = from touch2 in BufferLast2
where touch2.Count == 1 && touch2.First().Action == TouchAction.Down
select touch2.First(); //returns initial TouchDown event
When using the "Stable" Microsoft.Phone.Reactive version of Rx that is built into the ROM calling IObservable<Class>.BufferWithTimeOrCount(...) returns a IObservable<IList<Class>>, which is pretty easy to work with using the standard list operators (as outlined above), but for some reason BufferLast2 was always returning two down events instead of the Down->Up sequence that I expected.
I figured it might be a bug in the code, so I tried adding a reference to the latest version of Rx and used the Observable Extensions from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Cloud Programmability\Reactive Extensions\v1.0.2838.0\WP7\System.Reactive.dll in which BufferWithTimeOrCount(...) returns a IObservable<IObservable<Class>>. This makes simple filters like Where x.Count == 2 or Where x.First().P == ... much harder to write. I haven't actually figured out how to do a simple filter like x.Count() == 2 on this return value without creating a completely separate subscription or Subject object, which seams way too complex. It's probably a simple error like my last question (all I needed was a Where clause :-P) but it is really driving me bonkers. Any help?
Changing the api makes the buffering look more Rx-y and fits with their Window operator implementation (wouldn't be surprised if using reflector you'd be able to see the Buffer operators using Window). I would think there's probably a variety of reasons that they've changed it. I'm not going to second guess them as they're a lot smarter than me!
So here's my stab at a solution. There may be a cleaner way to get what you're after but i'd probably implement my own extention method to buffer into a list. Maybe something like:
public static class BufferToList
public static IObservable<IEnumerable<TSource>> BufferToList<TSource>(this IObservable<TSource> source)
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<IEnumerable<TSource>>(observer =>
var list = new List<TSource>();
return source.Subscribe(list.Add,
() =>
Then something like:
.BufferWithTimeOrCount(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), 2)
.Select(bufferedValues => bufferedValues.BufferToList())
private void OnBufferOpen(IObservable<IEnumerable<IEvent<IEventArgs>>> bufferedListAsync)
bufferedListAsync.Where(list => list.Count() == 2);
I suggest if you want a full explanation of why they've changed the api, go and ask the question over on the rx forums on msdn
The latest release of Rx, v1.0.2856.0, provides both buffers and windows. For the buffers, we restored the original signatures, based on IList. The corresponding window operators will return nested observable sequences.
The way the Buffer* operators are implemented is by composing the corresponding Window* operator with the new ToList extension method that takes an IObservable into an IObservable>. All the Buffer* operator does is invoke this new ToList operator in a SelectMany selector.

How to correctly saving the viewmodel of page to handle tombstoning

I'm building a WP7 app, and I'm now at the point of handling the tombstoning part of it.
What I am doing is saving the viewmodel of the page in the Page.State bag when the NavigatedFrom event occurs, and reading it back in the NavigatedTo (with some check to detect whether I should read from the bag or read from the real live data of the application).
First my VM was just a wrapper to the domain model
public string Nome
return _dm.Nome;
if (value != _dm.Nome)
_dm.Nome= value;
But this didn't always work because when saving to the bag and then reading back, the domain model was not deserialized correctly.
Then I changed my VM implementation to be just a copy of the properties I needed from the DM:
public string Nome
return _nome;
if (value !=nome)
_nome= value;
and with the constructor that does:
_nome = dm.Nome;
And now it works, but I was not sure if this is the right approach.
Any transient state information should be persisted in the Application.Deactivated event and then restored in the Application.Activated event for tombstoning support.
If you need to store anything between application sessions then you could use the Application.Closing event, but depending on what you need to store, you could just store it whenever it changes. Again, depending on what you need to store, you can either restore it in the Application.Launching event, or just read it when you need it.
The approach that you take depends entirely on your application's requirements and the method and location that you store your data is also up to you (binary serialization to isolated storage is generally accepted is being the fastest).
I don't know the details of your application, but saving and restoring data in NavigatedFrom/NavigatedTo is unlikely to be the right place to do it if you are looking to implement support for tombstoning.
I'd recommend against making a copy of part of the model as when tombstoning you'd (probably) need to persist both the full (app level) model and the page level copy when handling tombstoning.
Again the most appropriate solution will depend on the complexity of your application and the models it uses.
Application.Activated/Deactivated is a good place to handle tombstoning.
See why OnNavigatedTo/From may not be appropriate for your needs here.
How to correctly handle application deactivation and reactivation - Peter Torr's Blog
Execution Model Overview for Windows Phone