MRTK V2 - Enable/Disable Spatial Mapping at Runtime - unity3d

I know that this question has already been asked here twice, but the answers did not fix my problem. I need to enable spatial mapping on runtime. After scanning my environment I want to disable it, or hide at least the visualization of polygons, so I can save some fps. But by disabling spatial mapping I still want to have the colliders of my environment.
What I tried:
1. This example from this post did nothing.
if (disable){
// disable
// enable
2. Trying to disable the visualization gives me every time a nullreference. I guess GetObservers is giving null back or maybe meshOserver is null:
foreach(var observer in MixedRealityToolkit.SpatialAwarenessSystem.GetObservers())
var meshObserver = observer as IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver;
if (meshObserver != null)
meshObserver.DisplayOption = SpatialAwarenessMeshDisplayOptions.None;
3. The example given by mrtk in there SpatialAwarenessMeshDemo scene, shows how to start and stop the observer. By starting everything starts fine but after suspending and clearing the observers the whole spatial map disappears, so my cursor does not align to my environment. So this is not what I need.
SpatialAwarenessSystem.ResumeObservers(); //start
What I have right now:
My Spatial Awareness Profile looks like this:
My code starts the spatial mapping with ResumeObservers, the foreach-loop gives me a nullreference and SuspendObserver is comment out, because it disables the whole spatial map thing:
if (_isObserverRunning)
foreach (var observer in SpatialAwarenessSystem.GetObservers())
var meshObserver = observer as IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver;
if (meshObserver != null)
meshObserver.DisplayOption = SpatialAwarenessMeshDisplayOptions.None;
_isObserverRunning = false;
_isObserverRunning = true;
Question: How do I start and stop spatial mapping the right way, so that I can save some performance and still have the colliders of the spatial map to interact with.
My specs:
MRTK v2.0.0
Unity 2019.2.0f1
Visual Studio 2017
1. With option #1 I was wrong. It does what its meant for, but I used it the wrong way. If you disable for example SpatialAwarenessSystem while running the spatial mapping process, it disables the whole process including the created spatial map. So after that you cant interact with the invironment.
2. What worked for me was using for the start ResumeObservers() in combination with setting display option to visible and for stopping spatial mapping the method SuspendObservers() in combination with display option none.
3. The Nullreference if fixed by rewritting and casting to IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess:
if (CoreServices.SpatialAwarenessSystem is IMixedRealityDataProviderAccess provider)
foreach (var observer in provider.GetDataProviders())
if (observer is IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver meshObs)
meshObs.DisplayOption = option;
4. Performance: To get your fps back after starting an observer, you really need to disable the system via MixedRealityToolkit.SpatialAwarenessSystem.Disable();, but this will of course disable also the spatial map, so you cant interactive with it anymore.

The recommendation is based on your option #3. Call ResumeObservers() to start and SuspendObservers() to stop. There is no need to call ClearObservations() unless you wish to have them removed from your scene.
The example calls ClearObservations() to illustrate what was, at the time, a new feature added to the Spatial Awareness system.
Please file an issue on GitHub ( for #1 (failure of Enable() and Disable() to impact the system). Those methods should behave as advertised.
Thank you!


How to detect if InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Finger is over UI Toolkit Element?

I'm using InputSystem.EnhancedTouch for my game and I have a few buttons that are available through UI Elements. When I click on the UI Elements buttons it activates the InputSystem thus creating a bad experience. I want to filter out all the InputSystem.EnhancedTouch events that come through UI.
TL;DR - I want UI Elements to block InputSystem.EnhancedTouch events from triggering
I have found quite some resources but nothing really works. Unity and some other people say to use EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject but it doesn't work and throws the following warning(I think this is meant to work with normal input only, not enhanced one)
I have tried a few other solutions such as UIDocument.rootVisualElement.panel.Pick or EventSystem.current.RaycastAll but nothing seems to work, or return any consistent data that can be used.
InputSystem.EnhancedTouch binding
private void Awake()
Touch.onFingerDown += OnFingerDown;
Touch.onFingerMove += OnFingerMove;
Touch.onFingerUp += OnFingerUp;

Remove Cesium's Camera Move Event Listener

I have the following event listener: {
// the camera started to move
}); {
// the camera stopped moving
How can I remove these event listeners? I do not know the syntax.I tried with the following it does not work.;;
I looked into Cesium and I think you might rewrite them like this;;
// then to remove;;'click',
getresults,// pass the method which you add
addEventListener() and removeEventListener() are not present in older browsers. You can work around this by inserting the following code at the beginning of your scripts, allowing the use of addEventListener() and removeEventListener() in implementations that do not natively support it. However, this method will not work on Internet Explorer 7 or earlier, since extending the Element. a prototype was not supported until Internet Explorer 8.

Unity: Trying to load and run an fbx animation

I am trying to load an animation from an fbx file and have it play on a GameObject:
animation_handler = TestObject.GetComponent<Animation>();
walking_anim = Resources.Load("fbx_anims/walking_anim_test", typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip;
if(walking_anim == null)
Debug.Log("walking anim not found");
walking_anim.legacy = true;
animation_handler.AddClip(walking_anim, "walking");
animation_handler.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
In the game loop, I tried using this:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
if (!(animation_handler.IsPlaying("walking")))
animation_handler.clip = walking_anim;
It doesnt give any errors, yet it doesn't work either. Anything I'm missing?
EDIT: For clarification: The model stays in the default T-Pose, after pressing 'W'. After inserting Debug.Logs at different points, I can confirm that the Play function is getting called only once, after which IsPlaying always returns true. Yet the "playing" animation causes no visual changes in the model (yes, the bone names are the same).
You don't want to use the Animation component, it is an old legacy component that has been replaced by the much improved Animator component. There are a lot of good posts on the Internet on how to use it - no need to repeat it here. The important steps are:
Add the Animator (not Animation) component to the model.
Create an "Animator Controller" in your project and add the clips (like the "walking_anim"). Here you can have a lot of different clips and tell Unity how to interpolate between them by using different parameters.
Add the "Animator Controller" to your "Animator" component.
Add an "avatar" of your model (usually created when the model is imported).
By code alter the parameters of the Animator Controller to tell it which animation clips to play.
It may look like a lot of steps, but it is not so hard and you will quickly have a walking, running, jumping creature on your screen. Good luck!

Change motion using script in Unity Editor

Hi how do we change motion in an AnimatorController using script in Unity Editor?
The red highlight is the one I'd like to change, but using script
My use case is to copy animations from one object, process the animation e.g. adding offset rotation, then add to another object. Since my object has many child objects, I need to create a script to automate this.
Changing the AnimatorController via editor scripts is always quite tricky!
First of all you need to have your AnimationClip from somewhere
// somewhere get the AnimationClip from
var clip = new AnimationClip();
Then you will have to cast the runtimeAnimatorController to an AnimatorController which is only available in the Editor! (put using UnityEditor; at the top of the script!)
var controller = (AnimatorController)animator.runtimeAnimatorController;
Now you can get all its information. In your case you can probably use the default layer (layers[0]) and its stateMachine and according to your image retrieve the defaultState:
var state = controller.layers[0].stateMachine.defaultState;
or find it using Linq FirstOrdefault (put using System.Linq; at the top of the script) like e.g.
var state = controller.layers[0].stateMachine.states.FirstOrDefault(s =>"SwimmingAnim")).state;
if (state == null)
Debug.LogError("Couldn't get the state!");
Finally assign the AnimationClip to this state using SetStateEffectiveMotion
controller.SetStateEffectiveMotion(state, clip);
Note however that even though you can write individual animation curves for an animation clip using SetCurve unfortunately it is not possible to read them properly so it will be very difficult to do what you want
copy animations from one object, process the animation e.g. adding offset rotation, then add to another object.
You will have to go through AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings which gets quite complex ;)
Good Luck!

Detect mouse clicked on GUI

I got a problem in my project. I want to know that mouse cliked happend on GUI or on any game object.
I have tried this but it is showing null reference exception
EventSystem eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
if (eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject())
Debug.Log("left click over a gui element");
how to detect?? Is there any event available or else?
IsPointerOverGameObject() is fairly broken on mobile and some corner cases. We rolled our own for our project and it works like a champ on all platforms we've thrown it at.
private bool IsPointerOverUIObject() {
PointerEventData eventDataCurrentPosition = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
eventDataCurrentPosition.position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y);
List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(eventDataCurrentPosition, results);
return results.Count > 0;
There is some approaches that you can use to detect if your mouse is over a legacy GUI element here I'll show you one that I hope will work fine for you, if not research a little about "mouse over GUI" and you'll find a lot of different ways to do it (this one is what I use on my legacy GUI projects and usually works fine with touch):
Create an easily accessible behaviour (usually a singleton) to hold your MouseOverGUI "status":
if you are using GUILayout.Button you need to catch the last drawn rect, if you are GUI.Button just use the same rect you passed as button's param like this:
// GUILayout
( Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint &&
GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().Contains( Event.current.mousePosition ) ) {
mouseOverGUI = true;
} // you need call it in your OnGUI right after the call to the element that you want to control
// GUI
( Event.current.isMouse &&
yourRect.Contains( Event.current.mousePosition ) ) {
mouseOverGUI = true;
after that you just need to test if your mouseOverGUI is true or false to allow or not your desired click actions before execute them. (a good understanding of unity loops will help you to catch and test the flag in correct timing to avoid problems expecting to get something that already changed)
edited: also remember to reset mouseOverGUI to false when it is not over GUI ;)
Finally got my answer here:
There are three ways to do this, as demonstrated in this video tutorial. this video save me:).
Use EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject
Convert your OnMouseXXX and Raycasts to an EventSystem trigger. Use a physics raycaster on the camera
Implement the various handler interfaces from the EventSystems namespace. Use a physics raycaster on the camera.