How to obtain the date/period selected in dashboard - plugins

I am developing a custom widget plugin for Piwik. Everything works just fine. I can receive the data from a custom dimension through:
$api->getCustomDimension(idDimension:2, idSite:1, period:'year', date:'2017-01-01');
How can I get the user-selected date and period in the dashboard to pass it to the getCustomDimension() method?
As a secondary question: Is it possible to get just all data available in the database for the specified custom dimension?
Dashboard date selector


How to create a dropdown variable with tag values in a Grafana dashboard?

I am using Grafana and InfluxDB with K6. My tests are generating data for some metrics and I am always defining a test-wide tag testrunname which is set to a different value every time.
In Grafana, I want to add a variable in my dashboard, and I want it to be one of all the available values so far added for the tests that I run. Basically the dropdown will have to display all the values of tag testrunname available in the database.
Not having much luck so far.
How to achieve this?
The query is:
SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "testrunname"
From documentation.

Using Azure DevOps API to get Work Item Types Field values for a field that has dynamic data based on the value of another field

I'm using the API query
with great success to get all of the allowed values for my fields. The issue is that the options to one of my dropdown menus is populated based on the selected value of another dropdown menu. Is it possible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu?
I'm afraid that this is currently impossible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu.
Work Item Types Field-Get rest api should only get the allowedValues of a specified field, cannot implement the logic of returning the allowedValues of this field based on the value of another field.
In addition, according to URI Parameters, you also cannot add the value of another field as optional parameters to the url for conditional filtering .
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions.After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Using Smartsheet API 2.0 how to get ONLY the 'modifiedAt' property of a specific sheet

I need to get the last modified timestamp property of a sheet using Smartsheet API 2.0 (preferably Python SDK).
Using Sheets.list_sheets I am able to get the 'modifiedAt' property (along with other properties) for all the sheets that I have access to.
Using Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id) I get all the data (rows, columns) for the specified sheet.
How do I get only the 'modifiedAt' (it's OK if some other small properties are also present) for a specific sheet with a known sheet ID. I don't want the row, column, cell information to be present in the API response.
I wrote to Smartsheet support team and their answer served my purpose.
Thanks for contacting Smartsheet Support. In order to narrow down the
response that you're getting, you can use the exclude parameter: In my
testing, I excluded all rows and columns where columnIds=0 and
rowIds=0. That left me with only the Sheet information, which includes
the modifiedAt for the sheet. You may be able to limit it further, but
the result I got from this was pretty short and sweet.
(Python SDK example)
response = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(MY_SHEET_ID, column_ids='0', row_ids = '0')
Using the above parameters, I was able to exclude all the sheet data and got only the metadata (which included modifiedAt property).
Basically my intention was to run a sync script periodically and store the Smartsheet data into my local db. I wanted the API response to skip the actual Sheet data (rows, columns, cells) if nothing would have changed since the last execution. Another nifty way of achieving this to use the ifVersionAfter parameter.
ifVersionAfter (optional): If version specified is still the current
sheet version, then returns an abbreviated Sheet object with only the
sheet version property. Otherwise, if the sheet has been modified,
returns the complete Sheet object. Intended to allow clients with a
cached copy to make sure they have the latest version.
last_version_fetched = 7724
response = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(MY_SHEET_ID, if_version_after=last_version_fetched)
The Get Sheet call will always return the content (row, column, data) from a specific sheet. While there is an 'exclude' query parameter that can filter out some properties, it does not work on the primary sheet data returned from the /sheets/{sheetId} endpoint.
The Sheets.list_sheets call seems like the easier route if you only need the modifiedAt property. I would use that one then iterate over the results until you find the matching id.

Get more product field value in Algolia json data

We are using Algolia extension for Magento 2. We added 2-3 field in the products, so we want to show the value of those fields on instant search result page. As we checking the view/frontend/templates/instant/hit.phtml is in use, we want to add the custom attributes to the JSON data so we can fetch those attributes value and show in listing page.
First you have to add new fields to Algolia product index if not already added. You can use one of the custom backend events. e.g. algolia_after_create_product_object
Once your fields are indexed properly (verify from Algolia account console), you should be able to get those in hit.phtml

SAPUI5 Filter Search

I'm Developing Fiori App with Master-Master-Detail template,
First I'm filtering by date but I want to use the search box that it's generated by default.
I need to use both condition filters: Date and the element specified in serach box.
Somebody knows how to add search filter without remove previous filter?
The filters are applied to the ListBinding and there is no official API to access to current filter objects. You could store the filters somewhere in your controller, but eventually, you'll need to call the filter method again with all the filters that you want to apply.