Nifi Email ConsumeIMAP filter by subject, from , to and date - email

Using ConsumeIMAP to read emails from an Inbox and trying to select only emails that have
- attachment to download
- sent "From"
- send "To"
- Have "Daily" in their subject
- at 8 am EST
Please let me know if it can be set in any component. I tried to use EvaluateJsonPath, ExtractEmailHeaders and RouteonAttribute but no luck yet.

It sounds like you have been exploring the correct path. You should be able to achieve this using a flow consisting of:
ConsumeIMAP >> ExtractEmailHeaders >> RouteOnAttribute
ConsumeIMAP will download messages from the email server and create a single FlowFile for each message, storing the email message raw bytes in the FlowFile contents.
ExtractEmailHeaders attempts to parse a FlowFile's contents as email (must be RFC-2822 compliant), extract email headers, and write each header field to a FlowFile attribute, including:
Note that ExtractEmailHeaders is not doing any filtering, just populating FlowFile attributes based on the FlowFile content, thus making the FlowFiles more easily routable downstream in the flow. Start just by creating a flow that has these two processors and verify that the output of the ExtractEmailHeaders processor meets these expectations. If not, its possible the email messages are malformed or not RFC-2822 compliant.
After you have successfully sent email FlowFiles through ExtractEmailHeaders, you can do the filtering using one or more RouteOnAttribute processors using the NiFi Expression Language to define your match conditions, e.g.:
If you have verified that your flow is working correctly through ExtractEmailHeaders, but the filtering in RouteOnAttribute is not working as expected, make sure your attribute expressions and assumptions about email header values (e.g., capitalization, datetime format) are correct. Consult the Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide and if you have specific questions relating to the expression language itself, search here or post another question on that specifically.
I hope this helps!


Laravel Swift add UUID

I'm sending mass messages with custom messages per subscriber, when I get the bounce-back I use my own cocktail to read the STMP emails.
What I haven't figure it out is how to add a unique ID for each email that is sent out, so in my bounce-back I can read the email's code and look for that particular ID, currently when I read the bounce I look for the recipient email compare to what I have based on creation date plus the email...
Is not efficient and 20 emails out of 1K or so gets lost cuz I can't find in bounce the headers due to some servers custom messages although it does return headers but I have nothing to compared with...
So is there a way to add this UUID in Swift services? I have seen that Swift is adding its own UUID but I haven't been able to retrieve it, when the message is sent I want that UUID so that I can save it and then latter I can read it from the bounces...
So, if I can't retrieve it, can I add my own?
I wanna have a relation email and UUID that was use when that message was sent.
$message_out = (new \Swift_Message($out->subject))
->setFrom($out->from_email, $out->from_name)
->setBody($content, 'text/html')
->setReplyTo('', 'No reply');
$message_out->send($mensaje_mail, $errors_sent);
Is this a header I can add the retrieve it in the bounce-back messages?
Thank you.

What's the most efficient way to get all emails with a specific type of attachment over IMAP?

From what I can tell, IMAP SEARCH doesn't support searching by if an email has attachments (except Gmail's variation, which I'm not interested in...I need a general IMAP solution). Is that correct?
Assuming that's the case, my understanding is that I have to issue a FETCH and filter on the client side.
If this is correct, what's the FETCH that will yield the smallest amount of information that will allow me to filter by attachment type? I believe it's FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE, but I'd like confirmation.
I looked at FETCH BODY[MIME], but it appears that needs a section number (or numbers) and MIME can't be used by itself. I believe that there can be any number of sections and subsections, and theres no way to specify to search all sections. Is that correct?
I'm looking for a protocol level answer. I don't need an answer using any specific language or library.
Generally, to get all attachment, you look for their number and names first in imap_fetchstructure->parts, it's an array of file names.
Then to get file content you need to get imap_fetchbody and add 1 to it.
For example, attachment number one is found on section number 2.
I created my Imap solution and it's working well.
based to that you can add you search section

Can you order attachments in an e-mail so that the receiver receives them in the same order?

We're considering using an external application to send e-mails where the attachments have huge filesizes.
One of our users states the requirement: it must be possible to ORDER attachments, so that I can refer to them as "the first attachment", "the second attachment" and the receiver will see the attachments in the same order I sent them.
She claims any normal email clients support this: the sender chooses the order, the recipients client always shows the attachments in this order.
I can't verify that claim. Is this true? Is it stated anywhere? How (technically) are attachments ordered?
Well... Inside the message there is order. Attachments are sent sequentially one-after-the-other inside MIME text. But RFC makes no statement on how these should be displayed in email client. And it even might depend on your email generating software to keep the order you added the attachments in (JavaMail does so)
Things you could consider:
Prefix your attachment filenames with a number 1_first_attachment.txt 2_contract.pdf and so on.
Use HTML for your emails and create a section "attachments: a, b, c" with linkd to the attachments using Content-ID (href="cid:xxx")
Actual, when u load the document to the email, and load next, they gonna be in order anyway. They not gonna be mixed.
if u afraid that particular ur email gonna mix attachments, just add numerical order)
This is example where i just adding files. I just by holding shift click on the files in that order that i wanted and that is all.
And i receive this message with attachments in the same order as it was sent.

Mirth: How to send to a destination multiple times

I would like to read a HL7 message containing multiple orders (ORC segments). My destination is a web service sender which can only handle one order at a time.
How can I iterate through the input HL7 message and send to a destination each time?
Thanks for any help.
As is stated above there are several ways to do it.
I normally did this in a JavaScript transformer step. I basically built a small state engine that would iterate over the incoming (raw) message by splitting the incoming message on '\r' characters. It would then build the outbound message as a string by identifying the "header" section (part that does not change) and storing that in a string, say Header, and the order section (the part that does change) as another string, say Order, and the concatenating them together when I reach the next order or the end of the string and sending them to another channel with
router.routeMessage('channelName', Header + '\r' + Order);
You may create another channel that communicates with your web-service and route the ORC portion to that channel.
For additional information you may read the "Unofficial Mirth Connect Developer's Guide" available at
(Disclaimer: I'm the author of this guide so any comments or suggestions are welcome.)

Mirth losing data in mapper variables

I have a database reader channel set up that actually reads the database at 10 second intervals and sends to a web service just fine. We get a valid response from the wsdl.
However, I need to update the database record so that it is flagged as having been processed. in this case we are simple changing a field from 100 to 101. However, when I try to update the field OR send an email containing ANY data that has been stored into mapper variables I get nothing. The database does not update. Emails send blanks for fields.
When I go into the channel messages for processed messages I can see good data in the Raw Message and Encoded Message tabs. There are no values in the Mappings tab.
Any suggestions on troubleshooting?
The Run-on-Update statement does not have access to the channel map, as it runs after message Encoding (and even the post-processor, I believe).
It DOES have access to the globalChannelMap and the responseMap. Put your new ID in the globalChannelMap and you should be good to go.
If you also want to send an email, would recommend you instead add an SMTP Writer destination (e.g., SMTP writer), which will have access to any channelMap variables created in a 'Destination 1'; as well as the globalChannelMap.