Laravel Swift add UUID - swift

I'm sending mass messages with custom messages per subscriber, when I get the bounce-back I use my own cocktail to read the STMP emails.
What I haven't figure it out is how to add a unique ID for each email that is sent out, so in my bounce-back I can read the email's code and look for that particular ID, currently when I read the bounce I look for the recipient email compare to what I have based on creation date plus the email...
Is not efficient and 20 emails out of 1K or so gets lost cuz I can't find in bounce the headers due to some servers custom messages although it does return headers but I have nothing to compared with...
So is there a way to add this UUID in Swift services? I have seen that Swift is adding its own UUID but I haven't been able to retrieve it, when the message is sent I want that UUID so that I can save it and then latter I can read it from the bounces...
So, if I can't retrieve it, can I add my own?
I wanna have a relation email and UUID that was use when that message was sent.
$message_out = (new \Swift_Message($out->subject))
->setFrom($out->from_email, $out->from_name)
->setBody($content, 'text/html')
->setReplyTo('', 'No reply');
$message_out->send($mensaje_mail, $errors_sent);
Is this a header I can add the retrieve it in the bounce-back messages?
Thank you.


What is the use of Message-ID in email?

From what I've read, every Message-ID must be unique, however it is possible to create repeated Message-IDs if we force the header with a fixed value. So I don't understand what the point of them saying that the Message-ID should be unique, but they are very easy to create duplicates. If they can easily be generated by anyone with a little reading and basic programmatic knowledge, why do Message-IDs exist and what are they used for, which I can easily duplicate?
Short answer: For threading in email clients.
The message-id header is defined in RFC 2822:
The "Message-ID:" field contains a single unique message identifier.
The "References:" and "In-Reply-To:" field each contain one or more
unique message identifiers
The message ID is used to show which message is a reply to which other message, for example. That way mail clients can show a tree of emails with their replies even if other things like the Subject don't change. (Counting leading Re:s of the subject line would be a bad way to determine ancestors and children: not every mail client adds them, and some use language specific ones.)
in conjunction with the References and In-Reply-To fields, mail clients use Message-ID to organize multiple messages into threads.
and at least some clients will consider two messages with the same ID to be the same thing and discard one of them.

Assigning and accessing custom email headers in .NET

I need to add a custom header to an email using the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage class and then using the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage class I need to read that value.
What I'm trying to do exactly is bounce processing for emails we send out. I am generating a new Guid value and adding it to the headers right before it's sent. I'm storing that value in a database and need to match it up when a separate process scans the inbox for processing. I all of that working except one part - I can't get the message ID from the header.
I know messages have a Message-ID header (which is automatically added) and I can access that but what I'm having difficulty with is getting that value when it's sent in the first place. Is that even possible? If so I'll use that instead of my own value.
I can get the email address and the other relevant information but the system I've written uses the message ID I was assigning as the foreign key used in joins in the database.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. I doubt I'm the only person whose ever tried doing this.
Sorry everyone, the email I was testing with didn't have the header in it, that's why it couldn't be found.
I created a new email with it added and I could access it through the InternetMessageHeaders property of the EmailMessage object.

Outlook Mail Rest API message id repeating for different mails?

I am using outlook rest api to interact with my emails. I am storing my emails in a SQL database. The message response object has a filed called ID which according to the documentation is "The unique identifier of the message.". But I can see this id is same for multiple emails.
What is the exact behaviour of Id field??
You need to make sure you're comparing them in a case-sensitive manner. They do not repeat.
#ptwo There are two types of IDs, one of them is called 'ID', which is unique for every email, the other one is conversationID, which can be the same for the emails that are part of the same conversation (Reply, Reply All,...). You should not make ConversationID a primary key in your database table.

Can you order attachments in an e-mail so that the receiver receives them in the same order?

We're considering using an external application to send e-mails where the attachments have huge filesizes.
One of our users states the requirement: it must be possible to ORDER attachments, so that I can refer to them as "the first attachment", "the second attachment" and the receiver will see the attachments in the same order I sent them.
She claims any normal email clients support this: the sender chooses the order, the recipients client always shows the attachments in this order.
I can't verify that claim. Is this true? Is it stated anywhere? How (technically) are attachments ordered?
Well... Inside the message there is order. Attachments are sent sequentially one-after-the-other inside MIME text. But RFC makes no statement on how these should be displayed in email client. And it even might depend on your email generating software to keep the order you added the attachments in (JavaMail does so)
Things you could consider:
Prefix your attachment filenames with a number 1_first_attachment.txt 2_contract.pdf and so on.
Use HTML for your emails and create a section "attachments: a, b, c" with linkd to the attachments using Content-ID (href="cid:xxx")
Actual, when u load the document to the email, and load next, they gonna be in order anyway. They not gonna be mixed.
if u afraid that particular ur email gonna mix attachments, just add numerical order)
This is example where i just adding files. I just by holding shift click on the files in that order that i wanted and that is all.
And i receive this message with attachments in the same order as it was sent.

Mirth losing data in mapper variables

I have a database reader channel set up that actually reads the database at 10 second intervals and sends to a web service just fine. We get a valid response from the wsdl.
However, I need to update the database record so that it is flagged as having been processed. in this case we are simple changing a field from 100 to 101. However, when I try to update the field OR send an email containing ANY data that has been stored into mapper variables I get nothing. The database does not update. Emails send blanks for fields.
When I go into the channel messages for processed messages I can see good data in the Raw Message and Encoded Message tabs. There are no values in the Mappings tab.
Any suggestions on troubleshooting?
The Run-on-Update statement does not have access to the channel map, as it runs after message Encoding (and even the post-processor, I believe).
It DOES have access to the globalChannelMap and the responseMap. Put your new ID in the globalChannelMap and you should be good to go.
If you also want to send an email, would recommend you instead add an SMTP Writer destination (e.g., SMTP writer), which will have access to any channelMap variables created in a 'Destination 1'; as well as the globalChannelMap.