Partitioning records in a collection in MongoDB - mongodb

I have an usecase where a set of records in a collection need to be deleted after a specified interval of time.
For ex: Records older than 10hours be deleted every 10th hour.
We have tried deletion based on id but found it to be slow.
Is there a way to partition the records in a collection and drop a partition as and when required in Mongo

MongoDB does not currently support partitions, there is a JIRA ticket to add this as a feature (SERVER-2097).
One solution is to leverage multiple, time-based collections, cycling collections in a similar way as you would partitions. Typically we would do this when you'd usually only be querying one or few of these time-based collections. If you would often need to read across multiple collections, you could add some wrapper code to simplify that.
There's also TTL Indexes, which leverage a background thread in the mongod server to handle the deletes for you.
Your deletes by _id may have been slow for a number of reasons, and probably warrants more investigation beyond your original question.


Should data be clustered as databases or collections [duplicate]

I am designing a system with MongoDb (64 bit version) to handle a large amount of users (around 100,000) and each user will have large amounts of data (around 1 million records).
What is the best strategy of design?
Dump all records in single collection
Have a collection for each user
Have a database for each user.
Many Thanks,
So you're looking at somewhere in the region of 100 billion records (1 million records * 100,000 users).
The preferred way to deal with large amounts of data is to create a sharded cluster that splits the data out over several servers that are presented as single logical unit via the mongo client.
Therefore the answer to your question is put all your records in a single sharded collection.
The number of shards required and configuration of the cluster is related to the size of the data and other factors such as the quantity and distribution of reads and writes. The answers to those questions are probably very specific to your unique situation, so I won't attempt to guess them.
I'd probably start by deciding how many shards you have the time and machines available to set up and testing the system on a cluster of that many machines. Based on the performance of that, you can decide whether you need more or fewer shards in your cluster
So you are looking for 100,000,000 detail records overall for 100K users?
What many people don't seem to understand is that MongoDB is good at horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling is normally classed as scaling huge single collections of data across many (many) servers in a huge cluster.
So already if you use a single collection for common data (i.e. one collection called user and one called detail) you are suiting MongoDBs core purpose and build.
MongoDB, as mentioned, by others is not so good at scaling vertically across many collections. It has a nssize limit to begin with and even though 12K initial collections is estimated in reality due to index size you can have as little as 5K collections in your database.
So a collection per user is not feasible at all. It would be using MongoDB against its core principles.
Having a database per user involves the same problems, maybe more, as having singular collections per user.
I have never encountered some one not being able to scale MongoDB to the billions or even close to the 100s of billions (or maybe beyond) on a optimised set-up, however, I do not see why it cannot; after all Facebook is able to make MySQL scale into the 100s of billions per user (across 32K+ shards) for them and the sharding concept is similar between the two databases.
So the theory and possibility of doing this is there. It is all about choosing the right schema and shard concept and key (and severs and network etc etc etc etc).
If you were to witness problems you could go for splitting archive collections, or deleted items away from the main collection but I think that is overkill, instead you want to make sure that MongoDB knows where each segment of your huge dataset is at any given point in time on the master and ensure that this data is always hot, that way queries that don't do a global and scatter OP should be quite fast.
About a collection on each users:
By default configuration, MongoDB is limited to 12k collections. You can increase the size of this with --nssize but it's not unlimited.
And you have to count index into this 12k. (check "namespaces" concept on mongo documentation).
About a database for each user:
For a model point of view, that's very curious.
For technical, there is no limit on mongo, but you probably have a limit with file descriptor (limit from you OS/settings).
So asĀ #Rohit says, the two last are not good.
Maybe you should explain more about your case.
Maybe you can cut users into different collections (ex: one for each first letter of name etc., or for each service of the company...).
And, of course use sharding.
Edit: maybe MongoDb is not the best database for your use case.

how do non-ACID RethinkDB or MongoDB maintain secondary indexes for non-equal queries

This is more of 'inner workings' undestanding question:
How do noSQL databases that do not support *A*CID (meaning that they cannot update/insert and then rollback data for more than one object in a single transaction) -- update the secondary indexes ?
My understanding is -- that in order to keep the secondary index in sync (other wise it will become stale for reads) -- this has to happen withing the same transaction.
furthermore, if it is possible for index to reside on a different host than the data -- then a distributed lock needs to be present and/or two-phase commit for such an update to work atomically.
But if these databases do not support the multi-object transactions (which means they do not do two-phase commit on data across multiple host) , what method do they use to guarantee that secondary indices that reside in B-trees structures separate from the data are not stale ?
This is a great question.
RethinkDB always stores secondary indexes on the same host as the primary index/data for the table. Even in case of joins, RethinkDB brings the query to the data, so the secondary indexes, primary indexes, and data always reside on the same node. As a result, there is no need for distributed locking protocols such as two phase commit.
RethinkDB does support a limited set of transactional functionality -- single document transactions. Changes to a single document are recorded atomically. Relevant secondary index changes are also recorded as part of that transaction, so either the entire change is recorded, or nothing is recorded at all.
It would be easy to extend the limited transactional functionality to support multiple documents in a single shard, but it would be hard to do it across shards (for the distributed locking reasons you brought up), so we decided not to implement transactions for multiple documents yet.
Hope this helps.
This is a MongoDB answer.
I am not quite sure what your logic here is. Updating a secondary index has nothing to do with being able to rollback multi statement transactions such as a multiple update.
MongoDB has transcactions per a single document, and that is what matters for updating indexes. These operations can be reversed using the journal if the need arises.
this has to happen withing the same transaction.
Yes, much like a RDBMS would. The more indexes you apply the slower your writes will be, and it seems to me you know why.
As the write occurs MongoDB will update all indexes which apply to that collection with the fields that apply to specific indexes.
furthermore, if it is possible for index to reside on a different host than the data
I am unsure if MongoDB allows that, I believe there is a JIRA for it; however, I cannot find that JIRA currently.
then a distributed lock needs to be present and/or two-phase commit for such an update to work atomically.
Most likely. Allowing this feature would be...well, let's just say creating a hairball.
Even in a sharded setup the index of each range resides on the shard itself, not on the config servers.
But if these databases do not support the multi-object transactions (which means they do not do two-phase commit on data across multiple host)
That is not what a two phase commit means. I believe you need to brush up on what a two phase commit is:
I suppose if you are talking about a transaction covering more than one shard then, hmm ok.
what method do they use to guarantee that secondary indices that reside in B-trees structures separate from the data are not stale ?
Agan I am unsure why a multi document transaction would effect whether an index would be stale or not, your not grouping across documents. The exception to that is a unique index but that works on single document updates as well; note that its uniqueness gets kinda hairy in sharded setups and cannot be guaranteed.
In an index you are creating, normally, one entry per document prefix key, uless it is a multikey index on the docment then you can make more than one index, however, either way index updating is done per single object, not by multi document transactions and I am unsure what you logic here is aas such this is the answer I have placed.
RethinkDB always stores secondary index data on the same machine as the data it's indexing. This allows it to be updated within the same transaction. Rethink promises to be ACIDy with single document operations and considers the indexing of a document to be part of the document itself.

TTL index on oplog or reducing the size of oplog?

I am using mongodb with elasticsearch for my application. Elasticsearch creates indexes by monitioring oplog collection. When both the applications are running constantly then any changes to the collections in mongodb are immediately indexed. The only problem I face is if for some reason I had to delete and recreate the index then it takes ages(2days) for the indexing to complete.
When I was looking at the size of my oplog by default it's capacity is 40gb and its holding around 60million transactions because of which creating a fresh index is taking a long time.
What would be the best way to optimize fresh index creation?
Is it to reduce the size of oplog so that it holds less number of transactions and still not affect my replication or is it possible to create a ttl index(which I failed to do on several attempts) on oplog.
I am using elasticsearch with mongodb using mongodb river
Any help to overcome the above mentioned issues is appreciated.
I am not a Elastic Search Pro but your question:
What would be the best way to optimize fresh index creation?
Does apply a little to all who use third party FTS techs with MongoDB.
The first thing to note is that if you have A LOT of records then there is no easy way around this unless you are prepared to lose some of them.
The oplog isn't really a good idea for this, you should probably seek out using a custom script using timers in the main collection to do this personally, or a change table giving you a single place to quickly query for new or updated records.
Unless you are filtering the oplog to get specific records, i.e. inserts, then you could be pulling out ALL oplog records including deletes, collection operations and even database operations. So you could try stripping out unneeded records from your oplog search, however, this then creates a new problem; the oplog has no indexes or index updating.
This means that if you start to read in a manner more appropiate you will actually use an unindexed query over these 60 million records. This will result in slow(er) performance.
The oplog having no index updating answers another one of your questions:
is it possible to create a ttl index(which I failed to do on several attempts) on oplog.
As for the other one of your questions:
Is it to reduce the size of oplog so that it holds less number of transactions
Yes, but you will have a smaller recovery window of replication and not only that but you will lose records from your "fresh" index so only a part of your data is actually indexed. I am unsure, from your question, if this is a problem or not.
You can reduce the oplog for a single secondary member that no replica is synching from. Look up rs.syncFrom and "Change the Size of the Oplog" in the mongodb docs.

MongoDB fast deletion best approach

My application currently use MySQL. In order to support very fast deletion, I organize my data in partitions, according to timestamp. Then when data becomes obsolete, I just drop the whole partition.
It works great, and cleaning up my DB doesn't harm my application performance.
I would want to replace MySQL with MongoDB, and I'm wondering if there's something similiar in MongoDB, or would I just need to delete the records one by one (which, I'm afraid, will be really slow and will make my DB busy, and slow down queries response time).
In MongoDB, if your requirement is to delete data to limit the collection size, you should use a capped collection.
On the other hand, if your requirement is to delete data based on a timestamp, then a TTL index might be exactly what you're looking for.
From official doc regarding capped collections:
Capped collections automatically remove the oldest documents in the collection without requiring scripts or explicit remove operations.
And regarding TTL indexes:
Implemented as a special index type, TTL collections make it possible to store data in MongoDB and have the mongod automatically remove data after a specified period of time.
I thought, even though I am late and an answer has already been accepted, I would add a little more.
The problem with capped collections is that they regularly reside upon one shard in a cluster. Even though, in latter versions of MongoDB, capped collections are shardable they normally are not. Adding to this a capped collection MUST be allocated on the spot, so if you wish to have a long history before clearing the data you might find your collection uses up significantly more space than it should.
TTL is a good answer however it is not as fast as drop(). TTL is basically MongoDB doing the same thing, server-side, that you would do in your application of judging when a row is historical and deleting it. If done excessively it will have a detrimental effect on performance. Not only that but it isn't good at freeing up space to your $freelists which is key to stopping fragmentation in MongoDB.
drop()ing a collection will literally just "drop" the collection on the spot, instantly and gracefully giving that space back to MongoDB (not the OS) giving you absolutely no fragmentation what-so-ever. Not only that but the operation is a lot faster, 90% of the time, than most other alternatives.
So I would stick by my comment:
You could factor the data into time series collections based on how long it takes for data to become historical, then just drop() the collection
As #Zaid pointed out, even with the _id field capped collections are not shardable.
One solution to this is using TokuMX which supports partitioning:
Advantages over capped collections: capped collections use a fixed amount of space (even when you don't have this much data) and they can't be resized on-the-fly. Partitioned collections usage depends on data; you can add and remove partitions (for newly inserted data) as you see fit.
Advantages over TTL: TTL is slow, it just takes care of removing old data automatically. Partitions are fast - removing data is basically just a file removal.
HOWEVER: after getting acquired by Percona, development of TokuMX appears to have stopped (would love to be corrected on this point). Unfortunately MongoDB doesn't support this functionality and with TokuMX on its way out it looks like we will be stranded without proper solution.

Atomic counters Postgres vs MongoDB

I'm building a very large counter system. To be clear, the system is counting the number of times a domain occurs in a stream of data (that's about 50 - 100 million elements in size).
The system will individually process each element and make a database request to increment a counter for that domain and the date it is processed on. Here's the structure:
stats_table (or collection)
domain (string)
date (date, YYYY-MM-DD)
count (integer)
My initial inkling was to use MongoDB because of their atomic counter feature. However as I thought about it more, I figured Postgres updates already occur atomically (at least that's what this question leads me to believe).
My question is this: is there any benefit of using one database over the other here? Assuming that I'll be processing around 5 million domains a day, what are the key things I need to be considering here?
All single operations in Postgres are automatically wrapped in transactions and all operations on a single document in MongoDB are atomic. Atomicity isn't really a reason to preference one database over the other in this case.
While the individual counts may get quite high, if you're only storing aggregate counts and not each instance of a count, the total number of records should not be too significant. Even if you're tracking millions of domains, either Mongo or Postgres will work equally well.
MongoDB is a good solution for logging events, but I find Postgres to be preferable if you want to do a lot of interesting, relational analysis on the analytics data you're collecting. To do so efficiently in Mongo often requires a high degree of denormalization, so I'd think more about how you plan to use the data in the future.