subtract two rows values using t-sql - tsql

i want to subtract values from of month 7 salary from month 8 salary
using t-sql can anyone help me i m new in tsql
ID Year Month Salary
1088 2017 8 -29766.250 0.000
1088 2015 7 -58.500 0.000

The simplest approach: use a subquery for each value (i.e. replace a and b in select a - b with subqueries):
(select salary from mytable where year = 2017 and month = 8) -
(select salary from mytable where year = 2015 and month = 7) as diff;


Find max value in a group in FileMaker

How to select only max values in a group in the following set
id productid price year
1 11 0,10 2015
2 11 0,12 2016
3 11 0,11 2017
4 22 0,08 2016
5 33 0,02 2016
6 33 0,01 2017
Expected result for each productid and max year would be
id productid price year
3 11 0,11 2017
4 22 0,08 2016
6 33 0,01 2017
This works for me.
ExecuteSQL (
"SELECT, t.productid, t.price, t.\"year\"
FROM test t
WHERE \"year\" =
(SELECT MAX(\"year\") FROM test tt WHERE t.productid = tt.productid)"
; " " ; "")
Adapted from this answer:
A simple SQL query will give you a last year for every product record
ExecuteSQL (
"SELECT productid, MAX ( \"year\")
FROM myTable
GROUP By productid";
"";"" )
To get to the price for that year is going to be trickier, as FileMaker SQL does not fully support subqueries or temp tables.

Insert subquery date according to day

I would like to insert subquery a date based on it day. Plus, each date can only be used four times. Once it reached fourth times, the fifth value will use another date of same day. In other word, use date of Monday of next week. Example, Monday with 6 JUNE 2016 to Monday with 13 JUNE 2016 (you may check the calendar).
I have a query of getting a list of date based on presentationdatestart and presentationdateend from presentation table:
select a.presentationid,
to_char (a.presentationdatestart + delta, 'DD-MM-YYYY', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') list_date
from presentation a,
(select level - 1 as delta
from dual
connect by level - 1 <= (select max (presentationdateend - presentationdatestart)
from presentation))
where a.presentationdatestart + delta <= a.presentationdateend
and a.presentationday = to_char(a.presentationdatestart + delta, 'fmDay')
order by a.presentationdatestart + delta,
a.presentationid; --IMPORTANT!!!--
For example,
presentationday presentationdatestart presentationdateend
Monday 01-05-2016 04-06-2016
Tuesday 01-05-2016 04-06-2016
Wednesday 01-05-2016 04-06-2016
Thursday 01-05-2016 04-06-2016
The query result will list all possible dates between 01-05-2016 until 04-06-2016:
Monday 02-05-2016
Tuesday 03-05-2016
Wednesday 04-05-2016
Thursday 05-05-2016
Monday 30-05-2016
Tuesday 31-05-2016
Wednesday 01-06-2016
Thursday 02-06-2016 (20 rows)
This is my INSERT query :
insert into CSP600_SCHEDULE (studentID,
select '2013816591',
to_char (a.presentationdatestart + delta, 'DD-MM-YYYY', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN') list_date //FOR AVAILABLEDATE
from presentation a,
(select level - 1 as delta
from dual
connect by level - 1 <= (select max (presentationdateend - presentationdatestart)
from presentation))
where a.presentationdatestart + delta <= a.presentationdateend
and a.presentationday = to_char(a.presentationdatestart + delta, 'fmDay')
order by a.presentationdatestart + delta,
This query successfully added 20 rows because all possible dates were 20 rows. I would like modify the query to be able to insert based on availableDay and each date can only be used four times for each different studentID.
Possible outcome in CSP600_SCHEDULE (I am removing unrelated columns to ease readability):
StudentID StudentName availableDay availableDate
2013 abc Monday 01-05-2016
2014 def Monday 01-05-2016
2015 ghi Monday 01-05-2016
2016 klm Monday 01-05-2016
2010 nop Tuesday 02-05-2016
2017 qrs Tuesday 02-05-2016
2018 tuv Tuesday 02-05-2016
2019 wxy Tuesday 02-05-2016
2039 rrr Monday 09-05-2016
You may check the calendar :)
I think what you're asking for is to list your students and then batch them up in groups of 4 - each batch is then allocated to a date. Is that right?
In which case something like this should work (I'm using a list of tables as the student names just so I don't need to insert any data into a custom table) :
WITH students AS
(SELECT table_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE rownum < 100
,SYSDATE + (CEIL(rownum/4) -1)
I hope that helps you
...okay, following your comments, I think this might be a better solution :
WITH students AS
(SELECT table_name student_name
FROM all_tables
WHERE rownum < 100
, dates AS
(SELECT TRUNC(sysdate) appointment_date from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+2) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+4) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+6) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+8) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+10) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+12) from dual UNION
SELECT TRUNC(sysdate+14) from dual
--get a list of students each with a sequential row number, ordered by student name
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY student_name) rn
FROM students
) s
--get a list of available dates with a sequential row number, ordered by date
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY appointment_date) rn
FROM dates
) d
--allocate the first four students to date rownumber1, next four students to date rownumber 2...
AND CEIL(s.rn/4) = d.rn

postgresql daysdiff between two dates grouped by month

I have a table with the date columns (start_date, end_date) and I want to calculate the difference between these dates and grouped by the month.
I am able to get the datediff in days, but I do not know how to group this in month, any suggestions?
id Start_date End_date days
1234 2014-06-03 2014-07-05 32
12345 2014-02-02 2014-05-10 97
Expected results:
month diff_days
2 26
3 30
4 31
5 10
6 27
7 5
I think your expected output numbers are off a little. You might want to double-check.
I use a calendar table myself, but this query uses a CTE and date arithmetic. Avoiding the hard-coded date '2014-01-01' and the interval for 365 days is straightforward, but it makes the query harder to read, so I just used those values directly.
with your_data as (
select date '2014-06-03' as start_date, date '2014-07-05' as end_date union all
select '2014-02-02', '2014-05-10'
), calendar as (
select date '2014-01-01' + (n || ' days')::interval calendar_date
from generate_series(0, 365) n
select extract (month from calendar_date) calendar_month, count(*) from calendar
inner join your_data on calendar.calendar_date between start_date and end_date
group by calendar_month
order by calendar_month;
calendar_month count
2 27
3 31
4 30
5 10
6 28
7 5
As a rule of thumb, you should never group by the month alone--doing that risks grouping data from different years. This is a safer version that includes the year, and which also restricts output to a single calendar year.
with your_data as (
select date '2014-06-03' as start_date, date '2014-07-05' as end_date union all
select '2014-02-02', '2014-05-10'
), calendar as (
select date '2014-01-01' + (n || ' days')::interval calendar_date
from generate_series(0, 700) n
select extract (year from calendar_date) calendar_year, extract (month from calendar_date) calendar_month, count(*) from calendar
inner join your_data on calendar.calendar_date between start_date and end_date
where calendar_date between '2014-01-01' and '2014-12-31'
group by calendar_year, calendar_month
order by calendar_year, calendar_month;
SQL Fiddle
with min_max as (
select min(start_date) as start_date, max(end_date) as end_date
from t
), g as (
select daterange(d::date, (d + interval '1 month')::date, '[)') as r
from generate_series(
(select date_trunc('month', start_date) from min_max),
(select end_date from min_max),
'1 month'
) g(d)
select *
from (
to_char(lower(r), 'YYYY Mon') as "Month",
sum(upper(r) - lower(r)) as days
from (
select t.r * g.r as r
select daterange(start_date, end_date, '[]') as r
from t
) t
inner join
g on t.r && g.r
) s
group by 1
) s
order by to_timestamp("Month", 'YYYY Mon')
Month | days
2014 Feb | 27
2014 Mar | 31
2014 Apr | 30
2014 May | 10
2014 Jun | 28
2014 Jul | 5
Range data types
Range functions and operators

T-SQL - Data Islands and Gaps - How do I summarise transactional data by month?

I'm trying to query some transactional data to establish the CurrentProductionHours value for each Report at the end of each month.
Providing there has been a transaction for each report in each month, that's pretty straight-forward... I can use something along the lines of the code below to partition transactions by month and then pick out the rows where TransactionByMonth = 1 (effectively, the last transaction for each report each month).
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [ReportId], [CalendarYear], [MonthOfYear]
ORDER BY TransactionTimestamp desc
) AS TransactionByMonth
The problem that I have is that there will not necessarily be a transaction for every report every month... When that's the case, I need to carry forward the last known CurrentProductionHours value to the month which has no transaction as this indicates that there has been no change. Potentially, this value may need to be carried forward multiple times.
Source Data:
ReportId TransactionTimestamp CurrentProductionHours
1 2014-01-05 13:37:00 14.50
1 2014-01-20 09:15:00 15.00
1 2014-01-21 10:20:00 10.00
2 2014-01-22 09:43:00 22.00
1 2014-02-02 08:50:00 12.00
Target Results:
ReportId Month Year ProductionHours
1 1 2014 10.00
2 1 2014 22.00
1 2 2014 12.00
2 2 2014 22.00
I should also mention that I have a date table available, which can be referenced if required.
** UPDATE 05/03/2014 **
I now have query which is genertating results as shown in the example below but I'm left with islands of data (where a transaction existed in that month) and gaps in between... My question is still similar but in some ways a little more generic - What is the best way to fill gaps between data islands if you have the dataset below as a starting point?
ReportId Month Year ProductionHours
1 1 2014 10.00
1 2 2014 12.00
1 3 2014 NULL
2 1 2014 22.00
2 2 2014 NULL
2 3 2014 NULL
Any advice about how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated!
Try this:
;with a as
select dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, min(TransactionTimestamp))+1,0) minTransactionTimestamp,
max(TransactionTimestamp) maxTransactionTimestamp from tblSource
), b as
select minTransactionTimestamp TT, maxTransactionTimestamp
from a
union all
select dateadd(m, 1, TT), maxTransactionTimestamp
from b
where tt < maxTransactionTimestamp
), c as
select distinct t.ReportId, b.TT from tblSource t
cross apply b
select c.ReportId,
month(dateadd(m, -1, c.TT)) Month,
year(dateadd(m, -1, c.TT)) Year,
from c
cross apply
(select top 1 CurrentProductionHours from tblSource
where TransactionTimestamp < c.TT
and ReportId = c.ReportId
order by TransactionTimestamp desc) x
A similar approach but using a cartesian to obtain all the combinations of report ids/months.
in the first step.
A second step adds to that cartesian the maximum timestamp from the source table where the month is less or equal to the month in the current row.
Finally it joins the source table to the temp table by report id/timestamp to obtain the latest source table row for every report id/month.
WITH allcombinations -- Cartesian (reportid X yearmonth)
AS ( SELECT reportid ,
FROM tblSource
) a
DATEPART(yy, transactionTimestamp)
* 100 + DATEPART(MM,
transactionTimestamp) yearmonth
FROM tblSource
) b ON 1 = 1
maxdates --add correlated max timestamp where the month is less or equal to the month in current record
AS ( SELECT a.* ,
( SELECT MAX(transactionTimestamp)
FROM tblSource t
WHERE t.reportid = a.reportid
AND DATEPART(yy, t.transactionTimestamp)
* 100 + DATEPART(MM,
t.transactionTimestamp) <= a.yearmonth
) maxtstamp
FROM allcombinations a
-- join previous data to the source table by reportid and timestamp
SELECT distinct m.reportid ,
m.yearmonth ,
FROM maxdates m
JOIN tblSource t ON t.transactionTimestamp = m.maxtstamp and t.reportid=m.reportid
ORDER BY m.reportid ,

Trying to set a variable inside a case statement.

I'm trying to update a date dimension table from the accounting years table of our ERP System. If I run the following Query:
SELECT fcname FYName
,min(fdstart) YearStart
,max(fdend) YearEnd
,max(fnnumber) PeriodCount
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule GLR
GROUP BY fcname
I get the following data:
FYName YearStart YearEnd PeriodCount
FY 2000 1/1/2000 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2000 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2001 1/1/2001 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2001 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2002 1/1/2002 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2002 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2003 1/1/2003 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2003 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2004 1/1/2004 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2004 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2005 1/1/2005 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2005 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2006 1/1/2006 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2006 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2007 1/1/2007 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2007 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2008 1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2008 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2009 1/1/2009 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2009 12:00:00 AM 12
FY 2010 1/1/2010 12:00:00 AM 12/31/2010 12:00:00 AM 12
In my case my company has 12 periods per year which roughly correspond to months. Basically, I am trying to create an update statement to set Fiscal Quarters which will follow this logic:
1. If PeriodCount is divisible by 4 then the number of periods in a quarter is PeriodCount/4.
2. If PeriodNumber is in the first quarter (in this case periods 1 through 3) then FiscalQuarter =1 and so on for quarters 2 through 4.
The problem is that I cannot be guaranteed that everyone uses 12 periods, some companies I support use a different number such as 10.
I started creating the following select statement:
DECLARE #QuarterSize INT
DECLARE #SemesterSize INT
CASE WHEN glr.PeriodCount % 4 = 0 THEN
-- Can Be divided into quarters. Quarter size is PeriodCount/4
set #quartersize = (GLR.PeriodCount/4)
FROM m2mdata01.dbo.AllDates TST
SELECT fcname FYName
,min(fdstart) YearStart
,MAX(fdend) YearEnd
,MAX(fnnumber) PeriodCount
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule GLR
GROUP BY fcname ) GLR
Can I set the value of a variable inside a case statement like this? What's the best way to accomplish this? Am I forced to use a cursor statement and check each date in my dimension against the range in the table above?
Not sure what you want to do here - you can assign variable outside case statement in select clause. Such as
#var = CASE
WHEN condition1 THEN some value
WHEN condition2 THEN other value
Note that #var value be set to the value evaluated at the last row. As said earlier, I am not sure how you intend to use you #quartersize variable. If the value is needed on every row then u shouldn't be using variable at all.
It may not be the most elegant solution, but here is what I ended up with.
I linked a copy of the script details to a grouped by version of the same thing.
SELECT fcname FYName, fdstart PeriodStart, fdend PeriodEnd, fnnumber PeriodNo, GLRAGG.AGGFYName,
GLRAGG.QuarterSize, GLRAGG.PeriodCount, GLRAGG.Quarterific, GLRAGG.SemesterSize, GLRAGG.Semesterific
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule GLR
(SELECT fcname AGGFYName, min(fdstart) YearStart,
MAX(fdend) YearEnd, MAX(fnnumber) PeriodCount,
(Max(fnnumber) / 4) QuarterSize, CASE WHEN Max(fnnumber) % 4 = 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Quarterific,
(Max(fnnumber) / 2) SemesterSize, CASE WHEN Max(fnnumber) % 2 = 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Semesterific
FROM M2MData01.dbo.glrule
This isn't a big deal because that table only has 12 rows for each year, in this case only 132 total rows.
That produces every fiscal period with the total number of periods in each Fiscal Year and whether it can be evenly divisible by 4 and 2. It then uses the "Quarterific" value to determine whether to do so in the update statement and I can get by wtihout using variables.
It may not be the best way, but it works and is performant given the small data set.