API Credential Error with WooCommerce - paypal

I have installed Paypal Express Checkout but keep getting API Credential error 3 when trying to purchase through WooCommerce. Seems to work fine through PayPal standard. Any ideas? I've re-set my API info on PayPal just in case but still getting the error.

You need to make sure the environment is set as Live instead of sandbox.
Adding the configuration guide for your reference.


Paypal Express Checkout NVP unable to processes order with this account

I am trying to implement Paypal Express checkout with my site.
I am able to generate the token using the "SetExpressCheckout" API call, and the user is redirected to the Paypal login page.
However, once the user logs in, they get the following error:
We're not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please try again later.
This only happens on the live production. When using the sandbox everything seems to work.
I would really appreciate any suggestions as to what may be causing this and how to fix it, TIA!

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support

Paypal configuration into new account

I am facing security header error while integrating paypal, the paypal integration works fine with sandbox environment and credentials but it is not working with live.
Is there any specific configuration i need to make in paypal as i am using paypal apis for integration.
Any help will be appreciated.
That error message would typically only show when the credentials are incorrect.
Could you please double check that there's no extra space characters in the credentials and that you're using the credentials for the correct mode you're using (Live vs. Sandbox)?
If it is set to Sandbox mode, you must use your Paypal sandbox credentials. The live ones will not work in Sandbox mode.
That error message indicates that your API credentials aren't being accepted by PayPal.
Common causes:
1. You have your PayPal module configured to "Sandbox" but have not used Sandbox API credentials.
2. You have your PayPal module configured to "Live" but have not used Live API credentials.
3. You have mis-typed one or more API credentials entries, including but not limited to leaving trailing spaces.
4. You have deleted and/or recreated new API credentials in your PayPal account but have not copied those new credentials back to your store.
This link help you more ..
We are using different credential for paypal and sandbox.Please Review these links softprodigy.in/CMPnew/app/webroot/images/live.png softprodigy.in/CMPnew/app/webroot/images/sandbox.png

Setting up Zencart with Paypal

To begin: I am trying to setup Zencart with Paypal. I have followed all of Paypal and Zencart's instructions:
Putting in Paypal's API username, password and signature code into Zencart's Payment Module section. Checked the "live" environment.
I then tried buying a product on the website and got the following error message:
Zen Cart message: We are sorry for the inconvenience. The PayPal account
authentication settings are not yet set up, or the API security information
is incorrect.
Security error
Security header is not valid
I have tried looking up the answer but everything I see says to make sure the environment is not in sandbox and that everything is typed in correctly. I have tripled checked and the API is typed in correctly and it is set to live.... what else can I do?
Moving on, I have tried to setup the sandbox but am unfamiliar with how to use Paypal's sandbox. So I reconfigured Zencart to "sandbox mode" with the appropriate sandbox API and I set up box a sandbox account for a merchant and private buyer but I don't know how to use them. Should I go back to the Zencart store and register with my new "Paypal sandbox private buyer email"? And will checking out using this email they gave me work as just a test... I don't want to go through with the checkout if I'm going to get billed...
Thank you for any help:)
The best place to get support on Zen Cart issues is directly on the Zen Cart support forum at http://www.zen-cart.com/forum.php
Further, an existing article already explains the basics of the problem you describe: http://www.zen-cart.com/content.php?277-the-paypal-account-in-this-store-is-presently-misconfigured-to-use-mixed-sandbox-and-live-settings-we-are-unable-to-complete-your-transaction-please-notify-the-store-owner-so-they-can-correct-this-problem-10002
It is absolutely critical that the THREE parts of your API settings (username, password, signature) be copied EXACTLY from PayPal's site into your store's admin settings screen.
There's no need to use sandbox unless you're a programmer writing new features for payment processing. So be sure to check the "Live" radio-button. (I realize you already mentioned that. Just adding this for clarity.)
You can also get more details on exactly what is coming back from PayPal by turning on debug logging in the module's settings.
PayPal tech support is available at www.paypal.com/mts - they can look at your actual transmissions and at your account, and sort out a problem if there's something wrong with the API signature details.

sandbox not hitting notifyurl

This seems to be a common problem but I can't seem to find any solutions for it. I have used the Ipn simulator testing and it works fine, but when I test out a transation by going through the payment process Paypal never hits my Ipn Listener. I am currently testing in the sandbox
I am using the Express Checkout API and setting the NotifyUrl in the DoExpressCheckoutPayment method. Why is paypal not hitting the url specified in there?
Problem was the documentation and version I were using didn't match up, so I was using deprecated parameters. For some reason using deprecated commands does not throw any errors, so it is hard to debug.
Paypal does a real good job of hiding their documentation and making it difficult to match API version with documentation version.
To take a stab, are you sure the URL is accessible by paypal? Paypal is calling it so urls like localhost will not work. If it is https and you're using a development certificate that might explain it as well. Is your firewall possibly blocking it?