How to properly add a JS library to a Faveod project? - code-generation

I am trying to add a jQuery Select2 formatter to a field and it doesn't work, but it the console I have the error TypeError: $(...).select2 is not a function and the network tab tells me that the requests to get the files select2.min.js and select2.css failed with a 404.
Do you know what could be the problem? Is my project wrongly configured?

Faveod has its own "bower/yarn-like" management.
To add a JS lib, just use the Designer.
To do the maintenance, go into the generated app.
you have to define the JS libs in the "JS frameworks" panel
app: admin panel then "Js dependencies"
(optional) use the buttons to show outdated libs
on the lib you want to update, "get info"
(if needed) download it to make it available
(if needed) choose the version you want to use (updates the symlink)
Now reload your JSes and you're ready to go :)

The path configured in this JS framework is incorrect : it is "/javascripts/dist/..." but should be "/javascripts/select2/dist/...".


Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘fs’

Below are the two error (image) I’m facing
I’m using Ionic 4.
everything works but as soon I start calling WooCommerce API and use it in constructor I get the below two errors.
I have imported Woocommerce API, but when I initialize it in constructr it shows both of this error.
It looks like you are using this package which has an obsolete warning:
2019-07-29: This client is obsolete and will no longer receive updates, a new JavaScript library is available under the name of #woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api.
However, that's a node.js package. It's failing because fs stands for filesystem and that doesn't exist in the browser.
Node.js is for local development, not for browser packages, which is what Ionic 4 is built with.
However, if you really want to use it then this guide will show you how to wrap it up using browserify:
Transforming a Node.js Module to A Browser Library
The solution is to use Browserify to bundle the module with all its dependencies inside one JavaScript file so we will not need any external Node.js dependencies which are not available inside the Cordova webview (a headless browser) used by Ionic 4.
I don't know how far you'll get as it's for Ionic 2 but I'm just showing you this to demonstrate that node.js packages are not for Ionic.
Based on your comments you say you are having problems with global not being defined.
Searching Google this seems to be a solved issue, try:
I think for now the best option would be to include
(window as any).global = window;
In your polyfills.ts file, as mentioned here:
angular/angular-cli#9827 (comment)
You have to go to folder \node_modules\#angular-devkit\build-angular\src\angular-cli-files\models\webpack-configs\browser.js and replace node: false, by node: { crypto: true, stream: true, fs: "empty", net: "empty", tls: "empty" },
It's working for me.

How to develop Case Manager widget in local envrionment?

Thank you for viewing my question.
We are using IBM Case Manager(ICM) 5.2. There are new change from users. I am the BA/developer.
To modify the existing Case Manager Plugin and custom widgets, I have to do the following tasks:
Change the ICM widget JS and HTML codes, on my local environment with Eclipse.
Replace the JS and HTML from the (custom) widget package, send the updated package to application server.
On the server, use the Case Manager configuration tool to deploy the package.
Login Case Builder and deploy the solution. Test the code and revert back for testing.
My questions are:
(1). I don't know how to run these codes on my local environment without deployment into ICM. Is it a must to install a Case Manager in my local envrionment?
(2). Is there an easy way to test and debug Custom Widgets JS & HTML codes from my local environment?
In order to be completely run and configure widgets locally, you'll need a complete installation of ICM. This is due to the fact that you'll heavily rely on both Content Navigator as Case Manager resources. You might be able to test a thing or two by requiring remote resources, but in the end you'll need to integrate your widget on a running installation to be able to actually use it in the page designer.
By far your easiest option is to locally build your widget, then remotely deploy and remote debug.
Assuming you know how to deploy your widget (use the Config mgr, or the icmadmin desktop), then by far the easiest way to debug the front-end, is using the "developer tools" that come with most browsers (IE/FireFox/Chrome). Simply hit the F12 button, locate your .js file and place a breakpoint. Consult your browser's help/google on how to use the tools.
Debugging the java part of your widget can best be achieved by creating a remote debug session in eclipse to your application-server. In eclipse go to "Debug Configurations", then add a new "Remote Java Application", choose your "Widget Project" and fill in the remote ip/(debugging)port of your application-server. Press Debug and you're set! Place breakpoints and invoke your java :)
Additionally see this blogpost with additional tips for debugging + screenshots: Debugging your ICN plugins (or ICM widgets).

CKeditor plugin not working

I tried to setup the media Plugin from and
When including
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'media';
in my page I get an error
Error: uncaught exception: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "media" was not found at "http://localhost:8080/fileupload/ckeditor/plugins/media/plugin.js?t=B49E5BQ".
Please check, the directory name. It should be 'Media' or 'media' according to your media plugin file. On unix/linux systems... it matters. I was also facing problem on godaddy hosting but after looking at MediaEmbed plugin file, i find out that it was MediaEmbed not mediaembed.
There was a file not found error for that file.
Right click on the Tomcat server in Eclipse and choosing "Clean..." solved the problem.
We were getting this error because our node add/edit forms were being rendered within the website's theme, which may include a lot of unnecessary and/or incompatible javascript. For reliability, we switched to using the administration theme (in our case bartik), and then the javascript error disappeared. Hope this can help someone else out there.
you should keep your plugin files(plugin.js, css, images) under <plugin-name> along with all plugins of ckeditor. See how core plugins are organised.

Build and run Disabled in xcode

There are some applications which shows Build and run icon disabled which stops me from running the application.It does not happen to all applications but on a few . It mainly occurs to me in facebook applications and a few more applications.Can anybody have an idea what could be the problem ? I have tried everything from changing the build settings etc. but it does not work.
Need to fix the executable, it happens after renaming project.
Product > Scheme > Edit scheme..
Run > Info
Set Executable is your app name, if selected None.
Try this, It's work for me.
Follow below steps to unable Build and Run in xcode
1) Go to
Product => Scheme => Edit scheme.
2) Select Run option and select info
3) In Executable if option is selected to None then change it to your app name
Hope this is help for some one.
That project appears to be the Sparrow audio project. It's not a stand-alone project you can run; it's a library, you need to be using it in another project to have anything to actually run.
The sparrow project includes a sample app called Scaffold which demonstrates the use of Sparrow. More info:
Also see:
Note that you can still 'build'; it's just 'build and run' that can't be clicked.
I think those may be frameworks,static libraries. So the build and run option is disabled.
I think you might be creating plugin or frameworks or libraries (not an Application).
So the "Build & Run" icon is DISABLED.(as answered by Chandan Shetty SP)
In order to enable the icon you need to specify the Application which use this plugin or framework or library whatever you are building.
To specify such application:
Rt. Click on "Executables" (in Xcode's Groups and Files panel)
Select Add > New Custom Executable
Then specify the name of application (just for display purpose) and specify the path of the application.
Go to the Project menu in the menubar and change the Active Target to the target of the actual app.

Vaadin - GWT error "module xxx may need to be recompiled

I'm ramping up on Vaadin and I'm getting this javascript alert whenever I try and run the demo apps.
GWT module 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet' may need to be recompiled
I've tried cleaning the project to no avail.
As I said, I'm ramping up so I'm sure there's some simple step I'm missing or a concept I haven't grasped.
I don't know anything about Vaadin, but there's a more general context in which this error occurs:
So long as you're testing in Eclipse, the dynamic coding of your app is still real Java coding being run in a JVM. This coding is made available through debugger that's accessible via a socket. You get a URL that looks like this:
with this codesvr thing being your eclipse-hosted debugger process for your Java code.
Before your app can run standalone, GWT has to translate your Java code to JavaScript; separate versions of the code are produced for each browser type (Firefox, WebKit, Opera, ...) and language that you want to support. Only once this is done can you access your app the usual way via
After weeks of running my app only in Eclipse, I'd managed to forget about the compiling-for-browsers step and wondered about the message. The way to fire up the compiler, if you're not using the Ant task, is to hit Google|GWT Compile in the project's context menu. That done, the JS in your app gets fleshed out and your app can run without Java on the client side.
And of course the message goes away.
It is a warning not an error. Does the app work? Otherwise you have to recompile the Vaadin widgetset. These might help too:
Often this message meens:
you're missing the ?gwt.codesvr= parameter in the URL (or have misspelled it).
your module uses the xs linker <add-linker name="xs" />. This is a known limitation and will be fixed in the future: Issue 4232: Allow Development Mode to work with XS Linker
You may need to clear the browser cache. It is possible that the compiled js that the browser is using is not the js that has most recently been compiled.
In Chrome you can see if the cached js is being used in the developer tools windows (ctrl + shift + i). In the size column it will say (from cache) instead of the actual size. You can then right click and clear the browser cache. ctrl + r to reload and the error should be gone.
Carl Smotricz is absolutely right.
Just Cleaning and Build Project on the topmost menu doesn't work.
You must use "Google | GWT Compile" on the context menu generated when right-clicking on your GWT project, prior to deployment.
The error may not be about not-adding "?gwt.codesvr=" at the end of host web page if he or she tried to deploy the GWT-based webapp on WAS external to Eclipse.
Server restart did the job for me.
I had tried clearing cache, clean and rebuild .. but i was still getting the same warning message.
Server restart made it reload all the stull from the latest compiled war.
It was a hit and trial and i am glad it worked :) :)