CKeditor plugin not working - plugins

I tried to setup the media Plugin from and
When including
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'media';
in my page I get an error
Error: uncaught exception: [CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "media" was not found at "http://localhost:8080/fileupload/ckeditor/plugins/media/plugin.js?t=B49E5BQ".

Please check, the directory name. It should be 'Media' or 'media' according to your media plugin file. On unix/linux systems... it matters. I was also facing problem on godaddy hosting but after looking at MediaEmbed plugin file, i find out that it was MediaEmbed not mediaembed.

There was a file not found error for that file.
Right click on the Tomcat server in Eclipse and choosing "Clean..." solved the problem.

We were getting this error because our node add/edit forms were being rendered within the website's theme, which may include a lot of unnecessary and/or incompatible javascript. For reliability, we switched to using the administration theme (in our case bartik), and then the javascript error disappeared. Hope this can help someone else out there.

you should keep your plugin files(plugin.js, css, images) under <plugin-name> along with all plugins of ckeditor. See how core plugins are organised.


TYPO3 backend form module gives error when creating forms

I'm currently running TYPO3 version 8.7.18 and running a site_package that was made by using the site package builder: link
Whenever I try to add a form by using the default backend forms module I get the default message Oops, an error occurred! along with that the following error
TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Configuration\FormDefinition\Converters\AddHmacDataConverter not found
Searching for the issue I get several hits on the Gitlab but these do not provide any solution.
Along with this setup, I've added the forms module as a static include in my top-level template.
do you have a composer installation or an extension manager build up?
If a class is not found you may need to rebuild the autoloader information.
My error turned out to be caused by a corrupt installation. I've had to upload the file AddHmacDataConverter.php in the following path /public_html/typo3/sysext/form/Classes/Domain/Configuration/FormDefinition/Converters. A very weird error indeed.
For those that came here with the same error, make sure to check that folder. Apart from that add the news as a static inclusion in your top domain. You could also follow #Bernd Wilke's idea which s to disable the extension, clear all system caches (and additionally remove typo3/temp/autoload and then active the extension again.

INVALID VALUE ("254") for a folder in TYPO3

I am new to TYPO3. I recently upgraded TYPO3 to 6.2 LTS from 4.5 following steps from some websites. Everything seems to be working okay.
I created a test folder and tried to edit the folder. I got INVALID VALUE("254") in Page Type. Here is the image
I looked at logs, developers logs, and searched Google but I did not find anything relevant to the problem. Any idea on where to start?
PS: I didn't have enough reputation to add images directly. So, sorry for the link.
254 is the page type "Folder". It is very strange that this should be illegal. It's working here on a 6.2 installation.
Maybe it's a TypoScript configuration that disallows folders as subpage types at the parent page.
Have you already tried "database compare" function in your install tool? Looks for me like a update problem.

Moodle plugin ' missing from disk error'

I am developing a plugin in moodle, I have uploaded the plugin but in Manage activities I see the ' Missing from disk' error and a related Section error! in the settings. Why I am getting such an error?
I had problems with the "videofile" Moodle plugin (version 1.5).
When I was upgrading to the Moodle 3.0 version, a message "missing from disk error" was showing, and it was unable to continue with the installation.
The file "version.php" from "/mod/videofile" had the command "$module" in several lines. I replaced with "$plugin" and that solved the problem.
Hope this help someone with the same problem.
Check the directory permissions for the plugin directory - if your webserver cannot read the directory, then you are likely to get this error.
I had this same issue when upgrading Moodle and had to move some custom plugins from the old install to the new.
But for me it was the file ownership that was the problem (I'm on a Linux server).
Changing the ownership (chown) fixed the issue for me.

Permission error media TYPO3 6.1.0

I've got a Problem i can't upload any Media files in my Typo3 Backend.
If i choose a file in the Element browser I get a Internal Server Error 500, If i use upload i get this Error: Link Error
I also can't see the Thumbnails
I made the Files tyo3conf, fileadmin, typo3 and typo3temp with 777 access.
Imagemagick is also running and shows me all Test images.
Can anybody help me, I dont't know what do do.
The TYPO3 Version I use is: 6.1.0
I get a Internal Server Error 500
Have a look in your TYPO3 log accessible by the "log" backend module. If you can't find something there, get access to your vhost error log from the webserver. Usually, some sort of view capabilities are provided by some hoster control panels. Since it is a server error, you usually have to check the server log.
I also can't see the Thumbnails
Check your install tool again and play with the different options there. Also check that, in install tool > basic configuration, you have set the default paths (maybe let the install tool search again). You may see the test images, but if they're not generated correctly or display warnings, it may not work correctly.
Generally said: It is not really programming related, so IMHO not a fit for Ask for help on in the #typo3 channel, this may be more helpful.

gwt module does not load on gae

on a particular page on our site which is build using gwt and deployed on GAE the module does not load.
This works fine in development env in eclipse and have no errors when looking via firebug in the console.
Please advise what may be wrong here and how to fix it?
look at the AE logs. firebug will only show you client side stuff. It's probably a classpath issue -- such as you have something locally but aren't uploading that jar ...etc.
please post your JoinUs.jsp
I am calling my gwt module via a jsp page on AE no problem. Maybe the path in your script tag pointing to the *.nocache.jsp file is off somehow. Usually when things resolve locally but not on AE, for me, the problem was appengine-web.xml and setting include and exclude paths. I had to be careful there because things worked differently locally and deployed - especially using wildcard.
Also, look for uri errors under the dashboard (ae administration page). static resources that are not found will show there and not in the ae log since they are static.
Thanks all for the help. So, the issue was completely different. Actually the div tag was not rendering at all due to the coding error of a if statement in the jsp. On fixing that it started working