How to show percentages on the pie chart in Tableau, as opposed to off of it? - tableau-api

In Tableau Public 10.4, I am trying to find the setting that allows me to move the percentages of the following pie chart on to the slices, versus off of them (as they currently are). Is there a way to do this?

You could do it manually:
Or do it a hacky way if you want it 'automatically:


Using Tableau - SIde by Side bar chart along with 3 measures

I have 3 measures - sales($), profit($) and discount (%). I want to show Sales and Profit as side by side chart over time and discount as a line chart (all 3 in one).
Is there any way to do this. On tableau community i found some useful tips but for that ill need to pivot the data. I want to avoid doing that.
Thanks a lot for your help!
As you have already pointed out, in order to have side by side barchart combined with a line chart is quite tricky and needs a transformation of data.
Anyway, if you can accept to have a barchart inside the other one (say profit "inside" sales) like the following, you can get it in few clicks using measure names and dual axis.
If needed, I've even find a really good tutorial by Andy Kriebel:

ag-grid Pie Chart - change the colors of the slices

I would like change the colors of the slices in an ag-grid Pie Chart. Is it possible? I am using React.
I figured out the solution, which was actually obvious but I was not correctly looking. The API reference lists "fills?: string[]". All set.

creating a tableau pie chart with no measures data

I have a table (as seen in link below), that has a system assessment that we conduct every year. The assessment is a series of 4 questions (or as we call them 'attributes') and there is only 3 possible outcomes.
Using Tableau, I'd like to have the system as a filter (easy to do), and for each attribute build a pie chart. There are no measures that I capturing.
Any thoughts on how to do this?
Once you get to know the power of LOD calculations in Tableau it is not that tough. Walkthrough-
Step-1 Create LOD calculated field for each Attribute as, Attri_1_Measure
{Fixed [Status of Attribute 1] : COUNT (sheet_name)}
Step-2 Add Attri_1_Measure to angle, size and text measures, Status_of_attri1 to text and color. You'll get your desired view.
Step-3 Add System to filters, right click and add filters to context (very important step).
You can repeat these steps for each attribute.
Note: Beginning version 2020 of tableau there is no measure as number of records, but there is a sheet/data_table count measure therein. Good Luck.
Aliter: Easy solution:
Click on/select number_of_records/count(sheet) and also 'attribute_1field in data pane and clickpie_chartonshow_me` (ctrl +1) tool of tableau and pie chart will be created.

turn off point values in radar chart

I'm using Chart-Js and am trying to create a radar chart. How do you remove the point values in the image below?
I'm needing to remove the numbers from the dots in the graph. I'm using the default implementation of ng2-charts which is an Angular plugin for Chart.js. I solved the problem by adding this: = 0;
This is probably not the best solution, but it got me past this hump.

which is an alternate chart for sankey diagram in tableau

I have been trying to visualise a sequence chart(flow) in tableau using sankey chart. is there any workaround for sankey? if there is an workaround suggest a good visualisation.
You can use heatmaps with source/ target in rows and columns and the flow value be represented in the cell.
Alternatively, you can stick with tableau for sankeys. I have done that and it adds immense value to develop overall storyline.