creating a tableau pie chart with no measures data - tableau-api

I have a table (as seen in link below), that has a system assessment that we conduct every year. The assessment is a series of 4 questions (or as we call them 'attributes') and there is only 3 possible outcomes.
Using Tableau, I'd like to have the system as a filter (easy to do), and for each attribute build a pie chart. There are no measures that I capturing.
Any thoughts on how to do this?

Once you get to know the power of LOD calculations in Tableau it is not that tough. Walkthrough-
Step-1 Create LOD calculated field for each Attribute as, Attri_1_Measure
{Fixed [Status of Attribute 1] : COUNT (sheet_name)}
Step-2 Add Attri_1_Measure to angle, size and text measures, Status_of_attri1 to text and color. You'll get your desired view.
Step-3 Add System to filters, right click and add filters to context (very important step).
You can repeat these steps for each attribute.
Note: Beginning version 2020 of tableau there is no measure as number of records, but there is a sheet/data_table count measure therein. Good Luck.

Aliter: Easy solution:
Click on/select number_of_records/count(sheet) and also 'attribute_1field in data pane and clickpie_chartonshow_me` (ctrl +1) tool of tableau and pie chart will be created.


How to make a 100% Stacked Chart with 2 measures in Tableau?

I am using Tableau to create a productivity progress bar of actual work done, versus the goal for that day. I have gone through numerous resources, but none seem to apply to only using 2 measures, basically putting the actual data measure turned into a percent within the goal measure. I have the chart working by using a calculated field of Missed Goal ([Goal]-[Actual]) but I am wanting into to look like a 100% stacked chart. Here is a picture of what I have, I just can't seem to get the last step expanding the bars horizontally to be a %100 chart:
Currently looks like:
Wanting it to look like:
Thank you for any help!
This is a good candidate for a few LOD Calculated Fields.
I will give an example based on the SuperStore dataset where [Profit] is a percentage of [Sales]. This can be extrapolated to your use case.
Because you have two dimensions on the view, both will be needed to be accounted for in the LOD calculations below:
//LOD Sales
{Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])} / {Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])}
We will always want [LOD Sales] to equal 1 for bar-chart display purposes.
//LOD Profit
{fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Profit])} / {Fixed [Segment], Year([Ship Date]): SUM([Sales])}
This will create the percentage of [Profit] to [Sales].
From there, you'll want to turn off Stack Marks so the bars overlap eachother:
Analysis Menu > Stack Marks > Off
And probably change the axis display to a percentage:
Right click [Measure Values] > Default Properties > Number Format > Percentage
For simplicity, your existing filters should be placed 'On Context' as to not interfere with the LODs. (Please read above linked article for reasoning and alternatives.)
Right click on Filtered Field > Add to Context
The end result should look like this:

How to pickup a shape based on a cell text in tableau reports

I am not a tableau developer but i am just a user of tableau reports. My engineer is telling something is not possible so wanted to take experts suggestions and help to solve the problem.
My requirement is simple. We need to build a report in tableau with 4 columns and the last column should contain a color coded arrows (R,G,Y) representing the data trend (Up/Continuous/Down). The data will change frequently and the input source is excel sheet. My engineer is suggesting that, everytime we have to manually set those shapes in the 4th column, once the report is generated from the excel (basically from the first 3 columns only). I dont like to have a manual intervention everytime in tableau since i am not good at building/editing reports and its not a best practice to automate something.
In below picture the last column is the one i wanted to automatically generated based on excel sheets data.
My suggestion to him is to add the 4 column with data as below and in tableau bring the shapes accrodingly using some kind of a formula or so.
GC = Green continuous
GU = Green upwards trend
GD = Green downwards trend.. followed with different color codes (Green/Red/Yellow) as per data.
Is that possible in Tableau? If so any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.
It is definitely possible, as long as you have a formula that can produce the GC, GU, etc. values. Then it is simply a matter of mapping your custom values to relevant shapes (which is a simple manual one-off step in Tableau). If built-in shapes are not sufficient, you can add custom ones. Some types of shapes can also be colored dynamically, based on another formula.
Use Tableau Help or Google/Tableau Forum to find out how to do all of this.

Tableau and modified Sankey diagram

I have been trying to recreate a modified Sankey based on Adam's work with the American Whiskey Viz and Beatles Analysis Viz that are found here:
I am trying to create the same effect on my own data set. I am not sure how Adam was able to line up the sankey portion with the bar chart perfectly. I have tried many different ID2 field configurations and varying metric fields in the Curve calculated field options with no success. I haven't been able to get them to line up exactly. I would also like my bases to start in different locations along the sankey and not all originating from the left.
I realize that the examples are working with much smaller data sets but believe that this should still be possible with my data. I have tried Business ID in my curve formula and wondering if I need to have a more generic metric in my model. Andy uses Song ID which is a number between 1 and 45. My IDs range from 3-3000. You can see in the workbook attached how I am setting up these fields to get the curve of the Sankey. Is it possible to get them to line up with the barchart at the top of Dashboard 2?
UPDATE 3/22/16:
I was able to get the lines much closer to their bars by modifying the Curve-LoyaltyID2 field. I loaded it to Public for easier viewing. Some lines are still not aligning directly to their corresponding bars though.
Tableau Public
Thanks for any ideas you have!

Tableau - Multiple Line Graphs Day by Day

I would like to create a dashboard showing Level Funnel for the users with respect to their register date on the same chart.
My data is like the following:
And from that data, I would like to create the graph like below:
But in tableau I couldn't manage to combine those graphs below, which are separated day by day:
I tried to follow this steps, however I couldn't find 'Customize Marks' button in the menu.
That would be great if you can help me on how to combine these graphs into one graph.
Drag the DAY(Date) field from the row shelf to the color shelf
One way to think about it: When you have the DAY(DATE) field on the row shelf, and you've configured it to present as a discrete field, you are telling Tableau to "make a row for each day". When you move that field to the color shelf, you are instead telling Tableau to make a color for each day. The same mental substitution works for discrete fields on most of the other shelves, like columns, shapes, pages -- i.e. make a page for each day.

GANTT Chart with Shapes

I'm trying to create something like a GANTT Chart where I would have start dates and end dates designated by a shape like a diamond and then the period of time in between connecting the start and end date shown as a line connecting the shapes. Does anyone have any tips on how to do that in tableau?
For data I have an identifier column, an event column, a date column, a start date column, and an end date column.
To make a basic Ghantt chart in Tableau, put the start date on the column shelf, convert it to continuous exact date. Put the identifier on the row shelf and change the mark type to Ghantt. This should get a short bar at the start date of each task, with a row per task (assuming the ids are unique per task).
Now you need to specify how long the bars should be by putting a field showing the number of days for each task on the size shelf. You can create a calculated field to compute those durations as datediff('day', contract_start, contract_end). Place that on the size shelf and you should be off to a decent start.
You can add more info to the tool tips and use color to show contract type or something else. add some reference lines by right clicking on the axis. You will need some tweaks in the calculated field to deal with things like null (unknown) end dates, maybe recurring tasks ...
If you want a few milestone markers, you can use reference lines or point annotations to add them by hand easily.
Or if you want to include milestones as shapes with your data, you can use a dual axis chart.
Here is an example showing how to combine shapes and bars into one char. The details vary slightly depending on how your data is organized, but if you examine how the data for this workbook is organized, how the data connection joins the tabs, and how the workbook displays the data, you should be able to adapt the approach to your own data. Just realize sometimes it is easier to revise the way your data is shaped to make the analysis simpler.
Also, you might want to consider if you need both planned and actual dates.
See also
Gantt over time with summed bar