turn off point values in radar chart - charts

I'm using Chart-Js and am trying to create a radar chart. How do you remove the point values in the image below?

I'm needing to remove the numbers from the dots in the graph. I'm using the default implementation of ng2-charts which is an Angular plugin for Chart.js. I solved the problem by adding this:
Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize = 0;
This is probably not the best solution, but it got me past this hump.


How to show percentages on the pie chart in Tableau, as opposed to off of it?

In Tableau Public 10.4, I am trying to find the setting that allows me to move the percentages of the following pie chart on to the slices, versus off of them (as they currently are). Is there a way to do this?
You could do it manually:
Or do it a hacky way if you want it 'automatically:

How to avoid values overlapping in Qlikview?

I am creating a Line chart and I have set Values on data points property to true, so It's showing values also. The problem is I am using two dimension so values are getting overlapped. This is what I am talking about :
Is there any solutiuon to this problem OR Is there any alternate to this prob ?
You can try to extend the size of your graph if it's possible, if not I don't think there's an other solution to your issue.
If I Were you, I would transform the line chart into a bar chart which is more lisible.

CorePlot with Swift - bringing axis to the front

So, I am converting one of my projects that uses CorePlot to Swift. I have a graph that in addition to regular x- and y-axis I add two more. By default, the axis were hidden by the graph. I used the following code in Objective-C to show them over graph:
graph.plotAreaFrame.plotArea.topDownLayerOrder = #[#(CPTGraphLayerTypeAxisLines)];
Here is what it looks like:
I was wondering how do I do that in Swift? I can't seem to set topDownLayerOrder without getting some sort of "can't assign to [AnyObject]!" message
Try this:
graph.plotAreaFrame.plotArea.topDownLayerOrder = [CPTGraphLayerType.AxisLines.rawValue]
With the help of the co-worker, this is what we came up with:
graph.plotAreaFrame.plotArea.topDownLayerOrder = [CPTGraphLayerType.AxisLines.rawValue]

AChartEngine graph using two y axis

I am currently trying to create a graph using AChartEngine containing two y-axis (one to the left, one to the right). Yet, I cannot seem to figure out how I can actually add the second y-Axis. An XYMultipleSeriesRenderer only has got one setYTitle() method.
Has someone ever achieved this and can give me a hint?
You can do that, indeed. Please see an example for this here.
The result looks like

Line chart with pictures?

I want to show a line chart, each point in the line chart will refer to a user. So whomever looks at the chart understands who the user is, I'd like each point to have a picture of the user and the user's name. Does anyone know any API that will let me do that?
I was looking at googles line chart (http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/linechart.html) but I cannot see anyway for me to have each data point represented as an image.
Using Java and JavaFX, you can build a StackPane where you can put two charts (one above other), where the back is a LineChart and the front is a ScatterChart. In this case, these charts will share the same X axis and Y axis, and on ScatterChart you can personalize the points with a picture.
How to personalize a chart style using Javafx and
How to produce an application with more than one chart in a StackPane
I hope this helps you.
It seems counter intuitive to have different points on the same line of a line graph represent different users.
(Line graphs) show in a linear form one or more variables that fluctuate over a period of time.
I believe if there is more than one variable that would mean there would be more than one line, so it is hard to make suggestions without more information about your specific application. With the currently available data I would recommend amcharts's Column chart with images on top: