How do I find all references without "peeking"? - visual-studio-code

I want to see all references in a bottom-docked window (similar to how to the "Problems" window appears). I am trying to find all references to a function so that I can then jump to each place I am using the function and make changes. The current "peek" feature makes this very inconvenient to do. For example:
First I find all references of getStartDate
The inline "peek" window appears and shows me the reference in the current file, along with others. I click on another reference:
The editor navigates to that file and splits the file in half in order to display... the file I am already editing. Please tell me there is a way to dock this window to the bottom of the screen. Or better yet, that there is a "full" find all references as opposed to a "peek" find all references.

v1.22 changed how to go to references across files, see navigating to references across files . At least it doesn't do the editor splitting you describe - you can just cycle through the references going to each file in its already opened editor in turn.
You can DownArrow through the references, and then F4 or Shift-F4 to go that reference in another file.


VS Code: Open Files as Last Tab instead of Next to Current

In VS Code, when I open another file, or create a new one (ctrl+n), said file open next to the currently selected tab. I would like this to behave the way browsers do. Well, at least the way firefox/chrome do for me.
I find I am dragging tabs around a lot because my file look ups end up inserted between my order of other files. I want it to instead always open the files as the last tab, the same way all my browsers do.
Ideally I would still like definitions to open in the next tab instead of the last, i.e., again, the way browsers do it.
I can't seem to find any settings for this, and I didn't find useful search results, just a bunch of stuff around not having the quick view tabs that get updated.

Folder View Focus Disable Automatic Search

I would like to change the automatic find that happens when the Explorer Folder View is in focus:
Steps to reproduce (provided you have default bindings):
Open a workspace with files
Focus on the folders view
Start typing anything
This is to find files based on what you type (notice the find query in the top right) and the arrow keys skip to them. I would like to remap this feature to something like Ctrl+F (with a 'when expression', if possible) that way I can use other shortcuts for things like adding a new file. If this can not be remapped, I'm ok with disabling it, provided that's allowed.
I used to have the atom keymap extension that changed this but I removed it so I would be forced to learn all the default shortcuts so when I go into work I wouldn't be phased no matter what device I am on
I was looking through the atom keymap repo and found a comment on the main js file about 'new explorer filtration'. Interesting to see documentation being useful :p Anyways, I noticed they added a context setting so I changed the following user setting:
workbench.list.automaticKeyboardNavigation = false
Controls whether keyboard navigation in lists and trees is automatically triggered simply by typing. If set to false, keyboard navigation is only triggered when executing the list.toggleKeyboardNavigation command, for which you can assign a keyboard shortcut
We need either better setting id naming conventions or better ways to find settings, especially now that the list has grown substantially. I would have never guessed this would be the name of the setting, or list.toggleKeyboardNavigation being a trigger, since you aren't actually navigating

VSCode, how to go back up the source tree after following declarations?

By using ctrl-click on a symbol, VSCode will open the source file and take you to that symbol. If you continue to walk through the code this way, such as going up the constructor heirarchy, is it possible reverse your steps? e.g., in Eclipse, you would use the arrows in the toolbar:
*<- <- -> ->*
Where the asterisks would take you to the last/next edit and the arrows without would take you back through the navigation stack.
Closest I've found is Alt-arrow but that is not what I want for walking through code declarations.
I should point out that the navigation to source I'm referring to includes opening source that's attached to a Maven dependency. I do see partial symbol navigation with "navigationBack" but it's not accurate when walking code across split editors or attached source.
I believe you want the Go Back command (workbench.action.navigateBack) for this. It is bound to ctrl- by default.
The corresponding Go forward command navigates forward: ctrlshift-

"View code" context menu item inside Word

I have a code-backed Word template in which I am customizing numerous things, such as the ribbon, the backstage (the file menu), and the context menus.
Whenever I open the context menu for text, there is a menu item at the top labeled "View Code". It does nothing when selected.
This menu item does not appear for other content types, such as fields or lists. My customization of the text context menu does not include this item.
I found one other person on the internet that had this issue but they were not able to resolve it. I have looked through the list of control ids looking for this item but was not able to find it.
Where does this come from?
While I still don't know for sure the cause of this issue, I believe it may have come from using the Custom UI Editor For Microsoft Office at one point in the past. I did find a resolution though.
To find the issue, I removed each part of my project, item-by-item, until I was back to what was essentially a bare project, and the menu item still existed. So, I swapped in a freshly-created *.dotm file, and the menu item disappeared. Then, I dug into the file structure of the original *.dotm and compared it to the fresh one. One of the differences that stuck out was the presence of the file "word/attachedToolbars.bin". Despite the documentation I'm still not sure what it's supposed to hold. Anyway, I deleted it by taking the following steps.
Deleted the word\attachedToolbars.bin file
Deleted the word\customizations.xml file that references it (nothing else was in it)
Deleted the word\_rels\customizations.xml.rels file that references it (nothing else was in it)
Deleted the reference to customizations.xml in word\_rels\document.xml.rels
Deleted the reference to word/customizations.xml in [Content_Types].xml
This got rid of the menu item. However, several of my customizations were lost (a table style, two building blocks, and the list of quick styles, though the styles themselves were still present). So anyone encountering this will probably be better off just re-creating their customizations.
To try making it appear again, I tried
Editing the file in the Custom UI Editor again
Adding my customizations back
Publishing the template
None worked. But, at least I now have a template with everything I want and nothing I don't.

Multiple editor windows with multiple tabs

Very often I work with multiple projects in MATLAB and have a group of files for each project that I access at one time. Having all files of all projects open causes a lot of clutter in the workspace. One can do this for one single set of files by docking which is well known.
Is there a way to tab projects, or have multiple MATLAB editors (for each project) open with multiple tabs in each (with the projects files). The question can be found here too. In the same vein, are there other code editors which can be used to perform the same?
file 1.m
file 2.m
file 3.m
file 4.m
file 1.m
file 2.m
file 3.m
file 4.m
Either in the same window, or in different windows.
Unfortunately I don't believe MATLAB can do that kind of project/file management for you, which is why I use Sublime Text 2. It's perfect for that kind of project/file management... and not to mention the awesome shortcuts and quick editing tools to help you code faster.
Check them out: The one drawback is that it's nagware. It is free to use, provided you can bare the popups to buy a copy of the software every now and then. Once you buy it, the popups go away. Give it a try and see how it goes!
If someone still need a solution for that-
You can just drag a tab of one file to the side, or bottom of the space of the editor, like that:
And the result will be:
Now you can drag in the same way other tabs to the new tabs group, and you have two separate tabs groups (but one Editor window..). You can of course drag the middle edge line to the right-end, and work fully only with the first group, or drag it to the left-end and work fully with the second one.
Note for one drawback here- if the line is in one of the ends, you don't see the tabs status and files names of the hidden group, and if you forget that you opened some file there and try to open it again, you will not see it opened, or any change in the IDE, because the control goes to the already opened tab but you not see it.