VS Code: Open Files as Last Tab instead of Next to Current - visual-studio-code

In VS Code, when I open another file, or create a new one (ctrl+n), said file open next to the currently selected tab. I would like this to behave the way browsers do. Well, at least the way firefox/chrome do for me.
I find I am dragging tabs around a lot because my file look ups end up inserted between my order of other files. I want it to instead always open the files as the last tab, the same way all my browsers do.
Ideally I would still like definitions to open in the next tab instead of the last, i.e., again, the way browsers do it.
I can't seem to find any settings for this, and I didn't find useful search results, just a bunch of stuff around not having the quick view tabs that get updated.


Fast way to find Javascript source file in debugger?

RStudio uses Chrome Devtools for debugging support in its Viewer pane. (It is labelled as "RStudio Devtools", but I'm not sure to what extent it is customized besides that). You can open its window using Right-click "Inspect Element".
When developing a display that uses Javascript, the source pane in Devtools is very useful for setting breakpoints, single stepping, etc.
One thing that is fairly inconvenient is finding the line where I want to set a breakpoint. Once I have the source file open searching it is easy, but getting to the right source file is hard. Typically after I go to the source pane, I see something like this:
I know the name of the file I want to debug, but it's buried several levels below index.html in the list of files on the left. Is there a way to quickly search this hierarchy of files for a filename, so that I don't need to open all the levels down to the file I want? For example, I might want to debug htmlwidgets.js:
You'll note in the "sources" pane that, if you have no open files, you'll see a message in the middle that indicates you can type Command + P (or Ctrl + P on Windows/Linux) to open a file. When clicked, this will open a text box that will fuzzy search across the names of all source files. Type the filename there and it should be in the first results. You can navigate to it with the keyboard and select it with <Enter>/<return>, or simply clicked with the mouse.

VS Code - search for two different things in two files

In VS Code how do I search for one thing in one file, while at the same time searching for a different thing in a different file?
Using the normal Find when I try to search for something in a second file it overwrites any find I am doing in a previous file.
I see that the Search functionality enables me to open a search in an editor, but this functionality doesn't seem at all useful to me.
There is no obvious way to run a search on a specific file short of manually copy/pasting the file path into the advanced search options.
The editor that the search results open in contains adjacent context lines, which if you have a large number of results makes it useless as a simple list of search hits.
The editor that the search results open in is not editable, making it useless as an editor.
I need a list of results for each of two searches on two files.
Item 1 can be handled with an extension I wrote: Find and Transform. You could make a keybinding that opens the Search Panel with the current filename (or any file/folder/etc.) added to the files to include input. Actually I added a context menu command to the editor, or any editor tab or an editor in the Explorer to do just this.
Item 2. The search editor number of context lines is configurable and will remember your last setting.
Item 3. There is an extension, Search Editor: Apply Changes which can apply any changes you make in a search editor to those files.

Multiple editor windows with multiple tabs

Very often I work with multiple projects in MATLAB and have a group of files for each project that I access at one time. Having all files of all projects open causes a lot of clutter in the workspace. One can do this for one single set of files by docking which is well known.
Is there a way to tab projects, or have multiple MATLAB editors (for each project) open with multiple tabs in each (with the projects files). The question can be found here too. In the same vein, are there other code editors which can be used to perform the same?
file 1.m
file 2.m
file 3.m
file 4.m
file 1.m
file 2.m
file 3.m
file 4.m
Either in the same window, or in different windows.
Unfortunately I don't believe MATLAB can do that kind of project/file management for you, which is why I use Sublime Text 2. It's perfect for that kind of project/file management... and not to mention the awesome shortcuts and quick editing tools to help you code faster.
Check them out: http://www.sublimetext.com/. The one drawback is that it's nagware. It is free to use, provided you can bare the popups to buy a copy of the software every now and then. Once you buy it, the popups go away. Give it a try and see how it goes!
If someone still need a solution for that-
You can just drag a tab of one file to the side, or bottom of the space of the editor, like that:
And the result will be:
Now you can drag in the same way other tabs to the new tabs group, and you have two separate tabs groups (but one Editor window..). You can of course drag the middle edge line to the right-end, and work fully only with the first group, or drag it to the left-end and work fully with the second one.
Note for one drawback here- if the line is in one of the ends, you don't see the tabs status and files names of the hidden group, and if you forget that you opened some file there and try to open it again, you will not see it opened, or any change in the IDE, because the control goes to the already opened tab but you not see it.

Eclipse PDT Differentiating file name tabs for MVC?

When working with MVC in Eclipse you might often have a model, view, and controller all with the same name open at the same time. When looking at each of the file tabs, you won't always know which is which and have to click through them, which can be quite a hassle sometimes. I've heard of being able to color code files based on the path in some editors. For example, tabs with path model could be set as green, path controller set as yellow, etc. Is this possible in Eclipse, or is there a plugin for something like this? If not, what do you do to more easily differentiate between the tabs? I've heard of people always opening a MVC set in a certain order. So you'll know the leftmost tab is the controller, the right most is the view, etc. However, that must also mean you need to open all 3 files each time. Any better tips or tricks?
Another thing about the file tabs that can be annoying is that when you have more files that can't fit in one line, eclipse pushes off to an arrow which you have to click to see the rest. It seems to be random which tabs get pushed off there, maybe the least used ones, I have no idea... This coupled with the problem above gets kind of annoying. I was trying to find a way to disable this and just show tabs that can't fit in one line to show up on a second line, but surprisingly couldn't find such an option (then again you also can't wordwrap without a plugin).
Hopefully there are some solutions to these two problems. Thanks.
Maybe this can be helpful
With the latest version of Eclipse (Kepler 4.3.1, build M20130911-1000) when two or more files with the same base name are opened, tab will show also the parent directory name.

Eclipse: Nested Editor Tabs?

Is anyone aware of any method (or external plugin) that would allow for nested editor tabs? It would be nice to be able to group related open files into their own "master" tabs, but I'm not sure if this is even possible. Any ideas?
This is totally non-obvious, and I discovered it by accident, but...
If you click on a tab and start dragging it downwards, once you get more than half-way down the editor pane, a horizontal line will appear. Let go, and now you'll have two different editor panes, each with tabs of documents. Now you can drag tabs up and down between the two panes to see different documents at the same time.
I think that's as close as you can get.
I think the best you can currently do is "Window->New Window" and then use each new window as a separate "tab" of related editors. Not exactly ideal, I admit.
It's a cool idea though, especially if you could have shortcuts or something that open groups of editors with a single command.
This definitely isn't possible in the current RCP. You might be able to construct an editor component which created a CTabFolder and delegated to other editor components, but I'm not sure how well that would work.
There are Perspectives in Eclipse that you might use to achieve something close, they are more global things though...
But I agree with you, I would like this feature as well! This would be also very useful when editing many files that have the same name but come from different packages, because now it's a mess >_<
For me the utility of such a feature is to reduce context switching time. I'm working on project A, have lots of editors open, now I need to drop that and work on project B. I want to keep all the editors open associated with project A but hide them while I work on B. When I'm done with B, I can pick up right where I left off in A without having to find and open all those A files again; I can even leave them unsaved indefinitely, since Juno never crashes!! :)
I have used the New Window feature, and it's great, but the new window needs a bunch of configuration (closing Views I don't need, moving stuff around to where I want it, opening Views I had open in the old window, and so on) before I can get to work. It also uses a lot more memory than a simple tab group would since it seems to be a complete new copy of Eclipse.
The split-window feature is great and I use it all the time. It is indeed tab groups, and if there were a way to hide a tab group, and for each tab group to have its own tab list (the thing you get when you click ">>5" so you can see editors you have open that don't fit in the tab header), it would totally fill the bill.