VSCode, how to go back up the source tree after following declarations? - visual-studio-code

By using ctrl-click on a symbol, VSCode will open the source file and take you to that symbol. If you continue to walk through the code this way, such as going up the constructor heirarchy, is it possible reverse your steps? e.g., in Eclipse, you would use the arrows in the toolbar:
*<- <- -> ->*
Where the asterisks would take you to the last/next edit and the arrows without would take you back through the navigation stack.
Closest I've found is Alt-arrow but that is not what I want for walking through code declarations.
I should point out that the navigation to source I'm referring to includes opening source that's attached to a Maven dependency. I do see partial symbol navigation with "navigationBack" but it's not accurate when walking code across split editors or attached source.

I believe you want the Go Back command (workbench.action.navigateBack) for this. It is bound to ctrl- by default.
The corresponding Go forward command navigates forward: ctrlshift-


VS Code showing (peek) multiple definitions when I wan to jump to definition

Since the latest version(Version 1.32.1) that I keep getting definition peeks when i do ALT + Click to jump to definition
I'm not sure if this is a vsCode or a react types problem. The image below shows what I'm seeing in the first definition of the list (right side)
I'd like to be able to jump to file with one click instead of Click, then see definitions, then click again
Adding this line in settings.json fixed it for me:
"editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions": "goto"

How do I find all references without "peeking"?

I want to see all references in a bottom-docked window (similar to how to the "Problems" window appears). I am trying to find all references to a function so that I can then jump to each place I am using the function and make changes. The current "peek" feature makes this very inconvenient to do. For example:
First I find all references of getStartDate
The inline "peek" window appears and shows me the reference in the current file, along with others. I click on another reference:
The editor navigates to that file and splits the file in half in order to display... the file I am already editing. Please tell me there is a way to dock this window to the bottom of the screen. Or better yet, that there is a "full" find all references as opposed to a "peek" find all references.
v1.22 changed how to go to references across files, see navigating to references across files . At least it doesn't do the editor splitting you describe - you can just cycle through the references going to each file in its already opened editor in turn.
You can DownArrow through the references, and then F4 or Shift-F4 to go that reference in another file.

View structure of file in Atom

I am used to IDEs like Eclipse and Intellij and am trying to completely switch over to Atom. Few of the things I have been unable to figure out (or found packages for):
1. How to view the structure of the file in Atom. For e.g. a shortcut that would show me the classes/methods/variables in a file so that I can jump from one to the other quickly.
2. How to go to the declaration of a method or class? I see "Go to declaration" as one of the options when I right click but it does not seem to do anything -- at least for php files. Am I missing something there?
For 1.) How to view the structure of the file in Atom. For e.g. a shortcut that would show me the classes/methods/variables in a file so that I can jump from one to the other quickly you could use symbols-tree-view which I just discovered because I was searching for the same functionality. You can browse for classes, functions, vars, ... and click on them to get there.
Your question 2.) How to go to the declaration of a method or class? I see "Go to declaration" as one of the options when I right click but it does not seem to do anything -- at least for php files. Am I missing something there? should be answered, too by this, or not?
Try this https://github.com/alibaba/structure-view
Structure View for ATOM editor, just like Outline view in Eclipse or Structure tool window in IDEA / WebStorm, provides quick navigation for symbols of source code with a tree view.

xcode 5: What's the best way to go back and forth between top of editor and where you were before?

So I've had this question for a really long time. Say:
You're working on line 1000 in the primary editor of xcode,
Then you realize you need to use class ABC but it's not imported. You go to the top of editor and write a line such as import "abc.h"
Then you want to go back to line 1000 and continue your work.
For now I've always need to use my scroll bar to scroll back and forth between line 1 and line 1000, which can easily get me lost. I know that in Eclipse+FDT you can do auto import (ctrl+1 to auto import a class), is there similar feature for xcode? If not, what's the best solution? Thanks in advance.
You can jump between line numbers by typing command + l.
You can navigate to the top of the editor by pressing command-upArrow.
Then to "go back" to line 1000 (where you were), you can press control-command-leftArrow.
Edit: Looks like Xcode does have a "Jump to Line" feature I was unaware of, as per Jonah's answer. You can definitely use that to do what you're looking for.
Xcode has no auto-import feature, nor does it have a feature to jump to a specific line, unfortunately. That may get added in a future release, but I wouldn't bank on it.
Your best bet is getting creative with Xcode's snippet features and its "Jump to Next Placeholder" command — you can create "marks" in your code with snippets and placeholders, jump to the top of the files to add imports, and jump back to your "marks" to keep coding. Create a new snippet that just contains a completion placeholder:
Type <#Mark#> into any text editing application (or even a file in Xcode) and drag the text into the Snippets pane in the right sidebar. This will create a new snippet with just a placeholder called "Mark".
Double-click the snippet to edit its information, changing its Completion Scope to "All".
Give it a completion binding (like "mark") that you'll remember to use.
Then you can create a marker whenever you want (typing "mark", then hitting tab), jump to the top of the file to add an import, and use "Jump to Next Placeholder" (^/ by default) to go back to the placeholder. You can then delete it and keep coding.
Alternatively, if you know vim keybindings and that seems too complicated, you may have some luck with the XVim plugin for Xcode that brings some vim features to its editor. Keep in mind that Xcode plugins are not officially supported, so unofficial support can be taken away at any time.

Useful Eclipse features? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been using Eclipse as an IDE for a short amount of time (about 3 months of full use) and almost every day I learn about some shortcut or feature that I had absolutely no idea about. For instance, just today I learned that Ctrl+3 was the shortcut for a Quick Access window.
I was wondering what your most useful/favorite Eclipse features are. With the IDE being so big, it would be helpful to learn about the more commonly used parts of the program.
My most commonly used features are
ctrl+1 quick-fix / spell-checker
opening files
ctrl+shift+t load class file by classname
ctrl+shift+r load any file by filename
matches are made on the start of the class/filename. start your search pattern with a * to search anywhere within the filename/classname.
ctrl+shift+f Format source file
(set up your formatting style in Window | preferences | java | code style | formatter)
ctrl+shift+o Organise imports
Generated code
alt+s,r to generate getters and setters
alt+s,v to insert method signatures for overidden methods from superclass or interface
alt+shift+l Extract text-selection as local variable (really handy in that it determines and inserts the type for you.
alt+shift+m Extract text-selection as a method
alt+shift+i inline selected method
Running and debugging.
alt+shift+x is a really handy prefix to run stuff in your current file.
alt+shift+x, t run unit tests in current file
alt+shift+x, j run main in current file
alt+shift+x, r run on server
There are more. The options are shown to you in the lower-right popup after hitting alt+shift+x.
alt+shift+x can be switched for alt+shift+d in all the above examples to run in the debugger.
As of the recent Ganymede release, you can now switch of validation in specified files and folders. I've been waiting for this feature for ages.
Go to Project | Properties | Validation
click on the ... button in the settings column of the validator you want to shut up
Add a rule to the exclude group
code navigation
hold down ctrl to make all variables, methods and classnames hyperlinks to their definitions.
alt+left to navigate back to where you clicked ctrl
alt+right to go "forwards" again
This is cool: If someone has emailed you a stack trace, you can copy and paste the stack trace into Eclipse's Console window. You can then click on class names in the stack trace as if your own code had generated it.
In terms of actual features, rather than shortcuts, I strongly recommend taking a look at Mylyn.
It essentially skins Eclipse with a task focussed view. It tracks the files you touch when working on a task, and focusses many aspects of the UI onto the resources that it decides are relevant to the job in hand. Eclipse can be somewhat busy to look at, especially with a big multi module project, and Mylyn helps cut through the cruft. The connectivity to issue tracking software and source control repositories is also excellent.
In my experience, it polarises opinion amongst those who try working with it, which is probably a sign that it is offering something interesting... Don't mean to sound like a fanboy - it is definitely worth a look though.
A shortcut that I use everyday is Ctrl+K. In your editor (not only Java file), simply select a text (like a variable, a function, etc.), and then use this shortcut to go to the next occurrence of this text in the current editor.
It's faster than using the Ctrl+F shortcut...
Note also that you can use Ctrl+Shift+K to search backwards.
Ctrl-Alt (up/down) Copy selected line(s) above or below current line.
Alt (up/down) Move current (or multiple selected) lines up or down
Ctrl-Shift-R Bring up the resource window, start typing to find class/resource
Ctrl-O Bring up all methods and fields for the current class. Hitting it again will bring up all methods and fields for current class and super classes.
Ctrl-/ or Ctrl-Alt-C Comment single or multiple lines with //
Ctrl-Shift-/ Comment selected lines with /* */
Ctrl-. Take you to the next error or warning line
CTRL+PAGE DOWN / CTRL+PAGE UP to switch between opened editors
CTRL+E to also switch between opened editors (allows to type the name)
CTRL+O is extremely important for me. You don't longer need the Outline View then (you can close it which will give you more space). Then, you can type a method name or just the beginning of it and you quickly can get to it. I also use it to inspect what stuff is available. For example: CTRL+O and then type get ... now I see all getters.
F3 while an element is selected in the code: brings you to its definition or it's source. e.g. used on a method call it brings you into the source code of that method.
CTRL+M to maximize the current window
As already said, CTRL+3 is extremely good. It basically allows you to use Eclipse completely without a mouse. Just type CTRL+3 and then package explorer for example.
CTRL+F8 cycle trough perspectives
CTRL+L allows to type a line number and brings you directly to that line.
CTRL+SHIFT+G searches for all references to the selected element in the workspace.
And not a shortcut: In the project settings under Java Editor you can find Save Actions. This allows you to set up the project so that the code is automatically cleaned up and formatted when you save a file. That's very good it safes you from constantly pressing CTRL+O and CTRL+F.
Eclipse auto refresh isn't on by default so if you make changes to a file outside of eclipse, the change won't be reflected in your build. this is very annoying if you just did an svn/git update/rebase and things aren't working the way they're supposed to.
Turn it on in windows->preferences->workspace and tick Refresh Automatically.
Local History
It's a great feature. Eclipse has its own mini-CVS for all files in a project. If you want to revert some change you made, or even restore deleted file - you can right click on the project and select "Restore from Local History".
Just saved my ass *tears of joy*
CTRL+Shift+P to jump to the matching bracket/parenthesis.
One key feature: Shift+Alt+T for the refactoring menu.
Ctrl-shift-T, but only type the initial characters (and even a few
more) of the class you're looking
for. For example, you can type
"NetLi" to find NetworkListener
In the Search window, Ctrl-. takes you to the first leaf of a tree branch
Alt-/ is Word Completion. Slightly different from Ctrl-space
CTRL+SHIFT+X selected text becomes UPPERCASE
CTRL+SHIFT+Y selected text becomes lowercase
I'd like to add two additional shortcuts:
CTRL+F6 Switch between open editors (CTRL+SHIFT+F6 to scroll through the list in the opposite direction)
CTRL+F11 start program in debug mode
F11 start program in normal mode
A lot of the key bindings depend on the perspective and view currently active.
My most used ones for the Java perspective:
ctrl-shift-r open resource
ctrl-shift-t open type
ctrl-1 quick fix/refactor
ctrl-j incremental search
ctrl-h search in files (select a base directory and set scope to selected resources)
ctrl-o list methods
ctrl-alt-h open call hierarchy
ctrl-shift-l list shortcut keys
hit ctrl-shift-l again to go directly to preferences to change key mappings
I am also a fan of Eclipse, however since I spend a majority of my time in Visual Studio, I will suggest that you read Eric Sink's series of articles "C# to Java" (parts 1-4). Not only is Eric always an entertaining read, but this brief series covers some awesome Eclipse insight for those who have not been into Eclipse or have been away from it for a while:
From C# to Java: Part 1
From C# to Java: Part 2
From C# to Java: Part 3
From C# to Java: Part 4
Ctrl-Shift-M while the cursor is on a class name in your java file, will specifically add that and only that class to your imports. This is different from Ctrl-Shift-O which will not only add those imports not already defined, but will also remove imports not currently needed, something you might not necessarily want to do.
I forgot about [Ctrl+2 -> r] scope variable rename. Place the cursor in the variable you wish to rename, press Ctrl+2, then r, then type the new name watching all instances of that variable get renamed at the same time.
It's awesome at refactoring Hungarian Notation.
alt-shift-a is extremely useful in a few situations.
I use a lot of the above and also like for quick search: CTRL+J then type what I am looking for, then CTRL+K for next occurrence.
Lately I've been using the MouseFeeds plugin to automatically tell me what the key stroke combinations are. That way by repetition I remember them better.
This link has a better picture and description of what it looks like and does.
Shift+Alt+b for the simple navigation row over the editor.
I've just released this blog post about Top 5 Useful Hidden Eclipse Features. It contains:
Favorites: Types and members that will always show up in auto-completion
The awesome block selection mode: For multi-line editing
The EGit staging view: Much better than git itself
Type filters: To remove awt and java.lang.Object stuff from auto-completion
Formatter tags: To delimit code sections that shouldn't be auto-formatted
Alt+left and Alt+ right will navigate you forward and back.
I find the project-specific settings useful in Eclipse 3.3.
For example, if you have several developers working on a project who have different code styles for curly braces, line spacing, number of imports etc. then you can specify the style settings for the project. Then you can configure the save actions so that the code is automatically formatted when a file is saved. The result is everyone's code is formatted the same before it's checked in.