Change Admin Account of Fabric - twitter-fabric

I tried to change admin account to my own.
Because the person who has the admin account has left. Our company is using Gmail as a corporate email, and unfortunately emails of people with admin accounts have been deleted.
Let me know what I can do

Thanks! For this you will need to contact support through your Fabric dashboard. We will have two people from your organization verify that we can change someone to admin. After that you'll be back up and running. Thanks! -Todd from Fabric


Locked out of GSuite Admin after domain verification

I have signed up for Gsuite Essentials and attempted up upgrade to Gsuite Enterprise. I only have a single email address eg I had already been using this account as a normal google account. (no gmail though).
I couldn't get the admin console to show the upgrade option, but found I needed to verify my domain. So I added the TXT record to my domain, which would then let me verify.
I could then log in to the admin console as and clicked on the upgrade option and completed the process. This then let my user have access to Gmail. I have not transferred any domain settings over to google, that is all still externally hosted.
I can now no longer log in to the admin console, it says that my account doesn't have the rights and I need to log in as the administrator. There is no other account linked to the Gsuite settings, so there is no other administrator. I can still log in to the normal google account and do the same functions as previous.
I have now removed the TXT record hoping that would cancel it out again.
How do I get access to the admin side again?
Side note: What I am mostly worried about is that I put my credit card details into the signup, but can't get into the admin page and can't contact any form of support. It is literally impossible to get support to use the serve I paid for.
First thing first, the txt records are a string for the only purpose to verify the ownership of the domain therefore deleting them won't change anything you only need this record for the verification process and once is done you can delete them.
As an example is like a text message sent to your mobile phone, if you delete the message nothing will happen right?
I tell you this so you won't more time on the domain DNS zone settings because the issue is not there and you won't solve the problem.
There may be few things that may have happened.
The first thing you should do is to navigate in an Incognito page, make sure that is the only incognito page that you have opened and log in with
Try to run different test in incognito, the issue really looks like that you are logged in with multiple Google Accounts and when you go do it picks up the wrong one. That's why you should go in incognito.
Use as reference this link Here.
Follow the steps in Paragraph 'I'm taking control from another admin' here the steps:
Go to the G Suite Essentials sign-up page.
2, Sign up using your email address at the domain you're verifying.
Use an address where you can get mail.
Follow instructions in the Setup Wizard to become the admin who manages G Suite Essentials for all users at your organization.
If this didn't solve the issue then you should contact the Google Support and they will tell you what happened.
The thing is that if you can't access the Google Admin you won't be able to contact the Google Support, hence you should follow this:
.1 Can't sign in to the Admin console:

Unable to Create any Apps in BlueMix. Account Issues

I'm not able to create any bluemix apps under my own organization. When I tried to check the users for checking out access it displays with Manager access and the only access available for my user (listed as account owner) is Auditor. Help me fix it.
This is a problem with your account roles in that organization. In this case you have to contact your account manager that can provide you more privileges or open a new ticket in order to retrieve more information.

Office 365 - Move a maillbox to a different user

I am trying to move a mailbox from 1 user to another in Office 365.
We have Dirsync set up to keep everything synchronised.
The reason for this is that we occasionally get corrupt AD accounts so we have to set up a new account and copy over the data (this doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen).
I have checked through all the online help from Microsoft and other sources but just can't find a way that works.
I have tried deleting the mailbox, then restoring it:
One guide said to use the GUID's to transfer the account, but a deleted account doesn't have a GUID.
Another guide says to use Restore-MsolUser - but you can't specify a new AD account.
So in a nutshell all I want to achieve is this:
Local AD user "A" has the email "" needs to change to
Local AD user "B" has the email ""
At the moment we have to keep both the old and the new AD accounts active to maintain the email, but if the user changes their password on the new account it obviously doesn't sync with their email account as it's on their old AD account.
I have been trawling through internet guides for weeks but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.

Liferay 6.1.2 account confusion on login

I have an issue about a liferay portal: This portal has 8 sites for 8 partner companies. Each organization has its own scopes, users. They have roles as like content manager, administrator, news manager.. and so on. In one of these organizations when some user, say some manager John logins to portal, he sees that he logged in to another account as administator whose name is Sam. or vice versa sometimes admin Sam can login as manager John, even though both of them signed in by their own accounts. Does anyone met this problem?
Try two things:
1)Reindex user
2)both users clear web browser (cache,cookies...)

Get all email addresses of user using Google API

For my own gmail account, I have multiple email addresses associated with it. For example, I have an email address from my university that is associated with my gmail, and I can send emails from my gmail as if they are coming from my university email address.
I'm reading up on the Google APIs, and I see that I can get a user's gmail address, but can I also get any other email address that is associated with their gmail account?
When a user logs in to my site, I'd like to present them with a list of the gmail-associated email addresses and let them select the one they would like to use.
EDIT: Thanks everyone for the answers, but I don't think any of them answers the question. I've been playing with Google's OAuth playground. It is strange that I can get lots of very personal information (a list of a user's contacts and even received emails) but I can't get the user's alternative email addresses.
Your description is a little vague. Are you talking about send-as alias accounts or alternate email accounts?
Send-as Alias
Either way, you can interact with the send-as accounts here: Manage Send-as Alias
Alternate Emails via Admin SDK
As for alternate email accounts, they can be accessed via:
Admin SDK:
Google Apps Script:
Additional info here on how the accounts work.
Email addresses associated with your account
Alternate email addresses and other Google products
Connect other email accounts to your Google Account
Federated Login
Also, I'm not exactly sure how you are trying to incorporate this functionality into your site but another area I recommend checking out is Federated Login for Google Account Users. This might also provide you with the functionality you seek.
Using federated login (also known as federated identity), your website
or application can allow visitors to sign in using their Google user
accounts. Federated login frees users from having to set up separate
login accounts for different websites, and frees you from the task of
implementing login authentication measures.
It has been a while since the question was asked. You can use the Google People API to get a user's primary email address and aliases. Here's the documentation. The scope you need to use is:
This will return all the email addresses for the user and also tell you which is the primary one.
If you use OAuth to have your users sign-in with their Google accounts (with or without G+) the user will be prompted (by Google) to select which of their accounts they wish to authorize your application to use:
So to directly answer your question, I'm not aware of an API to return that list of users - however you shouldn't need to, Google will take care of this before returning to your application.
If your user is already logged in, and you wish to give them the ability to change the Google account they are using, I believe it is possible to prompt them again to select the account they are interested in (search for select_account on the link above).
This is possible. However, this has changed since Google announced the deprecation of their Google+ People API, which a lot of folks used to get all the email addresses for a user. The current most voted answer now goes to a 404.
Google Plus People API Replacement
Google has replaced the Google Plus People API /plus/v1/people/me with and you’ll want to use the profile scope as discussed here as a replacement. The schema is different, so you'll need to change your mapping as well.
If your app already used the following scopes from the old /plus/v1/people/me your user will not have to re-consent when you switch to the new API: