Unable to Create any Apps in BlueMix. Account Issues - ibm-cloud

I'm not able to create any bluemix apps under my own organization. When I tried to check the users for checking out access it displays ibmmanager#us.ibm.com with Manager access and the only access available for my user (listed as account owner) is Auditor. Help me fix it.

This is a problem with your account roles in that organization. In this case you have to contact your account manager that can provide you more privileges or open a new ticket in order to retrieve more information.


Failed to add users to my organization in DevOps

I have a problem and apparently it happens because before I had my business account registered as a personal account in microsoft. I have already deleted that account to keep the business account only but now when I want to add the account to my organization in DevOps it does not allow me to add it, it tells me that there is an error and already, it does not add it to the organization.
I realized that DevOps tries to add the personal Microsoft account again and not the new one I have (Microsoft 365), I don't know how I can solve that, if they could help me.
The question is also in Developer Community in Microsoft: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/1096647/no-puedo-unirme-a-una-organizacion-en-devops.html
Solved the issue with these steps below:
Sign out the account and close the browser.
Please ask your Project Collection Admins (PCA) to delete and re-add the account in the organization.
Don't click the email link or use the normal browser window to access the organization.
Firstly, please open an InPrivate/incognito browser window. Then, you could access to "https://dev.azure.com/TCI-Software" directly in the InPrivate/incognito browser window.

Unable to add new users in Google Ad Manager (ex:DFP)

All, I'm unable to add a new user under the Admin > Access & Authorization tab in Google Ad Manager (ex: DFP). (Role > Partner Portal user).
I have this error: Unable to save. Check highlighted errors and try again. Problem is that nothing is highlighted, so I don't know what's wrong.
I'm inviting a third party which has a gmail address, I've also cleared my cache, login/logout. I'm using Chrome, and even tried via my mobile phone (Android/Chrome).
Thanks for your help,
If you are admin then Ad Manager should allow you to add users.Please navigate to Admin > Access & Authority > Users. You may refer to the screenshot attached below.
Now your main problem is that it's not highlighting what's the error. Google Ad Manager is very strict when it comes to permission to access the platform. When you give a general email address such as "example#gmail.com" it won't allow you to add the user. It has to be a registered company email address such as "seb#company.com". In addition, that company should be registered with Google Ad Manager to use their services.

Sharing google sheet with service account when 'Sharing outside of organization is OFF'

I'm using GSpread to download data from Google sheets and store them in a Postgres DB for different organisations.
Unfortunately one organisation has activated G Suite's strict sharing setting which makes it impossible for users to share documents outside their organisation.
This affects my ability to share Google sheets in this organisation with service accounts which are required for GSpread.
Note: I created the service account within the respective organisation and also already delegated domain-wide authority to the service account.
Any idea on how to share the Google sheet with the account?

No access to dashboard

I'm trying to use my delegate account (The principal account is managed by the enterprise owner) to access the PayPal developer and everything is fine until I click on the dashboard link. I'm getting a 403 error message.
Last year I was working with the same account and it was fine. I'm wondering if something have changed since the last time i used the dashboard feature? Did my user need more permissions to access the PayPal developer dashboard?
Any ideas?
if 'delegate' meaning authorized alias user ID; than in 'most' cases I have seen where one couldn't even log into the developer portal with their ALIAS ID. That said, I am aware that only the principal account owner may log into the developer portal using their email and password.
The permissions of an alias cannot be altered to allow such access even if they have the highest permissions on the account itself; ADMIN.
It is possible that this may have changed since last year but this is what I am aware as of 2016.
Hope this helps.

Bluemix unable to view add new user link in bluemix despite having manager role

Trying to add users to the organization space.
Despite being listed as a manager, not able to view any link to invite users.
Appreciate any suggestions.
Go to manage organization page (not space page), and you should see something like this:
Then, use Invite a New User link.
Also, in same page, double check your user id has a tick on MANAGER column.
Hope this helps.
Are you trying to add users to your own organization (or) an organization are you invited to ?
From Bluemix documentation here :
The basic role in organizations and spaces. You must be assigned to an organization before you can be granted permissions to the spaces within the organization.
In Bluemix, you can be either a member or a collaborator of an organization:
You are a collaborator of an organization if you already have a Bluemix account, and someone else invites you to the organization.
You are a member of an organization if you don't have a Bluemix account, but then someone invites you to the organization and you sign up for Bluemix from the invitation.
Note: You cannot invite users to your organization if you are a collaborator of the organization, even if you were assigned as an organization manager. Therefore, if you previously registered for a Bluemix account before you were invited to this organization, you cannot invite users, regardless of your role. See Unable to add users to an organization for information about how to work around this problem.
Only the owner of the organization can invite any new users.
You can try inviting users from your own organization. (the one which come by default with the name as your Bluemix Id).