Integrating Zxing with Vuforia in Unity - unity3d

I am using Vuforia library for Augmented Reality in Unity.
I am trying to achieve support for AR Image Targets+ QR Codes+ Barcodes with Vuforia Library, Zxing (for QR and Barcodes) in Unity.
I couldn't figure out how Vuforia supports QR Codes and Barcodes using Zxing.Zxing is one of the proposed solutions for integrating with Vuforia I came across in some articles but there is no solution that how it integrates with Vuforia/Unity.
I googled, but couldn't find an exact solution/example/tutorial for what I need.
The link here Unity Zxing QR code scanner integration seems to be related but the solution didn't work out.
As I am new to Unity can anyone please help me out?
Thanks in Advance!


ZXing QR Scanning Animation

We're looking to achieve this animation with the dots below when scanning QR codes. We're developing the app in Xamarin Native. Does the ZXing team plan to add this kind of a feature in some of their future versions? Thanks!

Does Flutter support virtual or augmented reality?

I have to make an app that uses virtual reality, so should I drop the idea of using Flutter?
yes as much as I have seen flutter does support AR,I have been following a flutter developer on twitter he posts some cool AR stuff built with flutter here's a plugin ARCore he has built for flutter.
here are some of sample AR videos from the developer himself
Can I build 3D (OpenGL) apps with Flutter?
Today we don’t support for 3D via OpenGL ES or similar.We have long-term plans to expose an optimized 3D API, but right now we’re focused on 2D.
there aren't any OpenGL bindings supported by flutter. Flutter is only a 2d only application.
I am not sure how VR would work at all on flutter.
You can use google's ar core with flutter. Check out the arcore_flutter_plugin to work with ar in a flutter.
As of now, there aren't any packages that specifically target VR. But you can use ARKIT arkit_flutter_plugin.
NOTE: ARCORE only works with android. And ARKIT only works with iOS.
I recently created a Flutter plugin for AR that supports both Android and iOS by wrapping around ARCore and ARKit:
The plugin is a work in progress, but it already supports collaborative AR and sharing content through Google's Cloud Anchor Service and a lot of other useful features

Unity Bing Speech sample

i would like to use Bing speech services to my unity project.
I am already using LUIS and windows.speech for TextToSpeech and SpeechToText.
But i found no sample and i tried to integrate BibnSpeech to my project but i always have namescape or c# version issues.
Does someone have a simple sample of Bing speech in unity or just how to integrate this project
to unity pls ?
thx for any advice =) (currently using unity 5.5.2f1)

Integrate Vuforia, fast CV and Unity plugin

I really interested to develop and app with AR (Augmented Reality) using Vuforia and Unity plugin because I just want to develop once for Android and iOS, but I really want to take advantage using fast CV, which allow facial recognition for Vuforia, but I'm not very sure if it's possible to integrate, what about this recipe?:
For just one develop for iOS and Adnroid, use:
- Vuforia + fast CV + unity plugin
Has anyone tried it before? would be it possible?
Thank you
Facial recognition is (already) available through a number of other SDKs. Particularly, many have been able to integrate with Unity already. Just do a simple search, you'd find:
Magnus' tech demo
FaceTracker Plugin
Edit: also iOS natively provides facial recog and tracking that you can plugin to use with Unity
Not sure if it would help if this is time sensitive but metaio's sdk (also usable with unity) will be including facial recognition next year.

can we make an ios app using unity 3D with xcode4?

Is there any SDK available for Unity 3D for making an ios game .I am new to this unity 3D,I have found many things while searching as download unity development tool then we can make apps which can run on both Windows and Mac.
My doubts are
1.How we can make an unity 3D app using xcode?
2.Can we use objective c code?(I got informations like we can only use javascript/c# for mobile app development in unity 3D)
Please help me...
thanks in Advance