VSTS linking *to* work items on the product backlog view in VSTS? - azure-devops

In Jira you can simply copy the URL of a work item to link to it, send it to someone on slack or whatever. Super handy.
In VSTS it doesn't look like that's possible, the URL doesn't change based on the work item selected.
The best I could do was copy the little link on the top left which goes to the work items edit screen but what I'd really like is a link which goes to the work item popup with the sprint wall in the background

You can copy the link to the work item by right-clicking, copy link location from just about any work item grid and board.
You can copy the work item link from the Edit view by right-clicking the WORK ITEM TYPE #123 and selecting "copy link address"
There is no link which will directly open the backlog view or board view with the work item in edit mode.


How to add master-info for tags in Azure DevOps WorkItems (Backlog), so the added tags appear in the dropdown list when 'Add Tag' button is clicked

WorkItems (Backlog)
I want to add new master information for tags, so that my newly added tags will appear in the dropdown list when the +Add Tag button is clicked.
I want my new set of tags appear for selection in the dropdown when the Add tag is clicked. In which screen can i add this master info ?
I know that i can type-in a new tag for a WorkItem, but thats not what i want.
I cant find the screen where i can add this information. I have contributor permissions.
Currently, there's no build-in feature to add master info for work item tags.
You could check this official link for details: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/queries/add-tags-to-work-items?view=azure-devops#delete-remove-or-manage-tags
As you said, you could achieve this by add a new tag to a work item first, then this newly create tag will display as "suggestions" in the dropdown list when adding tags to other work items.
The Market Tags Manager will allow you to manage existing Tags (but not add): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=YodLabs.TagsManager2
Update 1
Yes, the work item tags are working the same with "Boards -> Work items" and "Boards -> Backlogs". (It is an expected computations of Azure DevOps)

Finish work item from "Work items" list in Azure DevOps

When I have the list view of work items which will show if I click "Work items", how do I change state of a work item or view comments? Work items seem to not be draggable. There seems to be no dropdown to use to change the state. The comments speech bubbles seems to not be clickable.
This is really a simple one. You should double click on a work item so that you will able see all the details in it. Along with the details you can view comments. On the top right corner you can see a drop down for state, through which you can change the state.
You have there different views. Boards is like a Kanban - you can there chanage a state by drag and drop to different columns. But you will not be able there to see comment wihtout going inside.
Sprints is kind iof similar but introduce context of sprint. So you have timeline with columns representing states for given timebox/sprint.
Use this view which works best for you, but try and check as this is the best way to learn it.

Custom Work Item Types don't show in any Board or Backlog?

We've created a new work item type called "Improvement", but found that it does not show in any board or backlog - only search. After some digging in settings, I found this:
Can you really not add new work item types and get them into your workflow along side the default types?
In this page, hover with the mouse on the work item level you want to include your custom item and click "Edit":
In the screen that opens you can add the custom work item.

Automatic refresh on collection-repeat stopped working on ionic 1.0.0-rc.3

Here is a codepen http://codepen.io/shirha/pen/BNBxWJ/ to better show my question.
First notice on the recipes tab that Briar Heart shows on multiple rows.
Now navigate to the ingredients tab and uncheck Briar Heart.
And then tab back to the recipes tab and notice that all the Briar Heart recipes have been removed (thanks to the filter:available).
Now go to the options tab and click refresh ingredients.
The recipes tabs includes Briar Heart again. Notice that clicking the Briar Heart ingredient button on the recipe tab also unchecks the ingredient and removes the recipes.
If you now change the link to the ionic-bundle.js to 1.0.0-rc.3 and perform the same steps, you will notice that the recipes tab will not refresh without scrolling forward past the buffer specified on the collection-repeat.
I've tried to code an scope.$apply() to work around this but I don't know how to do this and have been unsuccessful so far. I'm not sure if this is the right idea.
I think in your case the best option is to disable the view caching. The view will get cached (even if the state changes in the background) and not immediately updated. You will notice if you follow your steps above, but then click on another item on the recipes view (when Brian Heart still shows, but shouldn't be) it will also update the scope and the view will reflect the correct changes. Here is and updated working codepen http://codepen.io/gnomeontherun/pen/KpPLop?editors=001.
.config(function($ionicConfigProvider) {

Wordpress - Show Portfolio Categories

I'm working with a WordPress website and a client wants to show a list of categories in the footer. Unfortunately, it is showing as empty because he has no posts and has set the categories to portfolio items which he wants people to be able to click to.
So, how do I show the portfolio categories in the widget rather than the post categories?
Probably the easiest way I can think of to get the result that you want without having to resort to changing any Theme Files would be this:
Log into your Wordpress Dashboard
Navigate to Appearance->Menus
Create a new Menu, and (if applicable) enable the Custom Taxonomies for your menu by clicking on Screen Options (top right-hand corner of the page) and ticking your Portfolio's Custom Categories and/or Custom Post Types
Once all of the items you want is in your Custom Menu, save it.
Navigate to Appearance->Widgets
Add the Custom Menu Widget to the sidebar in which you would like your items to appear
Select the Custom Menu you just created, and Save
When dealing with Premium Themes, it would always be safest to stay out of their code and avoid changing anything altogether, so try this approach first. Otherwise, you may have to get your hands dirty and alter some code or contact the Theme Developer.