How to add master-info for tags in Azure DevOps WorkItems (Backlog), so the added tags appear in the dropdown list when 'Add Tag' button is clicked - azure-devops

WorkItems (Backlog)
I want to add new master information for tags, so that my newly added tags will appear in the dropdown list when the +Add Tag button is clicked.
I want my new set of tags appear for selection in the dropdown when the Add tag is clicked. In which screen can i add this master info ?
I know that i can type-in a new tag for a WorkItem, but thats not what i want.
I cant find the screen where i can add this information. I have contributor permissions.

Currently, there's no build-in feature to add master info for work item tags.
You could check this official link for details:
As you said, you could achieve this by add a new tag to a work item first, then this newly create tag will display as "suggestions" in the dropdown list when adding tags to other work items.
The Market Tags Manager will allow you to manage existing Tags (but not add):
Update 1
Yes, the work item tags are working the same with "Boards -> Work items" and "Boards -> Backlogs". (It is an expected computations of Azure DevOps)


Custom Work Item Types don't show in any Board or Backlog?

We've created a new work item type called "Improvement", but found that it does not show in any board or backlog - only search. After some digging in settings, I found this:
Can you really not add new work item types and get them into your workflow along side the default types?
In this page, hover with the mouse on the work item level you want to include your custom item and click "Edit":
In the screen that opens you can add the custom work item.

adding custom child items to feature cards

I have created some custom work item types and added them to the Requirement backlog area of the Backlog levels. We are using a customized Scrum template. Now what i would like to do it get them to show up on my feature card and be available as Add Custom Work Item Type. I would like something similiar to how on an card in the backlog items, the card with show the number of tasks and how many tasks have been completed, it will also show how many test have been added. Also if you click the button (3 dots) you have an option to Add Task and an option to Add Test. See images.
On the feature cards I only have the option to Add Backlog Item, is there a way to have my custom backlog item show on card and be available in the popup menu.
For now, only the default work item type for the requirement backlog level can be added through Feature board.
Such as the requirement backlog level contains the work item types: myPBI and Product Backlog Item (as below example). And if the myPBI is set as default work item type, then you can only add myBPI WIT through Feature board.
And I posted the user voice Enable to add all work item types at the same level through the parent work item type board which suggest this feature (enable to add both PBI and myPBI through Feature board as above example), you can vote and follow up.

VSTS linking *to* work items on the product backlog view in VSTS?

In Jira you can simply copy the URL of a work item to link to it, send it to someone on slack or whatever. Super handy.
In VSTS it doesn't look like that's possible, the URL doesn't change based on the work item selected.
The best I could do was copy the little link on the top left which goes to the work items edit screen but what I'd really like is a link which goes to the work item popup with the sprint wall in the background
You can copy the link to the work item by right-clicking, copy link location from just about any work item grid and board.
You can copy the work item link from the Edit view by right-clicking the WORK ITEM TYPE #123 and selecting "copy link address"
There is no link which will directly open the backlog view or board view with the work item in edit mode.

sharepoint online, set edit item view as default instead new item view

I am working in a small SharePoint project to let school students pre-order the lunch online.
the main idea is the student can login to a school site, fill an order form.
I try use a list form to do it, just simply put a InfoPath form as web part on the home page.
When students open the site, he can fill the order form directly.
but the problem is the default view of this web part is always the new item form. so when a student already make the order, then login to site again,
how can I let him see his order and edit it instead a new order form.
another way may be use the form library, but i don't know how can i transfer the filed from the form to a list. because at last we still need a list instead a bunch of documents to get the summary of order.
Thank you for help.
Perhaps you can use a custom list and show that on the homepage?
A 'custom list' by default only has a title column but by adding more columns through the list settings you automatically add form fields on its new item form.
Since you are creating an order form you might want to hide the title column. Go to the settings of the list, then advanced settings, allow editing of content types. Then back in the list settings click the 'item' content type, then the title column then click the radio button for hidden.

Umbraco 7 lists

I am new to Umbraco, and am trying to get to grips with its concepts, in particular how to create lists. For example, you might want a news listing that appears on a page as a list of headlines with mouseover extra content, but you don't want to be able to click on an item and open a full page, it's just there as a list.
You could create a repeating grid of content on the page itself, but that could become unwieldy.
It looks like (correct me if I am wrong) the Umbraco way is to create a parent page, and each news item to be a child page, which can be edited individually, and use a partial view to list them on the required page.
Is this the recommended approach?
If so, two questions :
How do I exclude these news 'phantom' pages from the main navigation - I understand I could set a true/false property on the page with alias umbracoNaviHide and tick this (which excludes it from 'visible' in the queries)
If so, how do I prevent direct access to the news page by its url (the umbracoNaviHide does not prevent the page opening)
Presumably these news pages would show in the back end main view as they would be descendants of the home page?
Any advice welcome!
You can use a Content Repository to hold content objects that won't be pages in your application.
Use following steps:
Step 1: Create the root content repository document type
Go to your backend to the Settings section. Under Document Types create a new type and give it the name Content Elements. After creating this make sure to check the checkbox of Allow at root in order to add this element to your root in the Content section.
Step 2: Add your newly created document type to the root of the content
Go to the Content section and choose to add a new item directly under content ( select the three dots next to Content ).
Select your Content Elements item, give it a name and click save.
Step 3: Remove the checkbox allow at root
You only want to add one Content Reposity item to your root where you will place all items like news, jobs, locations,...
Go to the settings of the Content Elements document type and remove the checkbox of Allow at root.
Step 4: Create a child repository for each type
Using your example I will now create a News document type which will be a child item of the Content Elements repository.
Go to the Document Types under Setting in your backend and choose to add a new document type. Give it a name News and choose save.
In the settings of the Content Elements check the checkbox of the newly created News item to allow as a child.
Step 5: Add the news list in your content
In the content section choose to add a new item under the Content Elements using the three dots.
Select the News item, give it a name and choose save.
Step 6: Create a new document for the news item
One more item is a NewsItem which will hold the properties/information of the item.
Using the same steps of 4 you can easly add this. Be aware that now you have to go to the News item where you will add a check to the NewsItem checkbox to allow as a child.
Also now define some properties of the newsitem.
Step 7: Add newsitems in the content
Using the same steps from 5 you can now add items in the news list.
Step 8: How to place a content element on to your page
If you have created a page you can add a property with a ContentPicker datatype which can be used to select a item from the Content Elements repository. Or using partial views you can create a list from the News to get all items.
Hope this helps!