Finish work item from "Work items" list in Azure DevOps - azure-devops

When I have the list view of work items which will show if I click "Work items", how do I change state of a work item or view comments? Work items seem to not be draggable. There seems to be no dropdown to use to change the state. The comments speech bubbles seems to not be clickable.

This is really a simple one. You should double click on a work item so that you will able see all the details in it. Along with the details you can view comments. On the top right corner you can see a drop down for state, through which you can change the state.

You have there different views. Boards is like a Kanban - you can there chanage a state by drag and drop to different columns. But you will not be able there to see comment wihtout going inside.
Sprints is kind iof similar but introduce context of sprint. So you have timeline with columns representing states for given timebox/sprint.
Use this view which works best for you, but try and check as this is the best way to learn it.


Custom Work Item Types don't show in any Board or Backlog?

We've created a new work item type called "Improvement", but found that it does not show in any board or backlog - only search. After some digging in settings, I found this:
Can you really not add new work item types and get them into your workflow along side the default types?
In this page, hover with the mouse on the work item level you want to include your custom item and click "Edit":
In the screen that opens you can add the custom work item.

VSTS linking *to* work items on the product backlog view in VSTS?

In Jira you can simply copy the URL of a work item to link to it, send it to someone on slack or whatever. Super handy.
In VSTS it doesn't look like that's possible, the URL doesn't change based on the work item selected.
The best I could do was copy the little link on the top left which goes to the work items edit screen but what I'd really like is a link which goes to the work item popup with the sprint wall in the background
You can copy the link to the work item by right-clicking, copy link location from just about any work item grid and board.
You can copy the work item link from the Edit view by right-clicking the WORK ITEM TYPE #123 and selecting "copy link address"
There is no link which will directly open the backlog view or board view with the work item in edit mode.

Swift- How do I make it so that if the user clicks the button it takes them to a new view?

I'm currently trying to create a small notepad app, and i'm in need of help. I am using a Tabbed View Application. Say we had a view that has two text fields for Name and short description, and then a button beneath saying "Create Note".
How can I make this button change the view to my editor/notepad view that does not have the tabs at the bottom?
If you are using storyboards, which I assume that you are, what you will want to use are triggered movements called segues.
To create one, right-click on the button and drag the line that appears to the second view, and then release.
It should look like this:
Then, when you release, a gray box will appear, with a list of segues. You can find out what each one does online, and as you get more advanced you can develop custom ones.
However, use Modal as a basic one to begin with.
Hope this helps,
PS. In the future, try and make your questions more specific, and do some research before you ask a question. It's important that you gain a good reputation on Stack Overflow if you want your questions answered properly.

Android delete from listview, user experience

I've seen how iphone users delete from lists - its generally a swipe action and then shows some minus/remove button.
I realize that it is counterproductive to implement iphone things on android because android users don't know this stuff.
I don't want to do that, I just don't know of a better/intuitive way to delete from a listview.
I've previously opted for doing "longclicks" on listview items, which will show an alertdialog asking if you want to delete or do other things, but this is never an obvious thing to do.
I've seen delete buttons that are shown in each view, but that messes with the layout of the listview, in a way that wasnt' considered in the wireframes.
What is a good intuitive way to allow the user to remove items from listviews on android?
Here's my two cents before I pitch my answer. Any one who has an android phone is going to know or eventually find out that longclicks often lead to another menu. Yes, it's not immediately obvious but they are going to figure it out just as iphone users have figured out the swipe action is to delete.
If you really want a fool proof way for a user to know how to delete, I would implement checkBoxes. (More on check boxes here)If the user checks the item, bring up a "soft menu" at the bottom that has a bunch of options normally associated with long clicks.
If you look at the gmail application and check a box, you'll see what I mean when I say "soft menu".
Another way you could go would be to implement check box, then have "menu options." Every android user should be able to see and figure out the menu button on their device, all devices have them. Make one of the menu options delete and you're all set.
I agree that long click is horrible, but it is the standard on Android; people are more likely to be able to discover using this than any alternative gesture.
Also, put in a delete menu item on the Activity you get to after selecting something from the ListView.
In my view you should add checkbox to your list view and give a separate button for deleting items from list I mean to say that add a delete button in the layout in which your list view is also present and when user checks the item which he/she wants to delete and click on the delete button,the item which is checked by the user gets remove from list.

Select dropdown list accessibility/usability

I am trying to find the most usable/accessible way to implement a simple form dropdown list which will sort a list of products by pice and alphabetical order.
In your opinion is the dropdown more usable when there is a button that governs its submission or when it automatically submits onchange of the dropdown?
The research I have read is both for and against such methods and there is a variery of implementations on the web so interest to hear the thoughts of the community.
Thanks in advance
As a blind computer user either method works fine. I find that having a button to click is slightly easier for me then the onchange event firing. I wouldn't say it's a big enough difference to take into account though assuming the majority of your users will not be disabled. If your targeting specifically blind users I would not use the onchange event.
So long as you do not change focus or navigate to another page when the selection changes, either approach should work. The classic example of a problem dropdown is where it contains a list of other pages on the site, and navigates as soon as the selection changes. This prevents a keyboard user from using the list; they can't browse it, and can't navigate to any pages beyond the first selection, since it's impossible to navigate past those. So in cases where focus changes or the page navigates as a consequence, having a separate action (eg. Go button, or handling enter) to cause the navigation to take place is essential. This is likely where the advice you've read is coming from.
In this case, however, it sounds as though you are just updating content elsewhere on the page, and not changing focus or doing navigation. Simply resorting existing content should be fine.
Depends on your users and their respective expectations and the context in which it's presented.
As a blanket, general statement, you should have the drop down accompanied by very obvious submission button. That is the safer approach.
If you are refreshing page data or if the focus moves away after the dropdown option is selected, you should use a button to be accessible. If you fire the event on change, blind or keyboard-only users will not be able to use the dropdown menu at all if they are on windows with ie and chrome (so added together, a majority of the people on windows). As soon as they use the arrows to scroll down and make a selection, the first option they hit will be selected and the page data will refresh or the focus will move, making it impossible for them to navigate or select the second option, third option, etc. Below is a thorough explanation with examples so you can see what I mean.
Designers definitely don't like the buttons, but if you are blind and on chrome/ie, it is impossible to use a lot of dropdowns without it. I'm guessing Jared uses firefox or a mac.