Create stripe like button on PayPal - paypal

I do not want to redirect my customers to PayPal website for making payment. I love the way Stripe takes credit card number via popup.
How can I do the similar thing with PayPal?

Presuming you are talking about an in-context experience using light box -
- Use the new PayPal button. Try it out here


How to generate clean PayPal checkout from a Buy Now button?

My experience with PayPal is that yes, they will process credit cards, but only after they pressure my customer to use their PayPal account, instead, if they have one, and to sign up for a PayPal account if they don't have one. And the PayPal checkout is, in general, full of PayPal icons.
But I came across a BUY NOW button on a Weebly page ( where the checkout, when you click the Buy Now for the widget product, is very clean, asking simply for credit card information without a peep about PayPal, and no PayPal icons anywhere.
Does anyone know how this was done?
It must have been Payments Pro. That's the only way to integrate credit cards directly without any redirection or iframe or anything like that.
Part of the Pro agreement, though, is that you'll also include Express Checkout as an option on your site. This way users could simply choose credit card or PayPal, and if they choose CC it'll be direct with no redirection or PayPal logos (or however you design that into your site). If they choose PayPal it would redirect like they'd expect so they can sign in and pay.
If you don't include Express Checkout they'll eventually warn you, and then jack up your fees a little bit on your Pro transactions.
It's really recommended to include PayPal as an option anyway because conversion rates are proven to rise when you do.

Express Checkout - Go straight to credit card payment?

I have a simple e-commerce site using Paypal. At the moment, it has a single button at the end of the process which takes the user to Paypal. At this point, the user has to either pay directly through paypal or by using their credit card.
I would like to replace the single button with one that takes them to the regular Paypal process and a few others (credit card logos), which send the user to the credit card payment form on Paypal (cutting out the selection stage).
Is there anyway to do this?
Any advice appreciated.
I know it is been six months but maybe someone will come to this page for an answer:
In express-checkout api you can set landing page for credit card with this:
Here is the documentation

How to implemet creadit card and debit card payment in salesforce

I want to implement payment gateway in salesforce for credit card and debit card payments. I have done research and got information only to create paypal buttons. After payment submission i want to get transaction id and message from paypal. How can i achieve this?
If you are not experienced with API development, paypal API details are here:
Then the best other option is an App. I have used the connected Epos solution, which is great for taking payments from credit cards, either with the customer present (chip n pin) or by keying in the card numbers. You need to get the PayPalHere card terminal which is about $50, but it is a great all round solution.

Paypal Standard - is it possible to keep user on site

Just as the question title explains - when using paypal standard, is it possible to keep the user on site instead of directing them to paypal to log in and authorise the payment.
With Website Payments Standard (the regular HTML-based 'Buy now' / 'Add to cart' buttons): no. This is not possible.
You'll need to integrate with an API-based solution such as Adaptive Embedded Payments or Express Checkout for Digital Goods if you want the buyer to remain on your site and still pay with PayPal.
It may provide a better purchase flow if PayPal could be integrated into your website, but would users know they're actually logging into PayPal and that their user id/passwords are not being compromised?

integrating paypal check without leaving your site

I want to integrate paypal in my website. But my requirement is, I dont want my customers to go into paypal site for payment. (I know it is not a secure way, but it is my requirements) Is there a way such that I can do credit card checks in backend using paypal APIs ? If so, which method to be used? I want it for "singapore" country and SGD as currency.
Waiting for your suggestions!!!
Thanks in advance. :)
Are you trying to avoid your users having to navigate to PayPal or are you trying to 'hide' the use of PayPal?
The prior should be easy enough to resolve. PayPay provide several tools (and instructions) on how to build a "Pay Now" button, which you can manipulate server side to include a dynamic amount and order ID etc. This would forward the user to a PayPal page to login and confirm payment, then return them to your site (any page you specify) on completion. You can also link this to an IPN. The PayPal payment page can be skinned / branded to an extent.
What you are looking is called Direct Payment. Here is more info about it:
Maybe you are looking for this Paypal product